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鲁教版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(不含听力材料)D卷 一、 听选信息 (共4题;共27分)1. (5分)听对话,根据对话内容完成下列句子,每空限填一词 (1)Paul and Tina havent seen each other for _ years. (2)Paul joined the national football _and practiced every day. (3)Tina is a member of her_. (4)Tina used to be shy but she is very _now. (5)Tina is going to have a _at Screen City this weekend. 2. (2分)Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. A . Watch TV.B . Visit his aunt.C . Go swimming.D . Listen to the radio.3. (10分)听长对话,选择最佳答案。(1)Where is Claudia going now? A . To the supermarketB . To the bookstoreC . To the clothes store(2)When is Franks birthday? A . This SaturdayB . This SundayC . Next Saturday(3)What did Jimmy buy for Frank? A . A basketballB . A soccer ballC . A volleyball(4)How much is Jimmys gift for Frank? A . 5 dollarsB . 15 dollarsC . 50 dollars(5)What kind of books does Frank like reading? A . Cartoon booksB . StorybooksC . Picture books4. (10分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)Why isnt the woman interested in flying? (it makes her worried/it flies quickly/it is expensive) (2)What does the woman worry about at last? (her luggage/where she will go/the return flight) 二、 信息转述及询问 (共1题;共10分)5. (10分)听下面一段独白,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项,回答问题。 (1)Why does Jim try his best to save money? A . Because he thinks his family is not rich.B . Because he wants to buy some new books.C . Because he thinks its not easy to make money.(2)Where does Jim often buy books? A . In the bookstore.B . In the reading room.C . On the Internet.(3)How does Jim go to school when it rains? A . On foot.B . By bus.C . By bike.(4)What does Jim often drink at school? A . Coffee.B . Water.C . Juice.(5)What does the speaker think of Jim? A . Good.B . Silly.C . Poor.三、 根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。 (共9题;共18分)6. (2分)There will be _ winds and _ rain next week. A . strong; heavyB . small; lightC . heavy; largeD . strong; large7. (2分)The road is so narrow that buses are unable to .A . stayB . comeC . pass8. (2分)He came back so late that his father was angry last night.A . gave backB . returnedC . brought backD . returned back9. (2分)_ in the dictionary, and you will know the meaning of the word. A . Look them upB . Look up themC . Look it up10. (2分)Whats the news about?It is reported that some fans were injured in the crowd before the famous singer _.A . looked upB . thought upC . gave upD . showed up11. (2分)Rose, I think that this information as importantThank you, Mr Smith. I will and remember itA . take it offB . copy it downC . pick it up12. (2分)How much money did you pay for the drink?None. Its _.A . freeB . hardC . dearD . cheap13. (2分) Mum, shall we go to the beach tomorrow? It _ the weather.A . carries onB . lives onC . depends onD . holds on14. (2分)I always see Susan buy presents for her younger sister.Me, too. She has a very close _ with her sister.A . friendshipB . competitionC . relationship四、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共6题;共12分)15. (2分) I hear you have to read English every morning. Right. Its one of the _ in my family.A . plansB . rulesC . ordersD . suggestions16. (2分)Lao Shes Teahouse _ the changes in Chinese society over fifty years.A . describesB . improves C . preparesD . corrects17. (2分)If you are _ about something, you believe it is true and have no doubt about it. A . seriousB . annoyedC . certain18. (2分) The cup cakes are gifts for your friends. Wow! They look _.A . difficultB . strongC . badD . delicious19. (2分)It _ me almost two hours to finish my homework.A . tookB . costC . spentD . needs20. (2分)Lily and Linda look , but they are in families.A . the same, differentB . different, the sameC . same, the different五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空 Have you ever been to an amusement park? There is an amusement park in the center of my city. I think it is wonderful and exciting. I visited the amusement park with my parents this summer. I 1it was a sunny day. A long line of people were waiting to buy tickets. Most people brought 2with them: they wanted to take some photos. Inside of the amusement park were many wonderful rides 3water rides, a roller coaster (过山车) and sightseeing trains. My parents 4sightseeing trains that carried passengers around the amusement park. 5felt very relaxed. I liked water rides. You cant imagine how excited you feel 6you travel through the water. The roller coaster was very 7with adults and kids. A lot of people were waiting to get on. But some of them 8stand up after getting off the roller coaster!We had a 9day and I would love to visit the amusement park again. It was a perfect 10to spend your day with your family. (1)A . remember B . consider C . imagine D . believe (2)A . tickets B . cameras C . foods D . pictures (3)A . instead of B . according to C . as well as D . such as (4)A . fixed B . liked C . invented D . collected (5)A . He B . He C . They D . We (6)A . if B . though C . unless D . because (7)A . rapid B . popular C . dangerous D . strange (8)A . shouldnt B . neednt C . mustnt D . couldnt (9)A . fun B . terrible C . hard D . quiet (10)A . story B . time C . fact D . place 六、 阅读理解 (共5题;共46分)22. (10分) Earthquakes happen without warning(前兆). They can happen any time of a day, at any point during the year. But dont worry because most are so weak that they cannot be felt. Only a few big ones hurt people. However, its important to know what to do when an earthquake is happening. Do NOT go outside. You could get injured from falling glass or parts of buildings. If you are outside, stay away from buildings and power lines (输电线). Stay under a desk, table, or other strong furniture(家具). Hold on to it. Or stay in a corner of the building. Cover your face and head with your arms and cover your mouth with a towel(围巾) or clothing. Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.Keep away from windows, pictures or advertisements on the wall or the building, and anything else that could fall and hurt you. Most people get injured by falling things during an earthquake, not by the shaking itself. Keep away from a fire. You could fall down and burn yourself on the fire.If you are driving when an earthquake happens, stop the car if its safe. Stay inside your car until the earthquake stops, and dont drive near bridges. Try not to stop by power lines or trees. These could fall and hurt you.(1)Most earthquakes are too _ to hurt people.A . strongB . weakC . dangerousD . heavy(2)From the passage, when an earthquake is happening, we should _.A . stay under a big buildingB . stay under a strong furnitureC . stand by windowsD . drive near a big bridge(3)It isnt safe for you to while the earthquake is happening.A . run out of the buildingB . stay in a corner of the buildingC . cover your head with your armsD . cover your mouth with a towel(4)This passage tells us _.A . how dangerous the earthquake isB . how to be safe in an earthquakeC . we shouldnt be afraid of the earthquakeD . how the earthquake comes into being(5)The best title for this passage should be _.A . How Earthquakes HappenB . How to Drive a CarC . What We Should Do in EarthquakesD . Why Earthquakes Happen23. (6分)阅读理解I have come to realize that life is a long journey. Whether we choose to keep moving around, or we choose to stay in one place, we are on a journey. That journey is not an easy one because every day it makes our face new problems in new ways.When I was a little boy, I always looked forward to the next trip or the next holiday. Maybe it is because we lived in a small and boring town. When I finished school, I kept moving. In the first year out of school, I travelled with a friend and we visited over 17 countries in Europe, working in different jobs as we went. After this, I started studying. I studied at three different universities and lived in five different towns. That was my life. There was always someone else to get to know. All this carried on for many years until I got married and had my own family. When you stay in the same place, with the same persons, you start a whole new journey.Then you will stay in the same town, choosing one place to live and one job to remain in. There you are challenged to face life, doing things such as trying hard to get along well with your boss. You have to keep on at your job when you feel like giving it up and traveling again.So rather than move around on different trips, you are on a new journey. This journey of staying still is just as important as all the travels in the world.(1)Why did the writer like moving around when he was a boy? A . Because he liked being with friends.B . Because he wanted to know about the world.C . Because he lived in a boring and small town.D . Because he didnt love his family.(2)Which one is TRUE according to the passage? A . The writer went to Europe alone when he left school.B . The writer kept moving during his whole life.C . After the writer got married, he tried different jobs.D . The writer thinks staying still is as important as traveling around.(3)What is the best title? A . Go travelingB . Life is a long journeyC . Stay stillD . Travel makes you better24. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。CMy name is Lin Tao. I am a Chinese boy. Now Im studying in America. There are many kinds of clubs here. When I first come here, I dont know anything about clubs. Im a shy boy, so I cant speak English well. In my first year in America, I dont like to speak to others. In my second year I have to change (改变) myself by doing some new things. I realize that school is not just about getting good grades (成绩), its also about being part of a club. One day, when I go to the Media Center with my classmate Jim, he tells me something about the club. Its interesting, so I join it. I am in many clubs now. Its good to be part of a club. These clubs help me to make new friends.(1)Where is Lin Tao studying now?A . In China.B . In America.C . In Canada.D . In Australia.(2)Lin Tao doesnt like to speak to others the first year because .A . he doesnt know anyoneB . he is busy with his studyC . he cant speak English wellD . he doesnt like his classmates、(3)What does Lin Tao think in his second school year?A . He must study hard.B . He must make more friends.C . He must speak English more.D . He must do some new things.(4)What does the underlined word “realize” mean in Chinese?A . 明白B . 猜测C . 怀疑D . 想象(5)What can you learn from the passage (短文)?A . Lin Tao doesnt like joining clubs.B . Lin Tao lives in America with his parents.C . The Media Center is Lin Taos first club.D . Lin Tao makes many new friends in the first year.25. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。CSome people have a very poor sense of direction(方向). Unluckily, I am one of them. I have visited a place many times but I may still get lost there the next time.When I was a little girl, I never dared to ask people the way. And so I used to walk around in circles and hope that by chance I would get to the place I was going to.Now I am no longer too shy to ask people for directions, but I often get helpless or even wrong information. So I try to avoid giving people wrong directions. If someone asks me the way somewhere, I will say, Sorry, I am new here.Once on my way to work I was stopped by a man. He asked me if I could tell him the way to the Friendship Building. I gave him my usual reply. But just as I walked on only a few steps, I realized that he had asked the way to my office building. However, I had no time to turn back and look for him. I was rushing to meet with someone at my office and I didnt want to keep him waiting.When I just got to my office, the secretary(秘书) showed in the man who had asked me for directions. Imagine(想象) how embarrassed I was and how surprised he was when we saw each other at the first sight.