人教精通版英语五年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 1 练习卷 (3)

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人教精通版英语五年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 1 练习卷 (3)_第1页
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人教精通版英语五年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 1 练习卷 (3)_第2页
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人教精通版英语五年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 1 练习卷 (3)_第3页
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人教精通版英语五年级下册 Unit 1 Welcome to our school! Lesson 1 练习卷 (3)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题根据图片选出相应的单词.1 . ( )AschoolbagBclassroomCbook2 . ( )Astory bookBdoorCEnglish book3 . ( )AEnglish bookBbagCmaths book4 . ( )ApictureBpenCChinese book5 . Do you often _to library? ( )AcomeBcomes6 . We will _you around our school. ( )AshowsBshow7 . _ your classroom? ( )AIs thisBThis isCIt is8 . -What is this in our school? ( )-This is _. Athe libraryBthe classroomCthe art room二、单词拼写9 . 将单词按正确的顺序排列。1. lbiryar_ 2. otenf _3. brorow _ 4. mteengi _5. aournd _ 6. geart _三、英汉混合英汉互译10 . 参观颐和园_11 . 进展顺利_12 . 请勿饮食。_13 . 从我朋友那收到一封电子邮件_14 . 给我红包_15 . cut down too many trees_16 . the most important holiday_17 . catch some big fish_18 . watch news on the Internet_19 . feel tired and hungry_第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、单词拼写1、三、英汉混合1、

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