外研版(一起)英语五年级下册 Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot. 练习卷

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外研版(一起)英语五年级下册 Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot. 练习卷_第1页
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外研版(一起)英语五年级下册 Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot. 练习卷_第2页
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外研版(一起)英语五年级下册 Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot. 练习卷_第3页
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外研版(一起)英语五年级下册 Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot. 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . First they met at the station last year. _, they became good friends. ( )AOne dayBJust thenCFrom then on2 . These new socks are _.ALucyBLucysCLucys3 . Are you ready _ your trip to the US? ( )AforBtoCabout4 . What did she _ ? ( )AdriveBdroveCdriver二、填空题5 . is, are, was, were,be1.My hair_ short then.2.Look! The birds _flying in the sky.3.My mother _listening to the radio.4. What will you_,Daming? Ill be a bus driver.5.There _lots of books here yesterday.6 . 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. She _ (cant) cook four years ago.2. I _ (live) in a big city now.3. He _ (watch) a television programme about China last night.4. My father _ (go) to work on foot yesterday. 5. Is Lingling _ (run) on the playground now?6. She _ (talk) about her life many years ago last night.7. China is _ (change).8. He can _ (jump) really far.9. Where _ (are) you three days ago?10. There are lots of _ (bus).7 . 按要求完成单词1.find(过去式) _ 2.sheep(复数)_3.we(宾格)_ 4.ride(现在分词)_5.say(单数第三人称)_ 6.two( 同音词)_7.did(动词原形)_ 8.sad( 反义词)_9.I(形容词性物主代词)_ 10.meet(过去式)_8 . We _ (have) a party yesterday.9 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词)1. Peter, _ (finish) your homework quickly!2. Do you know this _ (art) dream?3. In a _ (health) diet, there are a lot of vegetables and fruit.4. Dont drink too much cola. Its bad for your _ (tooth). 5. The boy looked _ (happy) at his kite in the sky.按要求写词。10 . play(第三人称单数)_11 . watch(第三人称单数)_12 . subject(复数)_13 . lesson(复数)_14 . fly(第三人称单数)_15 . goes(原形)_16 . chats(原形)_17 . visit(第三人称单数)_18 . do(第三人称单数)_19 . swim(动名词)_20 . 选词填空。1.In my dream, Annan English teacher.2. We astronauts yesterday.3.Ken and Ann willa Chinese class tomorrow.4.You my friends. I love you all.5.They a good time last night.6.he a doctor ? Yes, he is.三、单词拼写21 . Look and write the word:a_四、选内容补全对话22 . 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。AWas the show funny?BWe can play together.CWhere did you go yesterday?DWhat are you doing now?EShe is going to visit me next month.Mary: Hello, Amy! _Amy: I went to a childrens theatre to see a show with my friend.Mary:_Amy: Yes, we laughed a lot.Mary: _Amy: Im writing a letter to my cousin, Lily. _Mary: Great! _五、匹配题23 . 给下列句子选择合适的时间词。AnowByesterdayCtomorrow1. Im playing football.(_)2. Im going to visit my grandma. (_)3. I ate two sandwiches. (_)4. Shes going to do her homework. (_)5. He went home at five oclock. (_)六、仿写对话24 . 读一读,写一写made a cakewent to the parkwatched TVplayed foodballrode a bikeflew a kiteFangfangSamAmyLinglingJohnDamingModel:Daming: What did you do yesterday?Fangfang: I made a cake.1._2._3._4._5._第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、三、单词拼写1、四、选内容补全对话1、五、匹配题1、六、仿写对话1、

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