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外研版(一起)英语五年级上册专项训练:易错题姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Fruit healthy, vegetables healthy.Ais / isBare / areCis / are看图读单词,选择与图画意思相符的内容。2 . ( )AcrayonsBscissors3 . ( )AupsetBhappy4 . ( )AwatchBwater5 . ( )AdrinkBeat6 . ( )AexcitedBsad7 . ( )Aping-pong batBpencil sharpener8 . ( )AlightBright9 . ( )ArobotBradio10 . ( )AwindowBcomputer11 . ( )AmarkersBrulers选出图片单词的首字母。12 . ( )AGgBJj13 . ( )AXxBYy14 . ( )AIiBAa15 . ( )ALlBIi16 . ( )ANnBMm选出每个单词中缺失的字母。17 . f_ger ( )AenBinCun18 . b_dy ( )AoBa ( )Ce19 . ca_AckBkeCce20 . br_d ( )AeiBaeCea21 . j_ce ( )AuiBoiCiu22 . I_ Miss Fang. ( )AisBareCam23 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AMondayBThursdayCdraw24 . Were the same. ( )AagesBageCthe age25 . Replace the underlined选出能替换划线部分的选项,保持句意不变。1. Yesterday s meeting was not interesting. (_)A. important B. exciting C. boring2.Jack is a best student. (_)A. bad B. top C. tall3. Mr. Smith is strong. (_)A. clever B. powerful C. weak4. At last, Kate finished the work in time. (_)A. In the end B. At least C. Last year5.Neil is not very often late for school. (_)A. always B. never C. sometimes26 . Look at _ little sister, she is so cute. ( )AAmyBAmysCAmys27 . Whats this? ( )This is a _andle.AaBcCbDh28 . I want _ cap. ( )AanBaCthe29 . brek( )AoBiCa30 . 选择合适的选项,补全单词: le_ _er ( )AttBatRead and find.(读单词, 找出不同类的一项)31 . AauntBteacherCuncle32 . AdriverBfarmerCfather33 . AtallBstrongCplayer34 . AsisterBdoctorCnurse35 . AgrandpaBfatherCstudent36 . The two lions are _. ( )ArunBruningCrunning二、情景交际37 . 当你想表达“这张桌子很旧”时,应说:_ ( )AThe desk is very old.BThe desk is new.38 . 当你看到同桌误拿了自己的书时,应该说:( )AIts mine.BIts my.39 . 公园里有很多漂亮的花。AThere are many beautiful flowers in the park.BThere is a beautiful flower in the park.40 . 对方问你是否是刘涛时,你想回答不是,应该说:( )AAre you Liu Tao?BNo, Im not.CYes, I am.41 . 当你想说“多么有趣的数字化视频光盘!”时,你会说; ( ) AWhat an interesting DVD!BWhat a good DVD!三、填空题42 . Choose and write.getcould play my fall1. The blind people _ see.2. The blue trousers are _ .3. Our team _ thirty points last week.4. He _ off the bike this morning.5. You shouldnt _ with the books.43 . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. So the water _(fall) down.2. Kate _(like) windy days.3. Six _ (baby) are happy.4. Its a _(sun) day today. Lets go to the park.5. I _(can not) go swimming.44 . 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Were going to _(have) a picnic in the park.2. What _(be) he going to do?3. It is _(rain) now.4. Its going to be _(snow) tomorrow.5. When are you going to _(play) chess?用下列单词的正确形式填空。45 . My brother is _ (short) than me.46 . His shoes are bigger than _ (my).47 . Tom is the _(tall) boy in his class. He is _ (tall) than any other boys.48 . I _ (stay) at home yesterday.49 . I didnt _ (sleep) all night.50 . I _ (take) lots of pictures yesterday. And I also _ (go) swimming.51 . We _ (buy) some gifts and _(eat)some delicious food last Saturday.52 . There _ (be) no computers in that time.53 . I love to _ (ice-skate) now.54 . I _ (have) a dream last night.55 . 语法填空1. Dont worry. I will_ (take) you to school.2. Marie and her mother _ (go) to the aviary last Sunday.3. There _(be) a computer room in our school. There _ forty computers in it.4. Liu Xiang is good at _ (run). Hes a good runner.5. Its a _ (rain) day._(not go) outside.给下列单词分类。A. bread B. cheese C. forks D. milkE. orange juice F. ping-pong G. teaH. plates I. paints J. cake K. prizeL. English books M. knivesN. maths book O. storybooks56 . food (食物):_57 . drinks (饮料):_58 . books (书):_59 . other things (其他物品):_四、单词拼写60 . 圈出下列单词。hard lazy parent speak withspeakwoparemlazyxidrhardteohlkpnwithttnmbd61 . she (名词性物主代词) _62 . 根据图片将字母组成新的单词1.c i n g d a n _2. t a u r e s r a n t _3. t o w n a C h i n _4. p s h o _63 . 补全单词1. h_me2. sp_ce3. e_rth4. tr_vel5. inte_ested64 . down(反义词)_65 . 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词:Its a picture of Hainan Island, my favourite p_ in China.66 . he(名词性物主代词)_将下列字母重新排列, 组成正确的单词, 并写在相应的图片后。