部编版六年级英语下册Unit 5 A party 单元测试卷

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部编版六年级下册Unit 5 A party 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Im going to _ some beautiful leaves. ( )Alook afterBlook forCpay attention to2 . What _ you think ? A cat or a hat ? Aare Bis CamDdo3 . -What are we going to do? ( )-_ tell stories.AWe are going toBWe is going toCWe are go to4 . Here _ some toys and fruit for you. ( )AhaveBhasCisDare5 . When you go to a Western party, you _ arrive too early.AshouldBshouldntCmust6 . _ the vegetables. ( )ACutBPassCUse7 . There are trees the house. ( )Asome; onBany; inCsome; in front of8 . teachers are there in your school?A How manyB HowC How much9 . Green leaves _ little factories. Ais likeBare likeClike10 . 选出下列每组单词中与其余单词划线部分读音不同的一项。( ) 1. A. cake B. name C. bag ( ) 2. A. like B. six C. pig ( ) 3. A. nose B. toy C. note ( ) 4. A. fine B. five C. big ( ) 5. A. hat B. face C. cat11 . What _ you do tomorrow?AareBdoCwill二、阅读选择12 . Dear Tom,How are you? Will you come to my birthday party? My family, friends and classmates will all come. The party is on Saturday, December 5, at about 6:30 pm. Its in Uncle Zhangs restaurant. First, we eat, drink and talk from 6:30pm to 7:45pm. After that we will go to a concert(音乐会)in Zhongshan Park near History Museum. Every Saturday evening, there is a free concert(免费音乐会)at 8:00 pm. I hope you can come. You can meet my other friends and sisters, too.Yours,Emily_ birthday is on December 5.A.EmilysB.TomsC.My sistersD.Uncle Zhangshe party is _.A.in History MuseumB.in her familyC.in a restaurantD.in a parkThey will _ at the party.A.eat, drink and talkB.listen to musicC.read and writeD.sing and danceThey will go to Zhongshan Park after _.A.8:30 pmB.7:45 pmC.8:00 amD.7:45 amTom can meet Emilys _ at the party.A.teacherB.sistersC.grandpaD.grandma13 . 阅读理解I am Peter. I can still remember my first day at school. I was only 6 years old at that time. It was a very big room. I sat at the desk beside the window, but I couldnt see anything because the window was high. There was a big map of China on the wall and an old blackboard. I dont think I was worried or afraid at that time. There was another little boy next to me. He sat there and kept silent at first. Then he began to cry, because he didnt want to stay there.More and more students came in, but the boy didnt stop crying. “Mum, I want to go home.” He cried again and again. Later, the teacher came in. She went to the little boy, and said something to him. I couldnt hear what she said. Soon the boy stopped crying and began to smile. Till this day, I still dont know what the teacher said to the little boy.【小题1】How old was Peter when he began to go to school? ( )-_AFour.BFive.CSix.DSeven.【小题2】Where did Peter sit in the classroom according to the passage? ( )-_AUnder the big mapBIn the front of the classroomCAt the desk beside the windowDNear the door【小题3】The boy who sat next to Peter _. ( )Acried at first, and then became silentBwas always silentCtalked with others all the timeDwas silent at first, and then began to cry【小题4】The boy stopped crying and began to smile after _.( )APeter gave him a candyBhe saw his motherCthe teacher said something to himDmore students came into the classroom【小题5】Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ( )-_APeter remembers his first day at school.BThere was a big map of world on the wall of Peters classroom.CPeter felt neither worried nor afraid at that time.DToday Peter still doesnt know what the teacher said to the boy.三、完形填空完形填空。Spring Festival is Chinese New Years Day. Its a _ holiday in China. It usually _in February. Almost everybody _ China likes Spring Festival _. _ Spring Festival comes, people _ their houses and buy new clothes, new shoes and a lot of food. _ the _ day of the festival most people in China _ jiaozi. From the second day, people usually _ their relatives and friends. They all have a good time at Spring Festival.14 . A. popular B. nice C. happy15 . A. come B. comes C. is coming16 . A. in B. on C. to17 . A. very good B. very well C. very much18 . A. What B. Where C. When19 . A. play B. water C. clean20 . A. In B. On C. At21 . A. first B. second C. third22 . A. eats B. ate C. eat23 . A. meet B. visit C. Go四、填空题用括号中单词的适当形式填空。24 . I want_ (wear) my blue pants.25 . Where are my new_ (sock)?26 . This is_ (I) pink shirt.27 . The_ (shoe) are under the bed.28 . Those are my pants. These are _ (your).29 . 写出下列节日的准确日期1.Childrens Day is on the _ of June.2. The Womens Day is on the _ of March.3.New Years Day is on the _ of January.4.National Day is on the first day of _.5.The Olympic Games will be opened on the eighth day of _ in Beijing.