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人教版中学2020年保送生招生英语考试试卷(I)卷一、 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳答案。(15 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分) Is that elephant from _ Asia? No, it isnt. Its from _African country.A . an; anB . /; aC . /; anD . an; a2. (1分) (2019七下苏州期末) Did you eat in the last two hours? I drank only a little water.A . somethingB . anythingC . everythingD . nothing3. (1分) Put your hands behind your back. Dont speak. Well in ten minutes. A . backB . be backC . are backD . are back to you4. (1分) (2019靖江模拟) Can you hear Mary _ when you pass her room? A . singB . singingC . to singD . sang5. (1分) Lily has a lot of friends because she always _ her things _ others. A . shares; withB . shares; toC . helps; withD . helps; to6. (1分) (2019景县模拟) Can you tell me _ when I saw you this morning? A . what you are looking forB . what are you looking forC . what you were looking forD . what were you looking for7. (1分) (2019八上德惠月考) His mother wants him _at home today. A . staysB . stayedC . to stayD . staying8. (1分) I a shower when Jimmy called me at nine yesterday evening. A . am takingB . tookC . was taking9. (1分) (2019海陵模拟) Fathers Day is on next month, and Im planning a surprise party for my father. _. Ill bring some cakes to the party. A . Sounds greatB . It dependsC . Wait a minuteD . Dont mention it.10. (1分) she the TV play before? No, she hasnt. A . Does; seeB . Has; seenC . Have; seenD . Did; see11. (1分) (2019随州) All of my classmates have passed the PE test. _exciting the news is!A . WhatB . What anC . HowD . How an12. (1分) (2019八上龙岗期末) My classmates and I _an English play successfully. Congratulations!A . put onB . put outC . put off13. (1分) (2019九上简阳期末) The result is worse than we .A . supposeB . were supposedC . supposed14. (1分) (2019天水) I saw her flowers in the garden when I passed by. A . to waterB . waterC . wateringD . watered15. (1分) (2019八下封开期末) What do you think of the story? .A . Thank youB . Never mindC . Im tiredD . Its interesting二、 完形填空(15分) (共1题;共15分)16. (15分) 完形填空 My birthday was a few days ago. Now Im 24 years old and Im1with teaching. I didnt remember my birthday2the morning of the 1st. It was just like an ordinary day, no presents, no party, no cake. . . When I was3, I always felt sad that almost4remembered my birthday, not even my family. But now I dont5any more, especially this year, from my birthday to next day, not much6. This month I have several foreign students7Chinese with me. I give lessons privately,8I need to do quite a lot of work before each lesson. So far Im getting more9in teaching foreigners (Chinese, and I think its a very cool job. When I was at10, I wanted to follow these native English speakers. They can11to foreign countries and get teaching jobs12almost anywhere even though theyre not real teachers. I complained Chinese people didnt have as13chances as people from the West. But now things are14. As China is becoming stronger, Chinese is becoming more and more 15and maybe in the future I can get teaching jobs in foreign countries. Ill study more and get ready. (1)A . worth B . busy C . weak D . silent (2)A . until B . on C . in D . at (3)A . a teacher B . child C . young D . old (4)A . somebody B . anybody C . everybody D . nobody (5)A . receive B . agree C . care D . blow (6)A . secret B . difference C . experience D . address (7)A . collecting B . choosing C . celebrating D . learning (8)A . so B . but C . because D . and (9)A . bored B . interested C . frightened D . covered (10)A . school B . library C . meeting D . channel (11)A . ring B . search C . travel D . greet (12)A . easily B . hardly C . quickly D . luckily (13)A . many B . much C . more D . most (14)A . increasing B . rewarding C . disappearing D . changing (15)A . popular B . confident C . central D . proud 三、 阅读理解(30分) (共3题;共30分)17. (10分) (2019九上龙岗期末) 阅读理解 Paulina Cortes is a teacher in San Jose, California. One day, she handed out masks (面罩) to farm workers in Lodi. She volunteered to do this because the air quality (空气质量) is still poor after a big fire. I