牛津版四年级英语下册Unit 5 Seasons 单元测试卷B

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牛津版四年级下册Unit 5 Seasons 单元测试卷B姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . I go to school the morning.( )AinBonCat2 . 选出划线部分读音不同的一项: ( )Arun; rollBox; axCwag; yellow3 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1 A. flyB. windyC. swim(_)2 A. worldB. LondonC. Moscow(_)3 A. sunnyB. outsideC. inside(_)4 A. hotB. warmC. degree(_)5 A. footballB. cloudyCrainy4 . My sister enjoys going _ . ( )AtravelBtravellingCtravels5 . Lets _ on Saturday morning. ( )AclimbBgo climbingCgoing climbing选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。6 . AseasonsBspringCautumn7 . AhotBcoldCwinter8 . AwarmBmakeCcool9 . AboatingBskatingCsummer10 . AclimbingBlikeCmake11 . Beijing is cool_ autumn. ( )AinBonCat12 . How can I get to _ Hospital? ( )AFuxingBthe FuxingCa Fuxing二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确答案。Hello, boys and girls! My name is Tom. Im a boy. Im eleven years old. Im from Australia(澳大利亚). Im now in Nanjing with my father and mother. I like Nanjing very much. I like the spring here. Its warm and windy. I often fly kites with my friends in the park. I also like the winter here. It is cold, and it snows. I can make snowmen. Its great fun! But I dont like the summer here. It is too hot. I have to stay at home every day.13 . Tom is _ years old. ( )AtenBelevenCtwelve14 . He is now in _. ( )AAustraliaBShanghaiCNanjing15 . In spring, Tom often _ with his friends. ( )Agoes swimmingBhas picnicsCflies kites16 . It is _ in winter in Nanjing. ( )AcoldBhotCwarm17 . Tom doesnt like the _ in Nanjing. ( )AspringBsummerCwinter三、情景交际18 . 我跑步时伤了膝盖,我应该说:AMy knee hurts.BMy head hurts.19 . 当你想知道埃米是不是生气了,你可以问:_( )AAre you happy?BWhat are you thinking about?CAre you angry?20 . 想告诉别人你四岁了,你会说:_AIm Mike.BIm four years old.21 . 你很喜欢别人送的礼物时,你会说:_( )AIm happy.BI like the present.四、填空题22 . Read and write.阅读短文,填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,首字母已给出。In (1) s_, it is hot. It is sunny. Children often sit around the table. They like (2) e _ watermelons. Look! The watermelon is (3) g_ and round. Its red inside. Touch it. Its (4) h_ and smooth. Taste it. Its sweet and nice. They can drink watermelon (5) J_ too. Yummy, yummy!用词的适当形式填空。23 . Its one of the _(big) cities in the world.24 . They are good at _(sing )and_(dance)25 . They are usually much _(cheap)than other place26 . It is_(以而著名)grapes.27 . Its_(three) hottest city in the world.28 . China has the _(最大的) population in the world.五、汉译英根据中文意思完成句子。29 . 冬天寒冷,夏天炎热。_ is _ in _ and _ in _.30 . 一年有四个季节。There are _ in a year.31 . 我们喜欢冬天。我们可以堆雪人。We like _. We can _.32 . 在春天,我们放风筝。We _ in spring.33 . 秋天天气凉爽。我和我的朋友们去爬山。_, it is _. I _ with my friends.六、匹配题选出与所给句子相对应的答句。AOrange juice.BMrs Green.CGreat.DHis father is a factory worker.EYes, she is.FOn a farm.GThey usually go swimmingH. Im a student.34 . What does Bens father do? (_)35 . What do you do, Lucy?(_)36 . What do people usually do in summer?(_)37 . What do you like drinking?(_)38 . Where does your brother work?(_)39 . Who teaches you English?(_)40 . Lets make a fruit salad.(_).41 . Is she an English teacher? (_)第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、二、阅读选择1、三、情景交际1、2、3、4、四、填空题1、2、五、汉译英1、六、匹配题1、

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