外研版(一起)英语四年级上册Module 8单元测试卷

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外研版(一起)英语四年级上册Module 8单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Does your dad like rice? ( )No, he .AdoesntBdoCdont2 . ( ) We can draw in the.Acomputer roomBart roomCtable tennis room3 . - Did you _ my milk? ( )- No, I didnt.AtakesBtakingCtake4 . I lots of photos in Beijing last summer holiday. ( )AtakeBtookCam takingDto take5 . Its _ the library. ( )Anext toBto next Cnext6 . I didnt take my balls. I_. ( )AforgetBforgetsCforgot7 . 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。【小题1】AsweetBmeetCfeedDhealthy【小题2】AshyBfunnyCsorryDfamily【小题3】AknowBhowCnowDbrown【小题4】AseeBbedCteaDeat【小题5】AyesBbabyCwindyDhappy选择相对应的单词、图片或句子。8 . Are you Dongdong? ( )No, Im not. Im Peter.AB9 . she( )AB10 . ( )AgrandfatherBfather11 . Wheres the ball? ( )_AIts on the chair.BIts under the chair.12 . ( )AThe girl is putting the candles on the cake.BThe girl is blowing out the candles on the cake.13 . Here _ your oranges.( )AisBamCare14 . I _ there last year. ( )AgoBgoesCwent二、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正误,对的用T,错的用F。Last Saturday, our class had a trip. We went to the mountain near our city. That day, the weather was great. We started at 7:30. On the way, we talked and sang. Soon, we arrived (到达). Wow! It was really a wonderful mountain. We were happy. Then we went to the top. Then we has a rest (休息). I looked back. Oh, my friend Alice was far from me. She was very tired. I waited for her and asked her to follow me. At about eleven, we ate some food and drank some water. I felt the food was very great!15 . We went to the mountain last Sunday. (_)16 . That day is fine.(_)17 . We started at eight. (_)18 . Alice was in front of me. (_)19 . At 12:00, we ate some food and drank some water.(_)三、连词成句20 . 连词成句1. am I tall ._2. lunch We have a big (.)_3. is How she old ?_4. my, a, is, family, this, of, picture_5. Are Eve you (?)_21 . 连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号。1. many, How, do, have, you, music lessons, in, a, week (?)_2. should, go, to, early, You, bed(.)_3. telling, I, a, story, am (.)_4. card, a, get-well, you, for, Heres (.)_5. the, Are, watching, you, high, jump(?)_22 . 单词排排队。1. think, Tom, football, player, I, is, good, a (.)_2. have, children, the, English, class, five, times, week, a (.)_3. you, happy, feel, see, friends, again, will, to, your (.)_4. parents, a, birthday, had, my, me, party, for (.)_5. what, Betty, will, for, the, holidays, summer, do (?)_四、连线题23 . 连线。1.What do you want to eat? a.Yes, I do.2.What do you want to drink? b.Its fifty dollars.3.Do you want to eat noodles? c.I think so.4.How much is it? d.Milk, please.5.Oh its delicious. e.I want a hamburger.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、任务型阅读1、三、连词成句1、2、3、四、连线题1、

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