人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Unit 2 Ways to go to school 单元测试卷

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人教PEP版英语六年级上册 Unit 2 Ways to go to school 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Sometimes Lucy isnt a good girl _ home.( )AtoBforCat2 . Please _ toCanadathissummerholiday! ( )AcomeBcameCcoming3 . The children go to school _ the bus.AbyBinCon4 . Lets _ on Sunday.Ok.Awatch a TVBwatch TVCplay a football5 . What would you like? ( )Id like an .AmilkBsandwichCorange6 . May I _?Alook atBhave a lookChave look二、情景交际7 . 你提醒别人必须注意交通信号灯,可以说:_( )AYoumustpayattentiontothetrafficlight.BYoumustpayattentiontotheredlight.8 . “那是图画吗?”用英语要说:_ ( )AThat is a picture.BIs this a picture?CIs that a picture?9 . 如果埃米想知道你的毛衣是什么颜色的, 她应问:_( )AWhat colour is your sweater?BWhere is your sweater?10 . 如何表达“她在你的的右边”。( )AShes on your left.BShes on your right.11 . 你这样告诉去河里游泳的小学生:( )ANo swimming.BNo parking.CNo bikes.三、填空题12 . 选词填空。was is on when summer because birthday in1. He talked to Mocky the phone.2. It was December 1st. It _ Mockys birthday.3. I am Australia4. is your birthday? 5. it cold there? 6. It was hot. It was there. 7. Happy !8. He was very happy_ he had his own gift.13 . 请将下面的单词分类,并将序号填在括号里。pandapencil boxear cat blackcakegreenface crayon rice1.文具类:(_)2.动物类:(_)3.身体部位类:(_)4.颜色类:(_)5.食物类:(_)四、判断题14 . 读一读,判断图文是(T)否(F)一致。(_) 1.Its hot and rainy in summer. (_) 2.The weather is very hot. (_) 3.In summer, the flowers are strong. (_) 4.They are swimming. 五、选内容补全对话15 . 根据所给提示,写句子补全对话。_?He likes playing basketball.六、匹配题选择图片对应的单词。AeyeBknifeCbookDcrayonEpencil boxFarmGear16 . (_)17 . (_)18 . (_)19 . (_)20 . (_)21 . (_)22 . (_)七、连词成句23 . 连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。1. things, in, are, the, now, the, car_2. you, what, wrong, is, with_3. you, let, help, me_4. is, the, what, weather, today, like_5. you, me, please, could, help_6. are, what, they, colour_7. many, minutes, hour, there, how, are, in, an_8. him, give, please, water, a, of, bottle_9. to, I, put, the, ball, in, the, box, want_10. fox, wolf, friends, and, are_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、三、填空题1、2、四、判断题1、五、选内容补全对话1、六、匹配题1、七、连词成句1、


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