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牛津版英语八年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解D卷一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共80分)1. (8分)阅读理解 Susan and Sally are sisters. They live with their parents on a farm deep in the countryside.Growing up in the countryside gives them so much fun. As children, they are never bored because there is always something to do on the farm. Every day they get up early and help their parents feed the cows before school. In the evening, after they finish their homework, they work in the fields until the sun goes down. Weekends are their favorite time because they can have picnics in the country and, when the weather is really good, go camping.(1)Susan and Sally live . A . in the forestB . in the cityC . in a townD . in the country(2)They are never bored because . A . they have a lot of things to do every dayB . they go to school every dayC . they have picnics every weekendD . they go camping in the good weather(3)They often feed the cows . A . before getting upB . after finishing their homeworkC . before going to schoolD . on weekends(4)Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage? A . Its not interesting for Susan and Sally to grow up in the countryside.B . They are always bored on the farm.C . They help their parents do a lot of things on the farm.D . They can have picnics and go camping at any time.(5)Whats the best title of the passage? A . Funny sisters.B . Helpful sisters.C . A beautiful farm in the countryside.D . An interesting life in the countryside.2. (8分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Do you want to be in good health? Try to do the following things! You can become stronger. Drink eight cups of water every day. Water helps your body in many ways. If you feel thirsty, just have a cup of water. Dont forget to eat your breakfast. Breakfast gives you everything your body needs for the morning, so do not forget your breakfast. Get enough calcium(钙). Your bones need it. Milk has more calcium. You may also drink soya milk. Go for a walk every day after meals. Walking is good exercise, and people need exercise for good health. Its better to walk after meals. Stretch for five minutes alter sitting for one or two hours Stretching your arms and legs is good for your body. Use your brain(大脑) every day. For example, you can do stand crossword puzzle or read a new book. Have a rest for about twenty minutes when you are tired. You may do something different to have a break. For example, stand up and walk. Or sit down to listen to music. (1)How many things does this passage mention for you to do if you want to keep health? A . FiveB . SixC . SevenD . Eight(2)Which meal can give what your body needs for the morning? A . BreakfastB . LunchC . Dessert(甜点)D . Dinner(3)What does the underlined word Stretch mean in Chinese? A . 喝水B . 跳跃C . 跑步D . 伸展(4)Which of the following is true according to this passage? A . Reading a new book can improve our brain.B . We can only drink eight cups of water every day.C . We should stretch for fifteen minutes after two hours.D . Have a rest for about five minutes when you are tired.(5)What is the best title of this passage? A . Its Important to Keep HealthyB . Ways to Keep HealthyC . Why People Do ExerciseD . Take Care of yourself3. (8分)阅读理解 How do you spend your spare time? There will be different answers to it. Most people in Poland(波兰)have their own ways of spending free time. They have many different hobbies,which help them to get away from their everyday problems and spend their free time happily. Many Polish(波兰的)people like travelling. They always look for new places that they have never been to and add new and exciting experiences to their journey. Some of them like to climb mountains, others like to go to a sea or a lake to swim,because these can make them get exercise and are good for their health. Many Polish people also like to do sports in their free time. They are usually crazy about football,and football is regarded as the Polish national sport. Many football tans may support a certain team, so they go to watch every match of the team they support, and they buy many things that have relations with the team. Watching sport and doing it are both good ways to relax. In addition, doctors say that doing sports is very good for health. Many people in town, especially young men, often go to the gym to attend the exercise classes to keep fit. (1)Polish people have many hobbies in order to . A . solve their daily problemsB . finish all their workC . make more friendsD . relax themselves in their spare time(2)Which of the following sports is NOT mentioned in the passage? A . Playing football.B . Climbing mountains.C . Skating.D . Swimming.(3)What is the main idea of Paragraph 3? A . Football is many Polish peoples favourite sport.B . Young Polish people often go to the gym.C . All the Polish people do sports in their spare time.D . Most Polish people like watching sport.