牛津版四年级英语下册Unit 3 My day 第1课时 Story time-Fun time 练习卷

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牛津版四年级英语下册Unit 3 My day 第1课时 Story time-Fun time 练习卷_第1页
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牛津版四年级英语下册Unit 3 My day 第1课时 Story time-Fun time 练习卷_第2页
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牛津版四年级英语下册Unit 3 My day 第1课时 Story time-Fun time 练习卷_第3页
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牛津版四年级下册Unit 3 My day 第1课时 Story time-Fun time 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . You can see _ in Australia. ( )AkangaroosBpandasCpolar bears2 . What time it is now? ( ) _.AAt sevenBIts eightCAt six3 . Yesterday my mum was out. I had to _my little sister. ( )Alook likeBlook forClook after4 . I _ football at three thirty. ( )Aplay theBhaveCplay找出不同类的单词。5 . AstudentBteacherCCanada6 . Athe UKBChinaCfriend7 . AboyBgirlCpupil8 . AsheBteacherChe9 . AthisBwhereCthat10 . _is the singing contest? ( )Its in May.AWhereBWhichCWhen二、填空题11 . 看图写词组。三、汉译英根据中文意思完成句子。12 . 我通常在晚上看篮球赛。I _ the basketball match _ the evening.13 . 我们通常七点钟吃晚饭。We usually _.14 . 我每天九点睡觉。I _ at nine every day.15 . 我每天五点半做作业。I _ at five thirty every day.16 . 星期一下午我们有一节体育课。We _ PE lesson _ afternoon.四、英汉混合17 . 汉互译。1. 坐下_ 6.look at the book _2. 听_ 7.Whats this? _3. 起立_ 8.close the window _4. 开门_ 9.Im sorry._5.不要喊_ 10.in the library _五、匹配题选出句子的正确的答语,将其大写字母编号写在括号内。ANice to meet you, too.BMy name is Kate.CI am fine. Thank you.DGood evening.EHi, Ben.FOK. Here you are.18 . May I use your book?(_)19 . Hello, Kate. (_)20 . Good evening.(_)21 . Whats your name? (_)22 . How are you?(_)23 . Nice to meet you. (_)第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、填空题1、三、汉译英1、四、英汉混合1、五、匹配题1、

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