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New Target College English: Integrated CourseBook IUnit One College LifeTeaching PlanI. Objectives and Requirements:教学目标:1. To understand the true meaning of “college life” and talk about it; 2. To read the text and try to describe your college and your first impression of your college with some key words;3. To write an effective paragraph; to grasp the skill of writing a topic sentence focusing on one idea and pay attention to adverbial clauses used to organize information;4. To learn some reading techniques and skills: skimming for gist;5. To learn some translating skills: exact meaning of commonly used words and constructions; conversion; 6. To master the key phrases and some sentence patterns;7. To master some patterns of word formation: prefixes of negation and prefixes of degree;教学要求:1要求学生掌握本单元的中心思想和文章结构,学会在写作中恰当使用描述地点和心情的形容词。2掌握新单词、句型的使用方法;加强相关听说训练。3. 掌握阅读技巧略读:寻找关键词和句,确定文章大意。教学建议: 1在教学过程中启发学生开展关于“大学生活”的探讨,帮助学生正确认识和开展大学生活;帮助学生树立和培养自主学习、自我探究的学习方式,掌握必要的学习策略,激发学习潜能。2提供最新的资料背景知识,如视频,新闻报道等。II. Teaching arrangement & Time Allotment1) Listening, Speaking and new words (2 hours)2) Reading (2 hours)3) Translating practice and writing practice (2 hours) 4) Exercises and Listening practice (2 hours)III. Teaching MethodsCommunicative ApproachLearner-centered TeachingTask-based LearningTranslation MethodMultimedia ApproachI. Lead-in Class Class Hours: 2hoursII. Teaching Aims and RequirementsIII. Presenting Procedures . Teaching Methods. Blackboard Design (3 minutes) Conclusion Homework After-class ReflectionUnit One College Life(Part I)I. Lead-in Class Class Hours: 2hoursII. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Get students to understand the true meaning of “college life” and talk about it freely; 2. Get Ss to learn words and expressions concerning feelings 3. Get students to know some background information 4. Get Ss to learn the new words of Text A5. Get students to grasp skimming skillsIII. Presenting Procedures 1. Oral practice: College Life(20 minutes)a) Introductory remarks: College is not all about studying for a degree, neither is it just high school continued. Rather it is a newfound independence, an exploration of the self and ones potential; it also offers a world of limitless possibilities. b) Presentation Now lets launch a free presentation on college life concerning those questions below: (Ask students to talk in groups) Doyoustillrememberyourfirstdayofcollege? What is your first impression on your school campus? Whatdidyouseeand how did you feel on thatspecialday? Tips: What you saw: beautiful campus/ tall teaching buildings/ clean dining halls/ quiet libraries/ friendly teachers and classmates, etc. How you felt: interested/ delighted/ worried/ lost/ excited/ embarrassed/ shy/ lonely, etc. After discussion, Ask three or four students to give their presentation on the topics: What is college life like in your eyes? How should you start and carry on your college life?Tips: my dream school,burst into tears of pure joy, words cant begin to do sth, one of the toughest decisions, make my final decision, give serious thought to, enroll at (some place), eager to start the next phase of my life, have no idea, be far from easyAcademics, applied as a pre-med student, limitless options, classes, lectures, major, tough academic load, feel overloaded, a dead week, in a time-old tradition, renew my passion, be thrilled to do sth, a huge success, find an avenue to continue leadership, diversity, incredible people, keen to do sth, have the drive to do sth, frequent by yours truly, shool supplies, accessible, the majority of my classes, Im blessed to be here, Being at.can be overwhelming(College life is an opportunity for growing up. I will learn how to survive on my own, respect others and lay a solid foundation for my future during the four precious years of university, etc)2. Listening practice(15) Now lets listen to a passage to get more information about college life, while listening, fill in the blanks with what you have just heard.Listening MaterialOh! College, Here I Am!We are faced with developmental tasks at many points as we grow up, but there are a few stages in life when we meet multiple 1) _all at once. The transition from high school to college is one of those critical2) _ periods. It is an exciting time that typically leads to 3) _gains in maturity. 