(4)What can we learn from the passage? A . Polish culture is colourful.B . We can have many ways of spending our free time.C . A doctor can give you good advice.D . There is no need to do sports.4. (8分)阅读理解 Simon lived in a big house with his family in the southeast of Australia. Their house was 20 kilometers from the town, at a beautiful beach. There were five people in his family. Theyre his parents, his two younger sisters and him. The house had four bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and two bathrooms. In front of the house, there were many trees and flowers. They had a very big farm around the house, and thousands of sheep were there. In the morning, Simon took a school bus to his school in the town. And after school, he helped his parents do some farm work. At weekends his school friends often came to visit. They usually travelled there by bus. On the farm they played games, went swimming and had a picnic together. They thought it was a nice place to live in. It was so relaxing, and never dull. (1)Simon and his family lived . A . near the seaB . in the townC . behind the forestD . on the mountain(2)There were rooms in their big house. A . sixB . sevenC . eightD . nine(3)Simon went to school by school bus because . A . there was no railroadB . they didnt have a carC . he couldnt ride a bikeD . his house was far from the school(4)Which of the following is TRUE from the passage? A . Simons family had a small farm.B . Simons friends liked staying on the farm.C . Simons friends came to the farm every Monday.D . Simons friends had many kinds of animals on the farm.5. (8分)阅读理解 Northland Adventure(冒险) QuestAugust 417, 2016Northwoods ExperienceA Natural & 25 Cultural Journey25 American Students & 25 Chinese StudentsLearning TogetherAmerican and Chinese students aged 10-14 can have the chance to enjoy this cultural experience. Classes will run from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. at Trees for Tomorrow in Eagle River, Monday through Friday. Trees For Tomorrow, a natural resource specialty(专业) school, is located in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Teachers for the Northland Adventure Quest are Kate Neville and Don Anderson. Take part in exciting day trips while making new friends. Enjoy yourself in the beautiful surroundings. Experience the culture and arts of the local people of Northern Wisconsin, USA. To register(注册), visit www.npsd.k12.wi.us. and click on Northland Adventure Quest or email at Northlandquestnpsd.k12.wi.us. For questions, contact Mike Richie, at 715-479-6487, or Kate Neville at knevillenpsd.k12.wi.us. (1)American and Chinese students _ can have the chance to enjoy this cultural experience. A . aged 6-8B . aged 8-10C . aged 10-12D . aged 10-14(2)Students have classes _. A . in the day on weekendsB . at night on weekendsC . in the day on weekdaysD . at night on weekdays(3)Trees For Tomorrow is_. A . a schoolB . a forestC . a projectD . a plan(4)Students can register _. A . by writing a letterB . by emailing at Northlandquestnpsd.k12.wi.usC . by calling Mike RichieD . by calling Kate Neville(5)Where is the material probably from? A . A piece of newsB . A storybookC . An advertisementD . A letter6. (8分)阅读理解 Mr Robert had a son named Ben, a three-year-old boy. The little boy had been asking for a pet dog for two months, but his father kept saying, Impossible. A dog will kill our rabbits. No way. Ben was disappointed.One evening, when Mrs Robert was cooking potatoes in the kitchen, Ben cried, Dad always says no. Ill never have a dog in a million years. She looked at his face. How could she let him down again? An idea came to change her husbands mind. Dear, I know a way to get you a dog, she said. She handed Ben a potato and told him to keep the potato until it turned into a little dog. How cool Ben thought it was!The next morning, Mr Robert looked out of the window. Guess what? He saw Ben taking a potato for a walk.Thats crazy,Mr Robert said to his wife.Thats right. Your boy cant get a dog. He finally has a potato as a pet. He sleeps with it, talks with it and even showers with it, she said. Even cooking potatoes makes him cry.Mr Robert felt worried a lot and made a decision. He brought back a cute little dog that night. Everyone was happy. Mr Robert thought he saved his son. Ben was sure that his mother had magic. Everything seemed perfect until one evening Ben asked, Mum, can I have a pet horse? She looked at him and said, Well, first you have to take a watermelon.(1)Ben kept asking for for two months. A . a pet rabbitB . a pet chickenC . a pet dogD . a pet horse(2)Bens father said Impossible because a dog would . A . run roundB . hurt BenC . be noisyD . kill their rabbits(3)Mrs Robert told Ben to keep because it would turn into a dog. A . a potato.B . a tomatoC . a watermelonD . a banana(4)Mr Robert brought back a little dog because. A . his friend gave it to himB . he was worriedC . his wife bought the dogD . he liked the dog7. (8分)阅读理解 It has been forty years since Chinas Reform and Opening-up(改革开放). Lets see how China has changed through the years.19781988: New LookIn a 1978 Japanese documentary(记录片) Chinas New Look, there was a scene showing Chinese people life back then. In front of an old-fashioned TV set, some Shanghainese gathered around to watch a TV show. In 1981, only one out of every 170 city families in China had a color TV.19881998: In October 1990, the first McDonalds on the Chinese mainland opened for business in Shenzhen. It quickly became the hottest tourist spot(旅游景点). Many Chinese customers waited in line and shouted to the shop assistant, I want 10 Big Macs, recalled a waiter at McDonald s at that time.19982008: Here Comes WTOFor many Chinese, the year 2001 was very unforgettable. It marked the start of a new millennium(一千年) and led to a whole new era(时代) as China joined the World Trade Organization(WTO). From 2001 to 2017, Chinas average(平均) growth of the import(进口) of goods and services was more than twice the worlds average. 