just got home and feel really tired now. Today I spent my day in Lodi handing out masks to farm workers, she wrote on the Internet. I raised some money. Then I drove through San Jose and all the way to Salinas to buy enough masks I needed. This is important. The story here isnt that I handed out masks; its that there are hundreds of people who are working in dangerous environments with no protection (防护). And no one even knows about it. Paulina also put some photos on the Internet, and they were picked up by the news. Many people were surprised at the news, and they knew what happened to those farm workers for the first time. The next day, Paulina added, I traveled through Lodi and Stockton not just to hand out masks, but to help the farm workers understand the pollution. In Lodi yesterday the workers were picking fruit in such dangerous environments. None of them even knew this. Not too far from our homes, hundreds of people are working in these environments. I will buy more masks and send them to a Stockton farm worker. He helped me hand out masks yesterday. Thank you, Paulina, for caring and trying to make a difference. (1) Where did Paulina buy the masks? A . In San Jose.B . In Lodi.C . In Salinas.D . In Stockton.(2) What did Paulina want people to know? A . There was a big fire in California.B . She needed more money to help others.C . She handed out masks to the farm workers.D . The farm workers were in a dangerous situation.(3) Which of the following happened first? A . Paulina raised some money.B . Paulina met the farm workers.C . There was news about Paulina.D . Paulina put photos on the Internet.(4) What did Paulina plan to do next? A . Find more volunteers.B . Hand out more masks.C . Pick fruit for farm workers.D . Make a journey to Lodi again.18. (10分) 阅读理解 Once, Einstein gave a lecture in a university. After his speech, the audience started asking questions.A girl asked, Do you think youre a giant of science? Einstein said with a smile, A giant is a person who is tall in height. You see Im so small, how can I be a giant? Maybe I see a bit farther, only because I stand higher!Then a boy asked, You mentioned you stand higher than the others. It reminds me that you had a talk with a lady on the top of the Alps (阿尔卑斯山).I dont want to ask what you talked, but I want to know whether you realised you have been a top in the history of science when you stood on the top. Looking at the boy carefully, Einstein replied, Well, my height cannot become a top. And there is no top that no one can get to, so we dont want to be a top, but we want to be a person to climb the top!Then he took up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard, Standing on the top, you are not tall, but even smaller!Then he said, Though I stand tall, in the eyes of the world Im still small! Finally, I can tell you a sentence, which was the last one I told the lady on the top of the Alps, Any top can be reached, for there is no giant in the world but the one who stands higher!A storm of applause(掌声) sounded. The lady who listened to Einsteins instruction on the Alps that year was no other than Madam Curie!(1) After Einsteins speech in a university, Einstein _. A . happened to meet a girlB . was happy to answer a girls questionsC . discussed some questions with his studentsD . refused to visit his students(2) Einstein didnt think he was a giant of science because _. A . he only stood higher and he could see a bit fartherB . he was both small and shortC . he didnt have a clever brainD . he was short of more intelligence(3) Einstein told the boy _. A . he had become one of the tallest persons in scienceB . he wanted to be a person to climb to the top of the AlpsC . his height could not become a top because there was no top that nobody could get toD . his height was not tall enough for a giant(4) According to Einsteins words, we can know his view is that _. A . he had already been a giant of scienceB . he hadnt got to the highest mountain of scienceC . though he was short then, hed become a person who was tallD . though he stood tall, in the eyes of