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外研版(三起)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(一)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . There is_ “s” in_word “bus”. ( )Aan,theBan,aCa,theDa,a2 . _ many books do you have? ( ) Five.AHowBGoodCWhatDWhere3 . He _ to lock the door this morning. ( )AforgetBforgotCforgets4 . -What are you _?( )-Im _ my room.Ado; cleanBdoing; cleaningCdo; cleaning5 . Ann also wants to learn _ second language. ( )AaBtheC/6 . Hes _ a story. ( )AtellingBtellsCtell7 . They took the train to Tianjin _Friday morning. ( )AonBinCat8 . there any water in the bottle? ( )AAmBIsCAre9 . Is Lily in, Bill? ( ) Sorry, shes _.AhereBat homeCin the bedroomDin the classroom10 . He _ there at ten tomorrow morning. ( )AwillBisCwill beDbe11 . We should not eat _ junk food.Atoo manyBtoo muchCmany tooDmuch too二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。When did people start to use fire? No one knows, but we know it was a long time ago. At first, people only ate raw meat (生肉). When they started to use fire, they began to cook meat. Cooking meat on a fire made it delicious, healthy and safe, so people became stronger. Long ago, people lived in the cold and wet caves (冷湿的山洞). A good fire could make them warm and dry. Fire is the great thing, but its also very dangerous. Dont play with fire and when you see a fire, tell an adult (成年人).12 . When did people start to use fire? ( )A200 years ago.B100 years ago.CLong time ago.13 . At first, people ate_.( )Ameat ballsBraw meatCsafe food14 . When they started to use fire, they cooked meat_. ( )Aon a fireBin a kitchenCin a hot pot15 . Long time ago, people lived in the _caves.( )Awarm and safeBcold and wetCclean and dry16 . When you see a fire, you must_. ( )Acook meatBplay with itCtell an adult三、完形填空17 . 完形填空。It is Sunday morning. The students are going to the_Lily and Lucy like animals_They get up very_in the morning. After_they go to school. The students_at the school gate. They go there_Miss Gao goes_them.There are many kinds of_in the zoo. The biggest one is_. But they cant see any cats.The students_ the zoo at four in the afternoon. Lily and Lucy get home at about five. They have a very good time.【小题1】AcinemaBzooCfactory【小题2】Avery wellBvery goodCvery much【小题3】AearlyBlateCearlier【小题4】AsupperBlunchCbreakfast【小题5】AseeBwatchCmeet【小题6】Aby footBon footCon feet【小题7】AforBandCwith【小题8】AanimalsBbirdsCcats【小题9】AkeyBa tigerCan elephant【小题10】Aget toBgo toCleave四、情景交际18 . 想知道新来的班主任长什么样,你该问:( )AWhat do you like?BWhat does she look like?五、填空题19 . 按要求完成下列各题【小题1】sing(-ing形式)_【小题2】ride(过去式)_【小题3】five(序数词)_【小题4】邮递员(汉译英)_【小题5】foot(复数)_【小题6】heavy(比较级)_【小题7】she(宾格)_【小题8】we will(缩写形式)_【小题9】for(同音词)_【小题10】十月(汉译英)_根据首字母填空。20 . W_ is that man?21 . This is my f_, Amy.22 . Nice to m_ you.23 . Is s_ your mother?24 . This is my f_, he is a doctor.根据语义或图片提示写出正确的单词。25 . They will s_ a s_ to their mum on Mothers Day.26 . My hair is l_ and yours is short.27 . This y_ baby is Mikes cousin.28 . The clock _at 7 in the morning.29 . 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:W_ do you come from?30 . Amy will _ (play) the violin in the concert.选择合适的选项。A. tell B. arrive C. coming D. special E. meeting 31 . Today is a _ day.32 . My grandparents are_ to live with us.33 . Can you _ me where the show is?34 . The school has a large _ room.35 . It will _ at eight in the evening.六、排序题36 . Fangfang找不到去图书馆的路了,她只好向警察求助。