外研版(三起)英语五年级上册Module3 Unit1 Where did you go?练习卷

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外研版(三起)英语五年级上册Module3 Unit1 Where did you go?练习卷_第1页
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外研版(三起)英语五年级上册Module3 Unit1 Where did you go?练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . SomeEnglishchildren_toChinalastweek.( )AcomeBgoCcame2 . Bob can do _kung fu.A anyAsomeBa3 . _ is Peters birthday? ( )His birthday is on the 13th of October.AWhereBWhenCWhich给下列句子选择正确的英语翻译。4 . 你家有几口人? ( )AHowmanypeoplearethereinyourfamily?BHowmuchpeoplearethereinyourfamily?CWhereisyourfamily5 . 我家有三口人。( )AMy familyisbig.BMyfamilyhasthreepeople.CTherearethreepeopleinthepicture.6 . 他是位农民。( )AHeisateacher.BHeisntafarmer.CHeisafarmer.7 . 这个妇女是谁? ( )AWhosthisman?BWhosthiswoman?CWhatsthis?8 . 她是你姑母吗? ( )AIssheyouraunt?BIssheanurse?CIssheyouruncle?9 . 这些是我家人的照片。( )AThesearemyfamily.BThisisthephotoofmyfamily.CThesearephotosofmyfamily.10 . _ are these shorts?( ) They are 80 dollars.AHow manyBHow muchCHow far11 . What did you do _ the weekend? ( )AonBtoCat12 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AmissBNovemberCstart13 . They are on your nose. ( )A它们在你的鼻子上。B它们在你手上。选出下列单词中属于不同类的。14 . AAprilBwinterCMay15 . AinBtripCmeet16 . Aschool tripBsports meetCNew Years Day17 . AwhenBinCwhat18 . AmeetBcontestCon19 . Mike _ the magazine last weekend. ( )AreadBreadsCreaded20 . 选出不同类别的单词: ( )AwhiteBwhereCwhat21 . Thisgirl_agoldcup. ( )AwonBwinCwinned22 . Id like some_. ( )Abeef and vegetablesBsoups and fishCbreads and eggs23 . 选出不同类别的单词: ( )AwatchBtookCsaw二、填空题24 . 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。【小题1】We _ back this morning.【小题2】Xiaohai is their _ friend.【小题3】We _ to school by bus yesterday.【小题4】I didnt buy _ eggs.【小题5】We _ his sister that day.【小题6】Did you make a _ list first?【小题7】Lets buy two _ of chocolate.【小题8】Here _ your books.【小题9】Well _ a picnic in the park.【小题10】How many _ do you want?25 . 按要求拼写单词。1. sheep(复数)_2. strawberries(单数) _3. small(近义词) _4. one(序数词) _5. sun(同音词) _6. twentieth(基数词) _7. tall(反义词) _8. t (同音单词) _9. cant(完整形式) _10. They are(缩写形式) _26 . 根据提示,填充句子。(1)How was your.(暑假)(2)It is Amys birthday today. Ifor her yesterday.(去买礼物)(3)Did youon the Labor Day?(拍照)(4)Wu Yifanthe day before yesterday?(游泳)(5)is this book?(多少钱)27 . 根据句意,选词填空。lots of and survey arrived there1. They_there at ten oclock.2. The wall is very old_very long.3. There are_people in the park.4. He saw many monkeys_.5. I make a_of the fruit.28 . The street is as _ ( long ) as that one, but it is _ ( wide ) than that one. long wider shortest taller.29 . 按要求填空。【小题1】wear的同音词【小题2】did not 的缩写【小题3】my的名词性物主代词【小题4】wants的原形【小题5】hers的形容词性物主代词从括号里选择合适的单词填在横线上。30 . I like pandas _ (good/best).31 . _ (How/What) do you go to school? By bike.32 . It took us _ (a/an) hour and ten minutes.33 . Did Lingling _ (like/liked) the London Eye?34 . We visited Hainan _ (in/at) the weekend.35 . 用所给词适当形式填空。1. Amy (visit) lots of places.2. They (go) to London Eye by taxi.3. It (take)they two hour and twenty minutes to went there.4. What did Amy(do) yesterday?5. He (need)our help.36 . It _( be ) very old and very long.37 . 写出单词的过去式:see_38 . 动词过去式。visit_send_like_are _is / am _三、任务型阅读阅读理解Mr Black had two cats. One was big and the other was small. He liked them very much. One day his friend Mr Green came to see him. He was very surprised. He found there were two holes in the door, a big hole and a small one. He said, My friend, why are there two holes in your door?”“To let them in and out, Mr Black answered. But why are there two holes? asked his friend.“How can the big cat go through the small hole? he said.根据短文内容,填写下列句子39 . Mr Black had a _cat and a _ cat.40 . When Mr Green found _ holes in the door, he was _.41 . From this story, I think Mr Black is _.四、匹配题42 . 为下列句子选出正确的汉语意思。(_)1.Are these tigers?A真有趣啊!(_)2.Can you talk?B这些是老虎吗?(_)3.What fun!C那些是什么鸟?(_)4.What birds are those?D你会说话吗?(_)5.I want this parrot.E我想要这只鹦鹉。五、抄写题43 . Read and write(正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号。)(1)Mike chick dog some hens an egg on the farm_(2)What are they, Alice? They are ducks. They are grey._按照正确的顺序,正确抄写句子it is big and clean.welcome to joy primary school.there are many books in it.This is our library.44 . _45 . _46 . _47 . _抄写。48 . When is the art show?49 . Its on May 1st.50 . When is the reading festival?51 . Its on April 5th.抄写句子52 . What do you want to be in the future?53 . I want to be a doctor.54 . Thats sounds good.55 . He wants to be a fireman.56 . Doctors can help sick people.抄写练习。57 . What does he do?58 . Hes a businessman.59 . He often goes to other countries.60 . And what does your mother do?61 . She is a head teacher.62 . Shell be here today.63 . Do you want to be a head teacher, too?第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、三、任务型阅读1、四、匹配题1、五、抄写题1、2、3、4、5、

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