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人教版(PEP)六年级下册期末测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . We are _ hide-and-seek. ( )AplayBplayedCplaying选出与下列图片相符的短语。2 . ( )Ago to bedBgo to school3 . ( )Aplay footballBskip very well4 . ( )Ahalf past sevenBhalf past six5 . ( )Ain the playgroundBin the class6 . ( )Asports shoesBdo exercise7 . -When is Chinas National Day? ( )-Its on _ .AMarch 12thBOctober 1stCMay 5th8 . Amy is _ the flute( ).AplayBplaysCplaying9 . Thereare many clothes _ the closet. ( )AnearBinCunderDbehind10 . In autumn, I can _. ( )AclimbingBskateCclimb11 . Whats the _like there? ( )AairBlandCweatherDwater12 . Id like some vegetable juice. _ healthy. ( )AItsBTheyreCTheyDIts13 . Today is Tuesday. ( )ABC14 . 选择不同类的词语。(_)1.A climber B. fight C.catch(_)2.A. evening B. morning C. often(_)3.A.playing chess B. collecting leaves C. listen to music(_)4.A.insects B. honey C.butterflies (_)5.A.skate B. plant trees C. fly kites15 . is my favourite colour. ( )ABlueBAppleCPen16 . What are you going to do this afternoon?AYes, he does.BI am going to play football.CHe likes collecting stamps.二、阅读选择根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Mrs Jones is an American doctor. Now she is in China. She works in a childrens hospital in Shanghai. She likes the children and she likes to work for children. She works hard in the day time and learns Chinese in the evening school. She also learns Chinese from the Chinese doctors and her Chinese friends. Now she can speak some Chinese. She can read and write some Chinese, too. She says its not easy to learn Chinese well. Mr Jones, her husband is a teacher. He teaches English in the No. 5 Middle School. He works from Monday to Friday. He teaches 3 classes every day.17 . Mrs. Jones is . ( )Aan English teacherBan American teacherCan American doctorDan English doctor18 . Mrs and Mr Jones are . ( )Ain a hospitalBin a middle schoolCin ChinaDin England19 . Mrs. Jones learns in an evening school. ( )AmathBChineseCEnglishDJapanese20 . Mr. Jones works every week. ( )Afive daysBsix daysCthree daysDseven days21 . Which is wrong? ( )AMrs. Jones works in a childrens hospital in Shanghai.BMrs. Jones says its easy to learn Chinese.CMrs. Jones learns Chinese from Chinese doctors and Chinese friends.DMr. Jones teaches English in the No. 5 Middle School.三、完形填空完形填空Mr. White is a farmer. Last month he drove his truck to town and _the way his truck knocked down a boy and hurt him. He sent the boy to a _at once. He paid a lot of money for that, but the boys parents wanted to get _money from him. So they said their son could_lift his right arm above his head.Mr. Whites lawyer came and asked the boy a few questions in the court.“Now, my boy,” he said, “you_last month, werent you?”“Yes, sir” said the boy.“And you cant lift your right arm now, can you?”“_, sir.”“Could you_us how you_lift your right arm?”Slowly the boy lifted his right arm before his nose.“Poor boy,” said the lawyer. “And how high_you lift it before the accident?”“Oh, very high,” said the boy proudly and the_went up right over his head.22 . AbyBinCatDon23 . AfarmBhouseChospitalDcourt24 . AmoreBmanyCa littleDlittle25 . AeasilyBusuallyCno longerDnearly26 . Awas hurtBwere hurtChurtDwere hurted27 . ANoBYesCNotDYes, I cant28 . AtellBsayCaskDshow29 . AcanBcouldCmustDdid30 . AcanBcouldCmustDdo31 . AboyBlawyerCarmDnose四、填空题32 . 根据课文内容填空1. Can you _cards?Woof! No, I_.2. Can you _cards?Yes, I_._me! _fish, Li Ming!五、单词拼写33 . 根据提示写单词。1. 孩子们_(提示:nerhclid)2. 动物_(提示:lamnai)六、任务型阅读读一读,判一判,正确的打“”,错误的打“”。Ms Smart: Where are Lingling and Amy, Daming?Daming: Theyre over there.Ms Smart: What are they doing?Daming: Theyre playing five-stones.Ms Smart: Do you like playing five-stones?Daming: No, I dont. I like playing hide-and-seek. Im playing hide-and-seek with Sam now.34 . Lingling and Amy are playing five-stones. (_)35 . Daming is playing five-stones, too. (_)36 . Daming doesnt like playing hide-and-seek. (_)七、选内容补全对话补全对话。ADo you going to take a trip.BAre you going to take a trip? CWhat day is it today?DWhere are you going? EHow are you going there?FWhen are you going?GWhat are you going to do?A: 37 . ?B: Its Friday. A: Tomorrow is Saturday. 38 . ? B: Im going to take a trip.A: 39 . ? B: Im going to Beijing. A: 40 . ? B: Im going to take a plane. 41 . . A: Yes, Im going to take a trip too.八、匹配题读句子,选中文,填字母编号A给你。B我可以帮助你吗?C那你呢?D我想要一杯茶。E你想要什么?F现在是午饭时间。42 . What would you like?(_)43 . Can I help you?(_)44 . Here you are.(_)45 . Its lunch time.(_)46 . What about you?(_)47 . Id like a cup of tea.(_)匹配。A两条腿B五岁C新朋友D在午餐时间E糟糕的一天48 . five years old_49 . two legs_50 . new friend_51 . a bad day_52 . at lunch time_选择与短语相符的图片。ABCDE53 . on foot(_)54 . put out fire (_)55 . read a map(_)56 . flower shop(_)57 . move quickly(_)九、书面表达58 . Composition. 小作文。题目:My Diary要求:1. 观察图片,根据所给范文仿写一篇有关节日的日记。2. 提示词:Chinas National Day; the Spring Festival; Christmas3. 书写规范,语句通顺,没有语法错误,标点符号准确,不少于五句话。_第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、单词拼写1、六、任务型阅读1、七、选内容补全对话1、八、匹配题1、2、3、九、书面表达1、

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