将下列句子重新排序组成一段对话。( ) Its beside the zoo. ( ) Excuse me, where is Zhongshan Library?( ) Youre welcome. ( ) Go straight. Turn left at the second traffic lights. ( ) Thanks!( ) Where is the zoo?七、任务型阅读37 . 阅读下面的短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F)。One day, Mr White came home very late. He looked for the key to the door, but cant find it. He lost his key. He rang the bell, but nothing happened. He did it again. Nobody moved inside the room. Mr White knocked at the bedroom window, he spoke to his wife, he shouted, but she didnt wake up. At last he stopped and thought for a moment. Then he began to speak like a small child. He said, “Mother, I want to go to the toilet.” He spoke quite quietly , but at once Mrs White woke up. Then he spoke to her, and she opened the door for him.【小题1】One day, Mr White cant find the key to the door. (_)【小题2】Mr White rang the bell and knocked at the bedroom window. (_)【小题3】At last he stopped and left. (_)【小题4】Mr White wanted to go to the toilet. (_)【小题5】His wife didnt open the door for him. (_)八、句型转换根据要求写句子38 . Theyaremyglasses.(改为否定句)_.39 . Theyareonthefridge.(改为一般疑问句)_?40 . Myglassesareonthechair.(对画线部分提问)_?41 . Doyouseemyhouse?(作肯定回答)_.42 . Wherearethekeys?(用inthedoor回答)_are_.按要求改写句子。43 . The gloves are on the chair.( 对划线部分提问)_the gloves?44 . I do my homework at four forty.(对划线部分提问)_ you do your homework?45 . Its time to go to school.(改为同义句)Its time _.46 . I have a cold. .(对划线部分提问)_ the _?句型转换。47 . Go at a red light.(改为否定句)_48 . You can see a lot of buildings.(变为一般疑问句)_49 . It has a big head.(改为复数句)_big_.50 . We like football.(变为一般疑问句)_51 . My birthday is on February 2nd. (就画线部分提问)_ is _ birthday?句型转换。52 . Ted goes to work by bike.(将Ted改成They)_53 . What are they doing?(用play basketball回答)_54 . Id like some apples.(划线部分提问)_ like?55 . Please walk on the grass.(改为否定句)Please _ on the _.56 . They are on the sofa.(改成一般疑问句)_Read and write.(读一读,按要求改写句子。)57 . I like reading comic books.(用he代替I改写句子)_ reading comic books.58 . She likes playing basketball.(改为否定句)She _ playing basketball.59 . Does Miss White teach English?(作肯定回答)_60 . Mike likes listening to music.(对画线部分提问)_ Mikes _ ?61 . He goes home at 5:00.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ home at 5:00?九、选内容补全对话62 . 选择合适的句子补全对话。AHow about you?BIm going to Shanghai. CI hope youll have a good trip. DBy plane. EWhos going with you?A: Hi, Peter! Where are you going this summer holiday?B:_A:_B: My parents. A: How are you going there?B:_A: When are you going there?B: Next week. _A: I m going to visit my grandparents in Henan. _B: Thank you.63 . 选语句,补全对话AYes, thats my father.BThats my sister.CThis is my brother, Ben.DMy name is Ann.1. 2. 3. 4. 十、连词成句64 . 连词成句。1. photo, let, take, a, me, of, it (.)_2. want, I, see, to, elephants, some (.)_3. a, and, go, have, lets, look (.)_4. are, they, where (?)_65 . good,you,to,morning_66 . 连词成句:I because theatre going the am to (.)_67 . 连词成句。【小题1】children, lots, of, learning, are, Chinese, in, England (.)_【小题2】emails, lots, of, write, we, can (.)_【小题3】miss, I, will, you (.)_【小题4】can, I, English, now, speak (.)_【小题5】French, I, study, going, to, not, am_68 . 连词成句: it will for be you easy carry to (.)_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、情景交际1、五、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、六、排序题1、七、任务型阅读1、八、句型转换1、2、3、4、5、九、选内容补全对话1、2、十、连词成句1、2、3、4、5、


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