人教版(PEP)2020版六年级英语下册小升初专项提优训练:单项选择 (三)D卷

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人教版(PEP)2020版六年级英语下册小升初专项提优训练:单项选择 (三)D卷_第1页
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人教版(PEP)2020版六年级英语下册小升初专项提优训练:单项选择 (三)D卷_第2页
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人教版(PEP)2020版六年级英语下册小升初专项提优训练:单项选择 (三)D卷_第3页
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人教版(PEP)2020版六年级下册小升初专项提优训练:单项选择 (三)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . I get up _ 7:00 _ the morning. ( )Aat; inBat; atCin; in2 . Lets _ together.( )AplayBplayingCplays3 . She is to her teacher. ( )AtalkingBtalkCtalks4 . _ is nature? ( )Everything is nature.AWhereBWhatCHow5 . What _ children do at Halloween? ( )AdoBdoesCis6 . I _ thin when I was two. ( )AamBwereCwasnt7 . Can you play _ violin? ( )AanBaCthe8 . Whatdoyoulikedoing?Helikes_.( )Ato playthe basketballBplaybasketballCplayingbasketball9 . Myfamily _sixmembers. ( )AhasBhadChave10 . _ this your pen? ( )AIsBAreCis11 . The leavesdown from the trees in autumn.AfallBfellCfails12 . 选出不同类的词。( )1. A.sixteen B.crayon C.twenty( )2. A.pencil B.nineteen C.bag( )3. A.jump B.seventeen C.eighteen( )4. A.three B.thirteen C.many( )5. A.open B.elevenC.twelve13 . I have apple in my hand. ( )AaBtheCan14 . _ did you do on your holiday? ( )AHowBWhereCWhat15 . Thats when she _.AcomingBcomeCcomes16 . We _ a football game on TV. ( )AseeBlookCwatch17 . This is a new word. We can _ in the dictionary.( )Alook it upBlook up itCit look up找出不同类的单词。18 . AtallerBthanColder19 . AsharkBwhaleCsize20 . ArunningBdivingCbigger21 . AthinnerByoungCstrong22 . AsizeBcmCkg23 . There _ a clock on the wall and there _ some toys in the box. ( )Ais; isBare; areCis; are24 . The box in so big. Whats _ it? ( )AinBon25 . We are rabbits. We_ a new flat. ( )AhaveBhasCisDare26 . Itsnotfar.Its_AnearBlongCfar27 . 选择正确的译文。A.健康的B.埃米C.再见D.谢谢你E.我是【小题1】Amy(_)【小题2】goodbye(_)【小题3】fine(_)【小题4】thank you (_)【小题5】Im(_)28 . His mother is _ actress and his father is _ good engineer. Aan, anBan, aCa, an29 . The coat is two _ yuan. ( )AhundredBhundredsChundreds30 . Julie can _ well. She likes _.( )Apaint, paintingBpainting, paintingCpainting, paint31 . Miss White _ on a farm. ( )AworksBworkCworking32 . We have breakfast at half seven. ( )ApastBatCto33 . There _ orange juice in the glass a moment ago. ( )Awasnt anyBisnt anyCarent any34 . -_ do you live? ( )-I live in Tianjin, China.AWhatBWhoCWhere35 . Are there _ houses near the river? ( )Yes, there are _.Asome; someBany; someCany; anyDsome; any36 . Look at them. Its difficult to choose! ( )A难得选出B难于选择C难上加难37 . I hope you _ this postcard. ( )AlikeBlikingCloving38 . The teacherthe blackboard, then we learned the words. ( )Apoints atBpointed atCis pointing at39 . . I dont want _a new dress. ( )AbuyBbuysCto buy40 . Do you want_be my pen pal? ( )AtoBforC/Din41 . In autumn, the farmers are busyflowers. ( )AplantingBplantCto plantDplants42 . I want to _a banana.AeatBdoCeats43 . The bears _ under the tree. ( )Ais sleepingBare sleepingCsleeps44 . Iknowagreat _restaurant. ( )AChinaBUSACItalian45 . What _ your father do? ( )He is a policeman.AisBcanCdoes46 . On Mid-Autumn Day, Ill _ with my family. ( )Aeat chocolate eggsBeat zongziCeat mooncakes47 . This is _ bag. ( )AXiaoyongBXiaoyongsCXiaoyongs48 . You have _ bad cold. You must take _ medicine. ( )Aa, someB, aCthe, the49 . ( )Ahave breakfastBmake the bed50 . Where _ the knife? ( )AareBisCdoes51 . The bear _ a mouth. ( )AhaveBhasCis52 . The _ day he _ to the Palace Museum.( )Aone; wentBfirst; goCfirst; went53 . Its Toms turn _ (wash) the dishes today.54 . 选择下列每组单词中不同类的单词(_) 1. A. builder B. driver C. younger D. teacher(_) 2. A. capital B. sun C. moon D. star(_) 3. A. ear B. natural C. eye D. nose(_) 4. A. Australia B. Japan C. Canada D. Sydney(_) 5. A. road B. live C. street D. harbour(_) 6. A. kiwi B. deer C. country D. rabbit(_) 7. A. head B. hair C. lake D. hand(_) 8. A. musician B. made C. scientist D. doctor(_) 9. A. free B. funny C. famous D. happy(_) 10. A. airport B. appear C. remember D. save55 . _ is very popular in the UK. _ is very popular in China. ( )AFootball; BasketballBFootball; Table tennisCBasketball; Table tennis56 . Do you have _ stickers? ( )Yes, I have_.Aany; someBsome; anyCany; any57 . The Chinese cartoon Shaolin Kids is_ TV at 8 oclock. ( )AatBinCon58 . _are you going to the bookstore?( ) This afternoon.AWhatBWhereCWhen59 . I have music class _ Wednesday. ( )AinBonCat60 . Our families and relatives get together and have a big meal together during the _.AAprilBSpring FestivalCChildrens Day61 . -Whose son is this ?-ours.( )AHisBShesCHes62 . Therean outing in our school next week. ( )Awill beBwill holdCis going to beDis going to have63 . _came to our school last week. ( )AThe WilliamsBWilliamsCThe WilliamsDThe William64 . ( ) (5)We can _ celebrate your birthday.来源:Z。xx。k.ComAallBeitherCto第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、60、

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