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冀教版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(三)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . I have a _ . ( )AstorybookBEnglish bookCnotebook2 . 选出下列各组单词中不同类的词,将序号写在题前括号内。( )1. A. morning B. afternoon C. good( )2. A. father B. family C. brother( )3. A. not B. yes C. no( )4. A. I B. my C. you( )5. A. yesB. am C. are( )6. A. he B. she C. mother3 . Do you wash the _ at home? ( )AclothesBclothsCcloth4 . I usually go to schoolbike. ( )AonBbyCwith5 . -do you like this movie? ( )-Because it is interesting.AWhenBWhyCWhatDHow6 . Where do you usually chant_ Ben? ( )We chant_ the Internet.Ato; onBwith; onCwith; in7 . Look at the _. Its brown and it has a long tail. ( )AmonkeyBbearCrabbit8 . Jack is a kilt. Hes a man. ( )Awearing; ScottishBwears; ScottCwore; Scottish9 . Is your friend a boy or girl?( )AYes,he is.BA boy.10 . _ is the cinema, please? ( )AWhereBWhatCWhen11 . Miss Li is my _ Chinese teacher. ( )AoneBfirstCthe first12 . Is Miss White kind? _. ( )AYes, she is.BYes, he is.CNo, he isnt.13 . Are theremusic rooms in it? ( )AaBsomeCany14 . _ pants are those? They are Jacks.AWhoseBWhoCWhat15 . Can he come to school? ( )AYes, he does.BNo, you cant.CYes, he can.16 . -What you so happy, Mike? ( )-Today is my birthday.AmakeBmakesCmakingDmade17 . The boy _two balls.( )AhasBhaveCis二、填空题18 . 根据提示,完成短语。1stay at home_ 2. 饭厅_3Labor Day_ 4. 感冒(过去式)_5look up _ 6. 去钓鱼(过去式)_7hurt my foot_ 8. 去骑自行车(过去式)_9saw a film_ 10. 去野营(过去式)_19 . 介词填空on in at1.The book shop is _your right.2.You should turn left _the traffic lights.3.I live _Xiancheng Street.4.He lives _Peicheng Town.5.My uncle works _a big shop.20 . 根据划线单词的类别,在横线上填写同类别的词。(答案不唯一)Hi, Lisa. Do you like puppy?_根据提示完成句子。21 . Amy is _(放风筝).22 . _(有)twelve boys in my class.23 . We_(打算)get up at 5:30.24 . English is my favourite_ (学科).25 . A: Thank you!B: _!(不客气)26 . _(What / How)do you go to Dalian?三、任务型阅读阅读理解,选择正确答案。根据短文内容,判断正误。Jack and Sally are brother and sister. They are twins. They like swimming and riding bikes. They like flying kites, too. They often (经常) run with the kites near the river. The kites are very high. They look very happy (高兴) .But not all of their favourite games are the same. Jack likes playing football and Sally likes playing basketball. Jack likes jumping high. He thinks its easy, but Sally thinks its very hard . Sally likes making something, but Jack cant. Sally can sing well and Jack can throw the yo-yo very well.27 . Jack and Sally are brothers. (_)28 . They like flying kites. (_)29 . They often run with the kites near the river. (_)30 . Jack likes playing basketball. (_)31 . Sally thinks high jump is easy. (_)阅读理解。Hu Bin likes sports. He is good at football, ping-pong and basketball. He often goes running after school. He wants to work in a gym.Tip: If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.Sarah likes using computers, and she can type very quickly. She wants to work in an office.Tip: If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary.Robin wants to be a scientist like Wu Yifans grandfather. He studies very hard, and he wants to work in a university. Tip: If you like science, you can be a scientist.32 . 给短文选择正确的标题(_)APeople and their jobs.BHobbies and jobs.33 . 把表格填完整。Hu BinSarahRobinWhat does he/she like?_What does he/she want to be?_Where is he/she going to work?_university34 . 回答下面的问题。What are your hobbies?_Which job do you want to do?_What does your father/mother do?_Where does your father/mother work?_How does your father/mother go to work? _四、句型转换35 . There are some apples on the tree.(改为单数句子)_五、匹配题36 . 问答句配对:请将答句前的序号写在题前的括号内。(_)1. Can you play the pipa? .(_)2. What do you have on Mondays?(_)3. Whats your favourite food?(_)4. What can you do?(_)5. What would you like to drink?AId like some tea.BI can speak English.CHamburgers.DWe have Chinese, music and PE.E. Yes, I can.六、连词成句37 . 连词组句1、have , a , pen , I , new_ 2、what , it , is , colour_ 3、how , boxes , you , do , have , many_4、is , my , heavy , schoolbag_七、书面表达38 . Writing.书面表达。写一写你的未来将是怎样的,如长得怎样?从事怎样的工作?不少于5句。_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、三、任务型阅读1、2、四、句型转换1、五、匹配题1、六、连词成句1、七、书面表达1、

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