教科版(广州)英语三年级上册 Module 5 Toys Unit 10练习卷

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教科版(广州)英语三年级上册 Module 5 Toys Unit 10练习卷_第1页
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教科版(广州)英语三年级上册 Module 5 Toys Unit 10练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AbookBpencilCcat2 . Show _ your pictures, please. ( )AIBmeCmy3 . How many desks _ in your classroom? ( )Athere areBthey areCare there4 . -Is Mrs Chen strict? ( )-.AYes, she isnt.BNo, he isntCNo, she isnt.根据图片选择相符的选项。5 . ( )AWhere are the footballs? Theyre under the table.BWhere are the footballs? Theyre on the sofa.6 . ( )AAre my books on the table? Yes, they are.BAre my books on the table? No, they arent.7 . ( )AIs the dog in the living room? No, it isnt.BIs the dog in the living room? Yes, it is.8 . ( )AWhere is the book? Its in the table.BWhere is the book? Its on the table.9 . ( )AWhat would you like? Id like hot dogs.B What would you like? Id like oranges.10 . On Sams birthday,Amy bought _ a red pen. ( )AheBhimChis二、填空题11 . 根据汉意选择合适的单词填空。north south(1)南方_(2)北方_三、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断句子与对话内容是(T)否(F)相符。Ms Wang: Good afternoon, boys and girls. Show me your toys, please.Sally : I have a bike. Look, its new.Mike: I have a dog. Look, its cute.Lily : Look! I have a toy cat. Its cute, too.Ms Wang & Children : Wow, its so cute!12 . Its morning. (_)13 . Sallys bike is new. (_)14 . The dog is Lilys. (_)15 . Mike and Lily have a toy cat. (_)16 . Lilys cat is cute. (_)17 . Mikes dog is not cute. (_)四、匹配题18 . Choose the right translations.(选出正确的中文翻译)。(_)1. Whats the matter?A让我们去公园吧。(_) 2.This is a very bad day.B你怎么了?(_) 3. Is it a snake?C这是非常糟糕的一天。(_) 4. What do you want for breakfast?D它是蛇吗?(_) 5. Let s go to the park.E你早饭想吃什么?五、仿写句子19 . Read and writer.Eg: I / can / run I can run. I cant run.1. girl / can / play basketball_2. dog / can / find people_3. Peter / can / catch the ball_4. Lily / can / make cakes_第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、匹配题1、五、仿写句子1、

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