20082018:New BeginningShanghai, a city of long-time business culture, is always a step ahead in Chinas foreign trade. With the successful hosting of Chinas first import expo(展览会) in November 2018, the city went on to develop Chinas import business. The expo will be remembered as a new beginning for Chinas import history.(1)Which picture shows the scene of Chinas New Look? A . B . C . D . (2)Which of the following can be put in ? A . West Meets EastB . New Way of LivingC . All Over the WorldD . Never Forget Old Times(3)How did Chinese people feel when the first McDonalds appeared in China? A . InterestedB . UnhappyC . StrangeD . Worried(4)What can we learn after China joined the WTO? A . Chinese people began to travel abroad.B . China grew very fast in its imports.C . China became more and more popular.D . Foreigners bought a lot of products from China.(5)When and where was Chinas first import expo held? A . In Shanghai, in November, 2001.B . In Shenzhen, in November, 2001.C . In Shanghai, in November, 2018.D . In Shenzhen, in November, 2018.8. (8分)阅读理解 Happiness is for everyone. You dont need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on. Those who have big houses may often feel lonely and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.In fact happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you. When you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health. When you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you. When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it. And when you do something good to others, you will feel happy too. All these are your happiness. If you notice them you can see that happiness is always around you.Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy because you have something else that cant be bought with money. When you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy because you have more chances to challenge yourselves. So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you take every chance you get, you will be a happy and lucky person.(1)Happiness is for . A . all peopleB . those who have a lot moneyC . those who have large and beautiful housesD . those who have cars(2)When you do something wrong, . A . you have no chance to challenge youB . people around you will help youC . your classmates will laugh at youD . you will be happy(3)Happiness is not the same as money means . A . money doesnt always bring happinessB . money always brings happinessC . everything can always bring happinessD . only rich people have happiness(4)Which is the best title for the passage? A . Life and SuccessB . Happiness and LuckC . Do Something Good to OthersD . Happiness9. (8分)根据内容,判断下列句子正误。 These days, school bus accidents happen frequently. Many kids lost their lives in the accidents. Parents feel worried and so do the schools. How to solve this serious problem becomes the focus of the whole society. Some experts(专家) think the government should make new laws of the security (安全) about the school buses. Everyone should try their best to protect the lovely children. Firstly, drivers shouldnt be allowed to drive school buses if they dont take any lessons about safety even if they have a drivers license. Secondly, some school buses are overloaded. They are full of too many children. We should be stricter with these drivers. Thirdly, parents and schools should pay attention to this problem. They shouldnt let their children take the illegal (违法的) school buses. Fourthly, teachers should tell the students how to protect themselves and how to escape when something dangerous happens suddenly. (1)Several kids have lost their lives in the school bus accidents. (2)The government has made new laws about the school bus security. (3)The school bus drivers must take lessons about safety. (4)The safety of the students has nothing to do with schools. (5)Four pieces of advice is given in the passage. 10. (8分)阅读理解 (1)When will the students in Grade Seven have a school trip? A . Next weekB . Next FridayC . At 7:30(2)If the students want to know more about the trip rules, they can call _. A . 84433627B . 86334296C . their head teacher(3)What must the students have if they want to take photos during the trip? A . School uniforms.B . Say hello to the driver.C . Good camera.(4)When and where do the students meet? A . On the playground at7:30.B . On the bus at 8:00.C . At Shuijingfang at 7:30.(5)What do the students have to write in their diary? A . Their emails.B . Their name and class.C . Their photos.第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共80分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、

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