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1 初二英语形容词和副词的语法精讲 王春娟 杨凌高新中学 教学目标 集中学习初中英语形容词与副词及比较级及最高级的用法 教学内容 一 形容词用法 1 形容词可分为两大类 描绘形容词和限定形容词 描绘形容词是描写人或物的颜色 尺寸 形状 性质 状态等的形容词 限定形容词用于限定被修饰词的数量 距离 所有 关系等 除了 these 和 those 外 形容词的单数与复数形式相同 描绘形容词 beautiful large red interesting colourful important 限 定 形 容 词 基数词 one two 序数词 first second 物主代词 my your 指示代词 this that these 数量词 few many 冠 词 a an the 2 形容词的位置 修饰语一般应置于被修饰语之前 但当几个形容词修饰同一名词时 其排列顺序一般 如下 形容词性代词 数量词 描 绘 形 容 词 性质 尺寸形状 新旧温度 颜色 国籍 材料 all both the a n this that first one good large old red Chinese iron such your some many second two fine small hot blue English stone Example that strong young Chinese swimmer 注意 形容词前有 as so no too how 等词时 不定冠词应置于形容词之后 She is too kind a girl to refuse 在下列情况下 修饰语应置于被修饰的名词后 1 名词之后的数量词 名词 old long wide 等 a boy six years old a street two kilometers long 2 为了加强语气或音调美 将描绘形容词置于名词之后 He had a face thin and worn 3 something anything everyone anybody 形容词 There s nothing wrong with the electric cooker 4 作定语用的分词或形容词短语 The judge has talked to all the people involved 所包含的 形式复杂的 3 数词 名词 构成的形容词 1 数词 名词 如 a two week tour a ten page report 等 2 数词 名词 形容词 如 a seven year old boy 等 3 名词 无冠词 基数词 the 序数词 名词 如 Unit 6 the Sixth Unit 4 数量词 复数名词 作主语 虽然是复数形式 但仍然用单数动词 作为一个 2 单位来表示 如果强调个别数 则须用复数动词 Ten years is quite a long time to him Two months have passed since I last heard from my parents 二 副词 1 副词的构成如下 1 本身就是副词 如 very now there quite 等 2 有形容词后缀如 ly 如 happily carefully 等 3 有些副词与形容词同形 如 early high long fast hard 等 注意 有些 ly 结尾的词不是副词而是形容词 如 manly friendly queenly 女王的 威严的 慷慨的 等 2 副词的位置 1 修饰形容词和副词时 须放在被修饰词之前 如 The scenery around here is very beautiful 2 always never often sometimes usually 等表示频率的副词在一般动词前 be 动词 后 有助动词时 在助动词和动词之间 He usually gets up early but he got up late today I have never met him and I hope I will never meet him 3 有两个以上不同种类的副词作修饰语时 其顺序为地点 小地点 大地点 状 态 次数 时间 单位小的时间 单位大的时间 They arrived in Paris safely the other day 4 seldom rarely never 等具有否定意义的频率副词置于句首时 助动词或 be 动词 须放在主语的前面 也叫倒装句 如 Never did I hear such a funny story I never heard such a funny story 3 几个特殊副词的用法 1 enough 须置于所修饰的形容词和副词之后 too 须置于所修饰的形容词和副词之 前 She speaks English well enough to be an interpreter 译员 口译者 It s too hot a day to work 但 enough 修饰名词时须置于名词之前 Have you got enough money for this microwave 微波 oven 烤炉 烤箱 2 too for 不定式 to 作 太 而不能 解 enough 不定式 意思是 足够可以 这一结构可转换成 so that 结构 The boy was still too young to go to school He was so young that he could not go to school The man is rich enough to buy a Roll Royce He is so rich that he can buy a Roll Royce 3 already 用于肯定句 作 已经 解 yet 用于否定句 作 还 解 用于疑问句 作 已经 解 still 作 仍然 解 I have already seen the film Have you seen the film yet I still prefer tea to coffee 4 随着 only 和 also 在句中位置的改变 句意和语气也会改变 Only Mr Li came to see me today 3 Mr Li came to see only me today Mr Li came to see me only today 三 形容词的比较等级 形容词比较等级的规则变化如下表 构 成 法 原 级 比较级 最高级 1 单音节词末尾加 er 和 est 伟大的 great greater greatest 2 单音节词如以 e 结尾 只加 r 和 st brave 勇敢的fine 好的 braverfiner bravestfinest 3 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音 字母 须先双写这个辅音字母 再加 er 和 est big 大的 hot 热的 bigger hotter biggest hottest 4 少数以 y er ow ble 结构的双音节词 末尾加 er 和 est 以 y 结尾的词 如 y 前是辅音字母 则 y 变为 i 再加 er 和 est 以 e 结尾的词仍只加 r 和 st happy 快乐的 clever 聪明的 narrow 狭窄的 able 能 happier cleverer narrower abler happiest cleverest narrowest ablest 5 其它双音节和多音节词皆在前面加单 词 more 和 most difficult 困难的 more difficult most difficult 四 形容词比较等级部分不规则变化表 原 级 比 较 级 最 高 级 good well better Best bad ill worse worst many much more Most little few less Least far fartherfurther farthestfurthest old olderelder oldesteldest late latterlater lastlatest 五 形容词 副词比较等级的基本用法 形容词与副词都有三个比较等级 1 原级常用于 as 原级 as 结构 He likes her as much as he likes his sister 否定的原级用 not as as 或 not so as 二者一般无甚区别 He does not smoke so heavily as his brother 2 比较级常用于 比较级 than 结构 He is taller than me 4 否定比较与否定原级一样 也用 not as so as 结构 也可用 less than 结构 This word is less frequent in British English than in American English 3 两个人或物比较时 