(1)The writer always refuses to give people directions because _. A . she is a stranger to the cityB . she doesnt know the peopleC . she has no time to help othersD . she is afraid of giving the wrong direction(2)A man stopped the writer on the way to _. A . sell her somethingB . ask her the timeC . make friends with herD . ask for the direction(3)The Friendship Building is the place where the writer _. A . livesB . studiesC . worksD . teaches(4)The word embarrassed in Paragraph 5 means _. A . 尴尬B . 困惑C . 激动D . 拮据(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . The writer is too shy to give others directions.B . The writer has a very poor sense of direction.C . The writer never got lost when she was young.D . The man was quite nervous when he saw the writer.26. (10分)阅读理解Do equations and historical( 历史的) facts give you a headache? A change in the school timetable(课程表) may be the cure.This suggestion is based on a recent study carried out by scientists from Royal Holloway, University of London, the UK. They found that teenagers could get higher marks in math if they studied in the mornings and better grades in history if they were taught in the afternoons.The researchers studied students grade reports, class timetables and absence rates( 缺席率) at a middle school in Bulgaria over nine years. The results showed that when teenagers had math classes earlier in the day, they scored about 7 percent higher in tests than when taught in the afternoon. Lower-ability students feel stressed most when they were studying math in the afternoon. In history, students taught in the afternoon scored about 6 percent higher than when they were taught in the morning. However, there was no sign that similar patterns( 模 式 ) work for other subjects such as languages or geography.Velichka Dimitrova, who did the study, said the findings show that we perform( 表 现 ) better at different times of the day. “In the morning, our brains are better and fresher, so we are better at doing something like problem solving, where we require more speed and attention” Dimitrova told The Telegraph. “In the afternoon, it seems that this process slows down. On the other hand, history is more suitable for the afternoon, when we are more creative and open to discussion,” she said. Subjects such as foreign languages require both memory and creativity. This is perhaps why the time of day had no influence on language learning.Time-of-day influences such as these are believed to have something to do with the body clock.This is the system in our bodies that controls when we need to sleep. Some schools in the US and UK have tried later school starting times for teenagers, whose body clocks change as they grow into adults. Dimitrova believes schools should jump at this chance to improve their students performance just by changing their timetables.(1)In which classes do you learn equations (Paragraph 1) according to the passage? A . MathsB . GeographyC . EnglishD . History(2)According to the new study, . A . afternoon classes lowered students performance in historyB . school timetables have an influence on every subjectC . it was better for students to learn math in the morningD . lower-ability students preferred to start school earlier(3)Whats the main idea of Paragraph 4? A . It shows the importance of studying different subjects at different times of the day.B . It introduces the best time to do things that require memory and creativity.C . It encourages students to change their study methods for better results.D . It explains how school timetables affect peoples study performance.(4)According to Dimitrova, . A . rearranging(重新安排) school timetables is the best way to improve students test scoresB . schools should follow advice from the study and actively change their timetablesC . most schools dont have enough resources to support timetable changesD . schools should think twice before changing their class timetables(5)What is the best title of this passage? A . Time to change the timetable.B . A survey carried out successfully.C . Secrets of learning math and history well.D . Body clocks influence grades.七、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)27. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 In Britain you arent allowed _ (drive) a car until you are seventeen. You have to get a special driving license _ you can drive, When youre learning, someone with a full license always has to be in the car _ you. You arent allowed to drive the car on the road alone.You dont have to go to a driving school. A friend can teach you. The person who teaches you isnt allowed to take money _ the lesson unless he has got a teacher s license.You have to take a _ (drive) test to have a full license. If you dont pass the test, you will be allowed to take it again a few weeks later if you want to. In 1970, a woman passed her _ (forty) test after 212 driving lessons! When you have passed your test, you are allowed to go on driving as long _ you like, if you are _ (health). Britains _ (old) driver was a man who drove in 1974 at the age of 100. Before 1904, everyone was allowed to drive, even _ (child). From then on car drivers must have licenses.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)研究表明音乐对人们的情绪有着重要的影响, 因此人们用不同的音乐来调节心情。请根据下表提示内容, 写一篇英语短文。听音乐前的情绪状态适用音乐听音乐后的心境压力大, 过分焦虑流行音乐放松沉迷电脑游戏, 兴奋过度乡村音乐平静困倦.疲劳摇滚音乐振奋孤独.悲伤(考生自拟)(考生自拟)注意:1.词数90左右。开头已经写好, 不计入总词数; 2.内容必须包括上表中的要点; 3.条理清楚.语句连续; 4.文中不得出现真实的地名.校名和人名等信息。Research has shown that music has an important influence on ones moods.第 24 页 共 24 页参考答案一、 听选信息 (共4题;共27分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、二、 信息转述及询问 (共1题;共10分)5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。 (共9题;共18分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、四、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共6题;共12分)15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、五、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、六、 阅读理解 (共5题;共46分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、七、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)27-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)28-1、

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