the world he was still small19. (10分) (2019九上杭州月考) 阅读理解 Im not the kind of mother who normally brushes her daughters hair, and my daughter has never liked sitting there, waiting for me to do it.But today, I set my daughter Sally on a kitchen stool (凳子). Shes sitting high with her eyes closed, skin still wet from the shower, and her long hair behind her back. I realize she is enjoying the moment. Its the last time for a week that our bodies will connect. Today Im sending Sally away for a week of summer camp. This was all my idea. Shes nearly 12, and I noticed that Im with my child nearly 24 hours a day.Living on a farm without any neighbors, Ive chosen a life that is quieter than a normal familys. But rather than expecting space away from me, Sally has become increasingly dependent. What frightens me most is that she has become a mini-me, even has the same hobbies, dreams, and opinions as me. Thats why I pulled her to the summer camp: a nearby wilderness(荒野) camp called Hawk Circle.After eating, I drive Sally to Hawk Circle. Once we get there, we are introduced to her fellow campers. Sally stands by them, holding my hand, horror in her eyes, trying to work up the courage to join a game of soccer. I need you for a few more minutes, she tells me. I pull her away to walk to one of the camps workers. Excuse me, I say loudly, Id like to introduce you to my daughter. Maybe you could help her meet a few of these kids. He comes over to talk to Sally, and then I disappear before she realizes it.It is a hard time for me to drive back. When I arrive home, I calm down and remind myself why I chose this way. I want Sally to have a chance to find herself. I want to learn who she is. If I dont set her free, I fear Ill never really meet her real personality.(1) Why does the writer send her daughter to the summer camp? A . Her daughter wants to go to the summer camp.B . It is helpful for the daughter to make friends.C . She wants to help build her daughters independence.D . Camp training is something common to her daughter.(2) The underlined word horror in Paragraph 4 probably means _. A . fearB . happinessC . hateD . pity(3) How does the writer feel after leaving the camp? A . She is worried about her daughters health.B . She is proud that she had done something right.C . She is sorry and regrets ( 后悔 ) sending her daughter away.D . She is nervous but knows she has made the right decision.(4) The writer mainly wants to tell us that _ . A . children are usually mirrors of parentsB . children always expect space away from parentsC . parents sometimes need to let their children goD . parents should often send children to summer camps四、 综合填空(10分) (共1题;共10分)20. (10分) (2019八上萧山开学考) Thank for s_ me the way to the subway station, or Ill be lost. 五、 在下列各句中的每个空格内填上一个适当的、完整的单词,该词的首 (共5题;共6分)21. (1分) Its good for you to c_with your teachers. 22. (1分) Jack plays soccer better than me. However, he swims w_than me. 23. (1分) As a _ (传统的)festival, Dragon Boat Festival is becoming more and more popular. 24. (2分) The man _(call) Johnson is from South Africa.25. (1分) The old man was hurt badly but he _(拒绝) to go to see the doctor. 六、 短文改错(10分) (共1题;共10分)26. (10分) 找出错误并改正The children enjoy to kick the ball after school.A B C D七、 书面表达(15分) (共1题;共15分)27. (15分) (2019孝感) 随着年龄的增长,你周围的事物也发生了很大变化。请根据以下提示,以Great changes around me为题,写篇短文。 写作要点:1)过去, 道路狭窄(narrow),房展老旧,空气河水2)现在。路面洁净、宽阔, 交通便利;高楼林立;蓝天白云, 满城绿树鲜花,小鸟歌唱;人们3)感受,写作要求:1)要点齐全,省略号处须作适当发挥,但不要逐句翻译;2)语句连贯,条理清晰,详略得当,书写工整;3)文中不得出现任何宾实的信息(地名、校名和人名等);4)100词左右,短文的翅目和开头已给出,不计入总词数。Great Changes around MeIn the past few years, great changes have taken place around me.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳答案。(15 (共15题;共15分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完形填空(15分) (共1题;共15分)16、答案:略三、 阅读理解(30分) (共3题;共30分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略四、 综合填空(10分) (共1题;共10分)20、答案:略五、 在下列各句中的每个空格内填上一个适当的、完整的单词,该词的首 (共5题;共6分)21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略六、 短文改错(10分) (共1题;共10分)26、答案:略七、 书面表达(15分) (共1题;共15分)27、答案:略

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