定冠词 the 比较级表示最高级 He is the taller of the two 4 最高级常用于 the 最高级 比较范围 结构 比较范围为短语或从句 It is the best picture in the hall 5 含有否定词的比较级 如 no less than as much or many as 不亚于 not less than at least 至少 no less than as as 和 一样 not less 原级 than 至少不亚于 no more than not any more than 和 一样不 not more than not so as 不像 那样 no more than only 只不过 言其少 not more than at most 不多于 至少 6 表示 几倍于 用 twice 两倍 three times 三倍 as as This book costs twice as much as the other one 7 the 比较级 the 比较级 意思是 越 就越 如 The harder you work the more you will learn 8 比较结构之前可用程度状语加以修饰 如 as as 前可用 almost nearly just about quite 等词语修饰 如 John is almost as tall as his father 9 在 more than 结构之前可用 far so very much quite a lot a great deal just a bit still far 等词语修饰 如 He speaks English a lot more rapidly than he does French 10 比较级 and 比较级 作 越来 越 解 如 The days are getting longer and longer 当堂检测 典型例题 一 形容词与副词练习 1 He is a boy good well 2 These are classroom bright brightly 3 He is a man real really 4 He is a man real really 5 They are girls careful carefully keys 1 good 2 bright 3 real 4 really 5 careful 6 They walked into the room quiet quietly 7 He is hurt bad badly 8 The man was ill serious seriously 9 the man wasn t badly hurt lucky luckily 10 They are carrying some boxes heavy heavily keys 6 quietly 7 badly 8 seriously 9 Luckily 10 heavy 11 English is spoken in the world wide widely 12 Knives are used for cutting things wide widely 5 13 Rice is grown in the south main mainly 14 He is a tall man strong strongly 15 He is careful carefully keys 11 widely 12 widely 13 mainly 14 strong 15 careful 16 He writes careful carefully 17 He feels happy happily 18 He lives happy happily 19 It rained last night heavy heavily 20 The rain was heavy heavily keys 16 carefully 17 happy 18 happily 19 heavily 20 heavy 21 It blew yesterday strong strongly 22 The sun is shining bright brightly 23 They are working happy happily 24 He got angry angrily 25 Things turn bad badly keys 21 strongly 22 brightly 23 happily 24 angry 25 bad 26 Lucy was as as me careful carefully 27 Lucy wrote as as me careful carefully 28 He cleaned the room as as Lily quick quickly 29 He runs as as me slow slowly 30 How the sun shone bright brightly keys 26 careful 27 carefully 28 quickly 29 slowly 30 brightly 31 How the sun is bright brightly 32 How the flowers are growing beautiful beautifully 33 How they are happy happily 34 How they are working happy happily 35 How the wind blew last night strong strongly keys 31 bright 32 beautifully 33 happy 34 happily 35 strongly 模拟试题 答题时间 45 分钟 一 形容词 副词专项练习题 1 Nowadays science fiction isn t as as cartoons among teenagers A popular B more popular C less popular D the most popular 2 We are glad to see that Shanghai is developing these years than ever before A quickly B less quickly C more quickly D the most quickly 3 The cheese cake tasted so that the kids asked for more A delicious B well C bad D badly 4 Why didn t you enjoy the talk It was talk that I had ever listened to A the most interesting B the least interesting C more interesting D 1ess interesting 5 Guo Yue did quite at the World Table Tennis Championship 锦标赛 but Zhang 6 Yining did even A better well B well well C well better D better better 6 Whose picture is better Jack s or Tom s Both of them are good I think Jack draws Tom A as good as B as well as C better than D worse than 7 It gets very here in summer A cool B cold C warm D hot 8 Be and you will do well in the English exam A careful B polite C sure D friendly 9 Lin Tao is good at all the subjects at school English A really B mostly C especially D exactly 10 The coat is too expensive Look here s another one It s and nicer A dearer B cheaper C older D longer 11 The population of Tianjin is than that of Shanghai A larger B less C smaller D fewer 12 It s raining We have to stay at home instead of going fishing A badly B hardly C heavily D strongly 13 Kate is as as Maria A tall B taller C tallest D the tallest 