五、任务型阅读30 . 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)(5 分)Jimmy lived in the country.and he loved playing in a very shallow(浅的)river near his house;but then his father got a job in a big city.and he moved there with his family.Their new house had a garden.but the garden was very small. Jimmy wasnt very happy.“Is there a river near here?” he asked his mother on the first morning.His mother answered,“ No.there isnt.but theres a beautiful park near here.Jimmy.and theres a pool in it. Well go there this afternoon.” Then Jimmy was happy.After lunch.Jimmy and his mother went to the park.Jimmy wanted to walk near the pool.but there was a sign in front of it. His mother read it to him:“WARNING: This pool is dangerous.(危险的)367 people have fallen into it.”Jimmy looked into the pool carefully. Then he said,“I cant see them.”( )(1)Jimmys father worked in a big city.( )(2)After breakfast.Jimmy and his mother went to the park.( )(3)The garden was very small.( )(4)Theres a pool in the country.( )(5)367 people have fallen into the pool.31 . 阅读理解。Mrs. Wilson likes to ask his husband to go shopping with her on Sundays. Her husband pays for the things that she buys. Now they are in a shop. “Look, Andy. Is it a nice hair clip?” Mrs. Wilson asks his husband. “All right. And how much is it?” he answers and gives money to the shop assistant. When Mrs. Wilson asks him about something good or bad, he often says “All right. And how much is it?” to her. At about 8 oclock p.m., Andy is tired and thirsty, and he wants to have a drink. Suddenly (突然地) his wife looks up at moon and says, “Look, Andy. Is the moon so beautiful?”“All right. And how much is it?” his husband answers quickly. 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“T” 表示,不符的用“F”表示。【小题1】Mrs. Wilson likes to go shopping on Sundays. (_)【小题2】Andy is Mrs. Wilsons husband. (_)【小题3】Mrs. Wilson pays for all the things she buys. (_)【小题4】Andy is hungry and wants to buy some food. (_)【小题5】Mrs. Wilson wants Andy to buy the moon. (_)六、汉译英翻译句子。32 . 在聚会上你打算做什么?_33 . 皇帝的新装怎么样?_34 . 我打算一会儿去参加聚会。_35 . 你打算带一些玩具参加聚会吗?_七、英汉混合英汉互译。36 . many mountains_37 . famous_38 . 西湖_39 . 六千米_40 . 更多_八、句型转换按要求改写句子。41 . Yang Ling is going to buy flowers from the supermarket. (对画线部分提问)_ Yang Ling going to _ flowers?42 . My father is going to Beijing tomorrow. (改为否定句)My father _ Beijing tomorrow.43 . Tom is going to play the piano at the party. (改为一般疑问句)_ Tom _ to _ the piano at the party?44 . My brother had a good time on Childrens Day. (同义句转换)My brother _ on Childrens Day.45 . We are going to have a picnic this weekend. (对画线部分提问)_ you _ to do this weekend?九、填内容补全对话缺词填空。Mr. Turner has a shop in the town. He works for a long time every day andm46 . a lot of money. He thinks he is busyw47 . in the shop, so he doesnt do m48 . housework at home. He always makes his friend listen to h49 . . He often says, “Im the master(主人)!” One day afternoon, one of Mr. Turners friends asks him to her fortieth birthday p50 . . They are all very happy and drink a lot of wine(酒). With afriendsh51 . , he gets home. But he cant open the door. Mrs. Tuner runs q52 . to the door and opens the door for him. When he comes i53 . , she takes a cup of tea and says, “Dont drink too much. Its bad for yourh54 . .”“Shut up(闭嘴)” Mr. Turner says, “Im the master! Im tired now. I need to g55 . to bed.” Then he goes into the toilet.根据上下文补全对话。A: What 56 . you going to do tomorrow?B: 57 . am going to 58 . a 59 . . Would you like to 60 . with me?A: Yes, Id like to.B: Im going to 61 . some toys and play 62 . my friends at the party. What about you?A: Im going to bring some 63 . .B: Good idea. I like fruit salad.A: 64 . you tomorrow morning.B: See you.十、选内容补全对话补全对话,从方框内选择合适的句子填入,注意有两项是多余的。A. Nice to meet you.B. Thats for sure. C. Im OK.D. How about a tennis bat?E. At four this morning.F. What do you need to buy in this shop?G. Its on June 17th.Jane: Hello, Tom, long time no see. How are you? Tom: 65 . And you? Jane: Fine. 66 . Tom: I need to buy a birthday gift(礼物)for my teacher, Helen. Jane: When is her birthday?Tom: 67 . I plan to have a birthday party for her this Sunday. Do you want to come?Jane: 68 . She is my favorite teacher. Tom: Can you help me with the gift? Jane: OK. 69 . Tom: Great. I think Helen will like it, because she likes tennis very much.十一、书面表达70 . 书面表达。刘涛所在的班级将举办一个聚会,迈克,杨玲,王兵,苏梅和刘涛正在为聚会做准备。请你发挥想象,说说他们分别在准备什么,不少于五句话。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、2、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、汉译英1、七、英汉混合1、八、句型转换1、九、填内容补全对话1、2、十、选内容补全对话1、十一、书面表达1、


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