67 . odctro _68 . apliocenm _69 . nersu_70 . ridevr _71 . mfarre_72 . we的对应词_73 . hamburger(复数)_74 . 根据汉语提示补全单词:以前a_75 . Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Are you 1. a_happy during your vacation? Many people may say yes. But last week I had a bad vacation. My parents and I 2. t_a bus to the Great Wall. We got on the bus at 7:00 a.m. But on the half 3. w_, it broke down. After an hour, it started again. It was 4. n_11:00a.m. when we finally got to the Great Wall. We were excited when we 5. s_on the Great Wall. My father took out the camera and wanted to take some photos. But just then, it started to rain. We had to go 6. b_to our bus. When we wanted to eat 7. s_, we found we left our food bag at home.76 . 根据首字母提示填空。This is Peters room. Its a very n_ room. There are two maps(地图) o_ the wall(墙). One is a map o_ China, and the other is a map of World (世界). There s a desk in f_ of the window. Theres a clock on it. Near the clock, theres a g_. There i_ some tea in it. There are two pens and some books o_ the desk too. On the floor theres a chair and a football under it. Peter s_ in his room and he l_ his room very much.77 . shouldnt (完全形式) _78 . 根据汉语意思,补全单词:th _ (那么,就)五、句型转换79 . My grandma was a nurse before. (对画线部分提问)_your grandma _ before?80 . 按要求完成下列各句。(10分)(1)We go to school from Monday to Friday.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ go to school from Monday to Friday?(2)She likes cooking. She likes growing flowers.(将两句合并成一句) She _ cooking _ growing flowers。(3)He lives in a town near London.(对划线部分提问) _ _ he live?(4)He does his homework every day. (把every day 改为now 改写句子) He _ _ his homework now .(5)clothes, rooms, the, the, and, Nancy, cleans, washes, often (连词成句) _81 . 按要求完成下列各题。1. my/is/ a/ this/ kite (.) (连词成句)_2. a/ bird/ it/ is (?)(连词成句) _3. Whats this? (用monster做回答)_ 4. It is a cat. (对划线部分提问)_ 5. This is a new desk. (改为一般疑问句) _按要求改写句子。82 . She is good at playing the piano.(同义句转换)She _ playing the piano.83 . My father gave me a present yesterday.(同义句转换)My father gave a present _ yesterday.84 . Miss Li took him to the office.(改为否定句)Miss Li _ him to the office.85 . Sam brought some water quickly just now.(改为一般疑问句)_ Sam _ water quickly just now?86 . My mother saw a little mouse in the kitchen in the morning.(对画线部分提问)_ your mother _ in the kitchen in the morning?按要求改写句子。87 . Your schoolbag is bigger than mine.(改为同义句)My schoolbag _than yours.88 . I wear size 38 shoes.(对画线部分提问)_are your shoes?89 . Jim is 1.7 metres.(对画线部分提问)_is Jim?90 . Amy is 1.57 metres.Sarah is 1.63 metres.(合并成一句)Sarah is _Amy.91 . Are your feet bigger than his?(作否定回答)No,_.六、选内容补全对话从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。A. Whats this?B. Would you like some milk?C. Shh! Dont shout here.D. Dont drink in the library.A: Hello, Su Hai! B: 92 . A: Oh, Im sorry. Look at my new cap.B: Its nice. 93 . A: Its milk. 94 . B: No, thank you. 95 . A: Oh, Im sorry.七、改错改错。96 . Look at the bird. What nice!A B C(_)_97 . Wheres the bird? Itson the tree.A B C(_)_98 . Is thisyour crayon, Mike? Yes, this is.A B C(_)_99 . The orangesarein the tree.A B C(_)_100 . Itbehind the box.A B C(_)_101 . 改错(每句中有一个错误)。(_) 1. I go to the museum last Sunday. _(_) 2. I want to travel to all the place in the world. _(_) 3. The Big Ben is very old but it is still work. _(_) 4. I want to Qingdao last summer. _(_) 5. My family went to the great Wall last year. _102 . 改错。找出错误并改正(_)1.How can I dofor you?_A B C(_)2.Wouldyou like some tomato? _A B C (_)3.Could I have an eggs? _A BC(_)4.I want somepotatos. _A B C103 . 改错题。1. I wont wear glass._2. Kitty want to know about her future._3. Ill be an teacher._104 . 改错:TheyreIgrandparents.(_)改为_A B C第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、三、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、四、单词拼写1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、五、句型转换1、2、3、4、5、六、选内容补全对话1、七、改错1、2、3、4、5、

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