14 She looks very I think she needs to have a rest A tired B hard C well D hardly 15 Tom is terribly ill We d better send him to hospital as as we can A slowly B quickly C quietly D easily 16 Do you like the Moonlight Sonata Sure it sounds really A clear B clearly C beautiful D beautifully 17 Supermarkets are necessary People usually spend time finding things they want but they usually spend money than they want A less less B less more C fewer less D fewer more 18 Do you want to improve your score in math Try staying away from your computer A recent report in Britain says The students use computer at school and at home the they do in exams of reading and math A more better B less worse C more more D less better 19 He speaks English an American so we all believe that he has stayed in America for many years A as good as B worse than C as badly as D as well as 20 The TV programme is boring Shall we play chess instead All right That is than watching a boring programme A very good B much good 7 C very better D much better 21 Even though she looks very young she is twice my twenty year old sister A as old as B older than C so old as D as older as 22 The sooner you take your medicine you will feel A the more good B better C the more D the better 23 Of the four T shirts I like the blue one A much best B the best C better D the better 24 Xiao Yang has learned to study in the U S A English enough B enough English C more English D much English 25 He explained it to me but I m no wiser A enough B the C more D much 26 Xiao Wang s mother bought him a racing bicycle for his birthday A five speeds B five speed C five speed s D five speeds 二 形容词与副词原级 比较级和最高级练习 1 The snow will be in North China tomorrow A very heavy B much heavy C heavier 2 The child is too to go to school A old B young C younger 3 Jim can jump than Tom A far B farther C farthest 4 The Changjiang River is in China A the long B longer C the longest 5 Exercise One is in Lesson Ten A difficult B much more difficult C the most difficult 6 Who is Mr Green or Mr Smith A very rich B much richer C the richest 7 This is TV set I have ever seen A cheaper B the cheapest C the most cheap 8 John is Kate A as young as B as younger as C young than 9 Do you think which classroom is in our school A clean B the cleaner C the cleanest 10 Mr Zhang is one of in No 1 Middle School A the busiest teacher B the busiest teachers C the busy teachers 11 Could you tell me the way to hospital please A near B nearer C the nearest 12 Of all the boxes the red one is A heavy B heavier C the heaviest 13 Our school is not so as theirs 8 A small B smaller C the smallest 14 Miss Li is Miss Zhao A so younger as B not so old as C as older as 15 Children in the modern time are than those in the past A happy B happier C more happy 16 China is one of in the world A great country B the greatest country C the greatest countries 17 Kate s apple is Jim s A red as B redder than C as redder as 18 Her grandmother was ill yesterday and she is today A very ill B even worse C the worst 19 Li Lei is any boy in our class A strong B much stronger than C the strongest 20 My school bag is a little than yours A nice B nicer C nicest 21 It s today than yesterday A very warm B too warmer C much warmer 22 I know about it than you A even less B much few C more fewer 23 Today is in this week A hot B hotter C the hottest 24 It s getting these days A cold and cold B colder and colder C more and more cold 25 The newspaper is becoming A more and more interesting B interesting and more interesting C more interesting and more interesting 26 Tom is of the two boys A young B the younger C the youngest 试题答案 一 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 C 6 C 7 D 8 A 9 C 10 B 11 C 12 C 13 A 14 A 15 B 16 C 17 D 18 D 19 A 20 D 21 B 22 D 23 B 24 B 25 B 26 B 二 1 5 ABBCB 6 10 BBACB 11 15 CCABB 16 20 CBBBB 21 26 CACBAB

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