外研版(一起)英语二年级下册Review Module Unit 2 练习卷

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外研版(一起)英语二年级下册Review Module Unit 2 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . 向下( )AtoBwithCdown2 . 在旁边( )AupBnext toCto二、改错3 . Write (T) or (F), and correct on the line: What does you see? _4 . Write (T) or (F), and correct on the line: The house is next the hill. _5 . Write (T) or (F), and correct on the line: What do they doing now? _下面句子中各有一处错误,请找出,将其序号填入题后括号内,并在后面的横线上改正。6 . Whatismatter? (_)_A B C7 . I belatefor school. (_)_A B C8 . I wasin the park and my friends. (_)_A B C9 . Whats Li Ming dothere? (_)_A B C10 . He isdanceingin the rain. (_)_A B C三、匹配题11 . 根据句意选词填空。AillBhaveCseeDwellEhope1. I _ a headache.2. I _ you will get well soon. 3. You should go to _ a doctor.4. Im _.5. Do you get _?12 . 根据句意选词填空。AoffBa lotCfindDtoEabout1. You can get _ the bus stop on foot.2. It takes _ two hours. 3. Its time to get _ the bus .4. You can _ the supermarket on the right.5. Thanks _.四、连词成句连词成句。13 . songs, we, sing(.)_14 . of, we, eat, food, lots(.)_15 . do, do, what, you, Christmas, at(?)_16 . presents, give, people,(.)_17 . a, he, Christmas, has, tree(.)_18 . 连词成句。1. I, shy, am (.) _2. Please, make, dont, noise (!) _3. are, doing, what, you (?) _4. are, not, we, angry (.)_5 are, sorry, they (. ) _19 . 连词成句。(只写序号)1. at Look the panda_. 2. My is a grandfather teacher _. 3. Is this fat a pig _?4. is It and fat big_. 5. you giraffe the tall Can see_?20 . Read and order: amPanpanI_五、连线题21 . Read and match.读一读,将人物与建议连线。(1) Sam is asking questions in the library.AKeep to the right.(2) They are playing a card game.BTalk quietly.(3) She is drawing on her desk.CTake turns.(4) They are writing in class.DKeep your desk clean.(5) She is walking up the stairs.EWork quietly.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、二、改错1、2、3、4、三、匹配题1、2、四、连词成句1、2、3、4、五、连线题1、

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