2019-2020学年外研版(一起)英语三年级下册Module 2 单元测试卷D卷

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2019-2020学年外研版(一起)英语三年级下册Module 2 单元测试卷D卷_第1页
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2019-2020学年外研版(一起)英语三年级下册Module 2 单元测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . I have got a letter from London, _its not from my English pen friend Simon.( )AandBorCbut2 . My brother tries hard _ Maths. ( )AinBonCat3 . Your father is ill. He should _. ( )Atake a deep breathBdo more exerciseCsee a doctor4 . - _ it a wall? ( )-No, it isnt.ADoBCanCIs5 . Im going to _ my friend. ( )AlookBseeingCvisit二、填空题身份鉴定:你能根据全家福确定他们的身份吗?AfatherBmotherCbrotherDgrandmaEgrandpa6 . This is my _.7 . Here is my _.8 . This is my _.9 . Here is my _.10 . Here is my _.三、单词拼写11 . 补全单词:These s_ are from my letters.12 . 补全单词:Its n_ my home.13 . Look and write: t_14 . wear (同音词) _15 . 写出下列排列错误的单词。1. wiat_ 2. sipt_3. lttire_ 4. pcki_5. reeng_ 6. ghlit _7. gdroun_ 8. ougny_四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。Im Lucy. Im a girl. Im from the USA. I get up at six oclock every day. I have breakfast at six thirty. I go to school at seven thirty. School begins (开始) at eight ten. We have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I go home at four twenty p. m. I have dinner at six thirty p. m. I go to bed at nine oclock.16 . Lucy is an English girl. (_)17 . Lucy gets up at 6:30 every day. (_)18 . School begins at 10:08. (_)19 . Lucy has six classes a day. (_)20 . Lucy goes to bed at 6:30 p. m. (_)五、匹配题给下列单词选择正确的图片。A. B. C. D. E. F. 21 . Canada_22 . USA_23 . UK_24 . girl_25 . boy_26 . China_27 . 给下列问句选择正确的答语。(_)1、Is she going to the park ?ANo , I cant.(_)2、What are you going to do on sports day ?BYes , please.(_)3、How much is it ?CIm going to run the 200 metres.(_)4、Do you want some rice ?DYes , she is.(_)5、Can you jump far ?E、Ten yuan.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、填空题1、三、单词拼写1、2、3、4、5、四、任务型阅读1、五、匹配题1、2、

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