人教版(PEP)三年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷 (4)

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人教版(PEP)三年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷 (4)_第1页
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人教版(PEP)三年级上册期末模拟测试英语试卷 (4)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Dont listen _ Susan. ( )AinBto2 . There_ any bread in the fridge. Lets _ to buy some, _? ( )Aare, goes, will youBis, going, will youCarent, went, shall weDisnt, go, shall we3 . I am having an ice cream. Then I _ from my dream. ( )Awake inBwake upCwake off4 . My train _ at 10:00 am tomorrow. ( )AarriveBwill arriveCarrivedDto arrive5 . Can you say_?( )Awhat I can sayBwhat can I sayCwhat say I can二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案。This is Lucy and that is Lily. Lucy is 12 years old. Lily is 12 years old, too. Lucy looks like Lily and Lily looks like Lucy, too. They look the same. They are twins. But they have different hobbies. Lucy likes listening to music and drawing pictures. Lily likes dancing and playing basketball. They are American. They are new students in Jims class. They are in Grade Six. Jim often looks after them. They are new friends. They go to a shop. They would like something to eat and drink. Lucy would like some bread. Lily would like a bottle of orange. Jim would like some apples.6 . How old is Lucy? ( )A. Eleven. B. Twelve. C. Thirteen.7 . Are Lucy and Lily twins? ( )A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C. No, they are.8 . What are Lilys hobbies? ( )A. Listening to music and dacning.B. Dancing and singing.C. Dancing and playing basketball.9 . Who often looks after Lucy and Lily? ( )A. Their teacher. B. Jim. C. Mike.10 . What would Lucy like?( )A. Some bread. B. Some apples. C. A bottle of orange.三、完形填空11 . 完形填空In the old days,in London,the smog was very thick. Car and bus drivers 1to drive very slowly they could 2see theroad in front of them even during the daytime. People did not like going out in the smog 3they had to go out,they wore smog masks over their facesIn December 1952,a very, 4dark cloud came down overLondonIt was the 5smog Londoners had ever had 6of it was bad factory smoke Nearly fifty people died in road accidents. But many more people became unhealthyThe smog was very 7for old people and childrenOne man said,“The streets were almost 8because people stayed at home as much as possibleThe air was very thick,and you could almost cut it with a knife”After three weeks,the smog began to 9But in the following weeks and months,over 4000 people died as a 10of the smog( )1 Ahurried Bstayed C. had Dminded( )2. Aalready Beasily Cluckily D. hardly( )3AIf BSo CThough DWhether( )4 Athin Bthick Clight Dclear( )5 Afurthest Bhottest Cworst Dnicest( )6 A Much BMany CFew D. A few( )7 A. quiet Bdangerous Cfavorite Dweak( )8 Abusy Bempty Cenjoyable Ddirty( )9 Aarrive Bshine Cforget Dlift( )10 Abeginning Bpart Cusual DResult四、汉译英12 . 汉译英:我想有个笔友。I want a _.五、填内容补全对话根据对话内容,补全句子。-Do you want to go to Shanghai?-No, I 13 . . I 14 . to go to Beijing. 15 . you?-Yes, I do.-16 . 17 . member states are there in the UN?-There are 193.-18 . is the UN building?-Its 19 . New York.-What is she 20 . ?-21 . riding a bike.六、改错改错。22 . They dont have some lessons on Sunday. (_)_A B C23 . We havea English lesson this morning. (_)_A B C24 . Yang Ling have a swimminglesson today. (_)_A B C25 . I get upon eight every morning. (_)_A B C26 . Its timein go to school. (_)_A B C第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、汉译英1、五、填内容补全对话1、六、改错1、


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