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人教版(PEP)六年级下册小升初全真模拟测试英语试卷(十)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Id like_rice and soup. ( )AaBanCsome2 . Did you go there ? ( )Aby a trainBby trainCtrain3 . What_ this? ( )AcanBisCare4 . There a lot of bananas.AisBamCare找出不同类的词。5 . AboatBboughtCateDtook6 . AfixedBdidCcookedDweekend7 . AplayedBdidCwentDwash8 . AlampBenjoyCgiftDbeach9 . AnurseBteacherCbetterDdoctor10 . AmoonBbiggerCshorterDthinner11 . AlongBeyesCtallDheavy12 . AdanceBpartyCwashDsing13 . AhospitalBcinemaClibraryDwhere14 . AgrapeBappleCbeefDstrawberry15 . Its time _ class. Listen _ the teacher. ( )Ato; toBof; withCfor; afterDfor; to16 . I want some _. ( )AbananaBjuiceCwaters17 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AteacherBfarmerCnice18 . - When _ he go to bed? ( )- At 10:00.AdoBdoesCis19 . Whats Kate doing? She is _ over there.( )AsitsBsittingCsiting二、阅读选择阅读下列短文,选出正确答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。Mr Black works on a farm. He and his wife grow a lot of plants and they have some cows. Every day they work hard from morning to evening. One day, Mr Black says to his wife, “ Lets go to Portsmouth next Sunday, we can have a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema.” His wife is very happy when she hears this, because she doesnt like cooking.They go to Portsmouth by train and walk around for an hour. At 12 oclock, they want to have lunch. In front of a restaurant, they see a notice. It says, “ Lunch: 12:30 to 2:30 Price: 1.5 pounds.” “Well, thats good,” Mrs Black says. “We can eat for two hours with 1.5 pounds here!” This is the place for us.20 . There are _ on their farm. ( )AplantsBcowsCA and B21 . _ doesnt like cooking. ( )AMr BlackBMrs BlackCMiss Black22 . Mr Black and Mrs Black walk around for _ in Portsmouth. ( )Atwo hoursBthree hoursCone hour23 . At _ oclock, they want to have lunch. ( )AtwoBtwelveCtwenty24 . Portsmouth is the name of a _ . ( )AplaceBdogCman三、完形填空完形填空。What do you usually do in your free time? Play games? Go to the park? Or read books?Books are very important. Reading books is _ for us. It can _ us know the world. It can _ help us get lots of knowledge(知识). It usually _ us a new and different world. In a word, books are treasures and we _ love them. Before we read, we can ask our parents or teachers about what books to _. I like _ storybooks because theyre _. How about you?Please _ books and read books every day. Theyre very _ to us.25 . AbadBgoodCsadDwell26 . AhelpBto helpChelpsDhelping27 . AtooBalsoCeitherDas28 . AbringsBbringCbroughtDbringing29 . AneedntBshouldCmustntDshouldnt30 . AreadingBreadCreadsDsaw31 . AreadingBreadCreadsDsee32 . AdeliciousBbadCinterestingDlovely33 . AloveBto loveClovesDloving34 . AbadBsadChappilyDhelpful四、任务型阅读阅读理解。A rich man wants to give his mother a birthday present, but what will be the best one? One day he finds a clever bird in the market, it can talk in twelve languages(语言) and sing ten famous songs. So he buys the bird and sends it to his mother. It costs(花费) him 50,000 yuan.The next day he phones to his mother: “What do you think of the bird, mother?”“Oh ,its very delicious.” His mother answers.根据短文内容,判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。35 . The rich man sends his mother a bird for her birthday. (_)36 . The can sing twelve famous songs. (_)37 . The bird can sing and dance.(_)38 . The bird is 50,000 yuan. (_)39 . The rich mans mother eats the bird.(_)五、汉译英40 . 翻译词组。1.在一部戏剧里_ 2.打开门_3.看见一些数字_ 4.有答案_5.第四个数字_ 6.进入_7.开始打仗_ 8.跑走_9.在门上_10.多么戏剧啊!_六、英汉混合41 . 词汇互译。1.坐火车去那_2.和我去的家人一起去_3.Sounds great! _4.different plans _5.谈论_七、填内容补全对话补全对话A: I like spring 42 . .B:43 . ?A: Because its sunny and windy. I can go on a 44 . 45 . season do you like best?B: Summer.46 . I can swim in summer.A:47 . are you doing?B: Im writing to Uncle John. His 48 . is coming.A:49 . is his birthday?B: Its on September 8th.A: Does he 50 . a computer?B: Oh, no.A: Then lets 51 . a birthday card for Uncle John.B: Good idea!八、匹配题将单词与图片匹配.A. cakeB. pencil boxC. footD. dogE. eraser52 . _53 . _54 . _55 . _56 . _57 . 选出下列句子的正确答语。AShe goes skating.BNo, he doesnt. CYes, she does.DThank you.EIts the ABC song.(_)1.Here you are.(_)2.What does Lingling do on Mondays?(_)3.Does Ms Smart watch TV in the morning?(_)4.Whats your favourite song?(_)5.Does Tom like fish?第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、任务型阅读1、五、汉译英1、六、英汉混合1、七、填内容补全对话1、八、匹配题1、2、

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