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人教版(新起点)六年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷1姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . _ we go shopping for some fruits. ( )ALast nightBTomorrowCSometimes2 . Ihavecrayons. ( )AsomeBaCan3 . Are there _rivers in the village? ( )AaBsomeCany4 . Wang Bing an animal friend? ( )ADoes; haveBDoes; hasCDo; have5 . The little boy _ all the chocolate in the box. ( )AateBeatCeats6 . -Can you see a girl in a red dress? ( )-AYes, I can. BYes, I do.7 . That boys name is. ( )APeterBJanetCLily8 . _ is one of the school holidays in the UK. ( )ASpring FestivalBEasterCDouble Ninth Festival9 . Teachers Day is _.( )AOctober the firstBSeptember the tenthCMay the first10 . 选出下面各组单词中划线部分读音与给出的音标不同的一个。【小题1】/ i: /( )AtreeBbeatCteaDred【小题2】/ I / ( )ApigBbikeCdishDpin【小题3】/ e / ( )AgetBmeCzestDseven【小题4】/ / ( )AplaneBcatCfanDapple【小题5】/ : / ( )AfatherBcarCbankDmask11 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AoldBseeChear12 . This _Sarah. ( )AamBisCare13 . Mum, Im hungry. Can I _? ( )OK!Aplay footballBhave lunch14 . -What_your brother do yesterday? ( )-He_kites in the park.Ado,flewBdid,flyCdid,flew15 . 父亲( )AfatherBmother16 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AshirtByellowCshorts17 . How can I _?( )Aget to thereBgets thereCget there18 . Mum, Im hot. Id like _. ( ) OK, here you are.Aa sweetBa glass of waterCsome cakes19 . Ihavea _ classonTuesday. ( )AcookBcookingCcooker20 . All the students _ happy _ see each other. ( )Aare, Bis, toCare, to21 . My father _ every day. ( )Agoes to schoolBgoes to work二、阅读选择阅读材料Last April 25th was my birthday. It was Sunday. I got up early in the morning. I ate breakfast, my mother cooked noodles and eggs for me. Then I went to cinema with my friends. It was so cool.In the afternoon, we went to the park. We rode bikes, rowed a boat and took pictures there. We are very happy.At 5:00 p.m., we got home. My mother bought me a birthday cake. They were delicious. I had a nice day and a great birthday.能力测试选择正确的答案填在括号里。22 . When is the girls birthday? ( )AApril 23rd.BApril 25th.CSunday.23 . She ate_ for breakfast. ( )ANoodlesBeggsCnoodles and eggs24 . Where did she go in the morning? ( )AShe went to the park.BShe went to the bookstore.CShe went to the cinema.25 . What did the girl and her friends do in the park? ( )AThey rowed a boat.BThey flew a kite.CThey played football.26 . What did she eat for dinner? ( )AShe ate cake.BShe ate rice.CShe ate dumplings.三、完形填空完形填空。Mozart was born in 1756 and died(死于)in 1791.He died when he was still a _man.He studied music,taught music,_ music and wrote music during his_life. He worked very hard,_he couldnt make_money. Often he_borrow money from his_Though he_a hard life,his music made him_.And for many years his music has made_people of the world happy, too.27 . AyoungBoldCbigDlittle28 . AlistenedBplayedClookedDheard29 . AsmallBlongCshortDkind30 . AandBorCsoDbut31 . AalotBmuchCmanyDvery32 . AcouldBshouldChad toDshouldnt33 . AfriendsBchildrenCpupilsDstudents34 . AworkedBwasCdidDlived35 . AfantasticBhappyCbadDquiet36 . ApoliteBkindCfunnyDother四、填空题37 . Dad is a funny man. He likes _ (tell) jokes. He _ (tell) a joke to us last night.38 . Read and choose.(选择正确的单词补全句子。)1.Come and look_(at/up) Mikes old photos!2. Youre _(wearing/putting) a pink T-shirt.3. (Before/now) _, I was short.4. (Before/now)_, I am tall.五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断句子正“T”误“F”。I have a good friend. His name is Jim. Hes short and heavy. He is young. He is 12 years old. He has short brown hair. He usually wears white shoes. Look! He has a red bag. He likes drawing pictures. And he draws very well. We are going to draw pictures in the park this weekend. We are going there by bike.39 . Jim is short and thin. (_)40 . He has black hair. (_)41 . His bag is red. (_)42 . He likes drawing pictures. (_)43 . We are going to the park on foot. (_)六、句型转换44 . 根据要求完成句子。1.Tim is from Japan.(对画线部分提问)_2.Her favorite fruit is orange. (对画线部分提问)_3. Bobby doesnt like rice or noodles. (改为肯定句)_4. She often drinks coffee (对画线部分提问)_5. Is it ice cream?(做否定回答)_七、填内容补全对话45 . 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格只填一词,首字母已给Mike comes from America. He is 1.t_. His father, Mr. Brown works in a big shop in Beijing. Mike has a 2.s_, her name is Kate. She is only four.It is Saturday today. Mikes family is all at home. Mr. Brown is sitting in a 3.c_and reading todays newspaper. Mrs. Brown is out of the house; she is watering the flowers. Is Mike with his 4.m_? No, he is cleaning his new bike. Where is Kate? She is in 5.h_room. She is playing with her cat. What a happy family!八、选内容补全对话情景交际,补全对话。ALets go there on Sunday morning.BWhere are you from?CDo you like living in Guangzhou?DWhat do you like to do at the weekend?EThat sounds great.Ben: Hello! My name is Ben. I am new here.Janet: Hello! Im Janet. Good morning, Ben46 . Ben: I am from England.Janet: Welcome to Guangzhou.47 . Ben: Yes. It is a beautiful city and the people here are very nice.Janet:48 . Ben: I like to ride a bike in the park nearby.Janet: Really? Can I go with you?Ben: Yes, of course.49 . Janet:50 . See you on Sunday morning.Ben: See you.九、匹配题问答搭配。AYes, I do.BI can sing English songs.CLucy and Lily.DYes, sometimes.ENo, he cant.51 . What can you do for the party? (_)52 . Who can sing and dance? (_)53 . Can John play the pipa?(_)54 . Do you want a new friend? (_)55 . Is your maths teacher strict?(_)56 . 根据问句选择合适的答语,并把答语的序号填到问句前的括号中。ANo, I cant. BIm from China. CYes, I am.DI live in London.EHes watering the flowers.(_) (1) Whats Li Ming doing?(_) (2) Are you cleaning the floor?(_) (3) Can you make a cake?(_) (4) Where do you live?(_) (5) Where are you from?十、书面表达57 . 小作文请以 My family为题介绍你和你家人的职业、爱好以及经常从事的活动。要求语句通顺,表达正确。不少于50个词。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、六、句型转换1、七、填内容补全对话1、八、选内容补全对话1、九、匹配题1、2、十、书面表达1、

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