4) _from high school to college, we see a new world opening in 5) _and brightness. In the wonderland of 6) _, we feel the enormous urge to know all the things that 7) _within ourselves. The whole campus is filled with the spirit of wisdom and 8) _. With the excitement and nervousness, we start experiencing the great pleasures of acquiring knowledge in an institute of higher learning where we transform ourselves into a more 9) _, intellectual and popular person that everyone on campus 10) _to be.Keys: 1) challenges 2) developmental 3) considerable 4) Transitioning 5) beauty 6) knowledge 7) lie 8) freedom 9) confident 10) desires3. Back ground information(15)a) Early Action: an accelerated college application process in which students typically must complete their applications in November. In most cases, students will then receive a decision from the college before the new year.b) arvard University: Harvard University is a private Ivy League research university in Cambridge, Massachusetts, established in 1636. Its history, influence and wealth have made it one of the most prestigious university in the world.c) Ivy League College: The eight institutions are Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell University, Dartmouth college, Harvard University, Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Yale University. The term Ivy League has connotations of academic excellence, selectivity in admissions and social elitism.d) Stanford University: Stanford University, located between San Francisco and San Jose in the heart of Californias Silicon Valley, is one of the words leading teaching and research university.e) Cardinal: The Stanford Cardinal is the nickname of the athletic teams at Stanford University. The color cardinal was picked as the primary color of Stanfords athletic teams. 4. New words and expressions(35)WordsGist : n. main idea -skimming refers to the process of reading only for the gist with a passage to get an overall impression of the content of a reading selection.Spot: v spot key words carrying clues of the passage. n Its difficult to buy the tickets on the spot.Signal word: n. words that carry signal information 信号词,标识词Multiple: adj. 多重的,多功能的 Ive worked at multiple librariesTransition:n. making the transition(转变)between school and full-time blue-collar work during the break never gets any easierMaturity:n. 成熟,完备 -Psychiatrists (精神病专家) who work with older parents say that maturity can be an asset in child rearing-older parents are more thoughtful, use less physical discipline and spend more time with their children。Wonderland:n 仙境,Acquire:n. -reading ability is something acquired rather than taughtVia:prep. By means of a particular person, system, etc 通过,凭借Admission:n. The act of accepting sb into an institution, organization, etc 准许加入,进入权Accessible:adj. That can be reached, entered, used, seen, etc.Attend: v. To be present at an event 出席Campus:n. The building of a university or college and the land around them 大学校园Comprehensive:adj. Including all, or almost all, the items, details, facts, information, etc. That may be concerned 全部的,(几乎)无所不包的Declare:v. To say sth, officially or publicly 公布,宣告Semester: n. one of the two periods that the school or college year is divided into 学期Tough:adj. Having or causing problems of difficulties 困难的,棘手的Virtually:adv almost or very nearly 几乎,差不多PhrasesBe faced with: 面临,All at once:突然,同时Transform.into.:把.变为.Early action: 提前行动(美国大学入学申请的一种方式)Set foot in: 进入At the thought of:一想到Be aware of:意识到,了解Be set doing sth:决心做某事Kick off:开始Look to do sth:想方设法做某事Pass out:昏睡,失去知觉Practice in New Words Have students do Exercise 4 and practice core words related to the textFill in the blanks in the following sentences with collocations in the box above. Makechanges where necessary.blend enroll diversity frequent incredible inspiration keen overwhelming passion overlooka) It was quite an attractive room with its own little balcony_ the garden. b) The task wont feel so _ if you break it down in to small and easy-to accomplish steps. c) The basic problem is that colleges receive government money based largely on how many students they _.d) Detectives hunting the London bombers are _ to interview Runnels, who was near the spot where the bombing happened. e) Researchers suggest that a _ of fruit juices, including grape, cranberry and raspberry, may have health benefits for the heart. f) “Steve Jobs was, and still is, an_ to many individuals and companies all over the world,” he said. g) We met in a local bar much _ by students of nearby universities. h) Individual _will lead to different results in second language learning.i) Photography became his_after his mother gave him his first camera when he was 12.j) “Its been a(n)_experience, one that has enriched me both intellectually and emotionally,” says Ms Hilling.Keys: a) overlooking b) overwhelming c) enroll d) keen e) blend f) inspiration g) frequented h) diversity i) passion j) incredible5. Reading Skill (25 minutes)1) Skimming for Gist Skimmingrefers to the process of reading only for the gist (or main ideas) within a passage to get an overall impression of the content of a reading selection. It is usually done at a speed three to four times faster than normal reading. When skimming you ignore the details and only look for the gist. Tips:l Look at the title, subtitles, subheadings, and illustrations (if any) topredict the topic of the passage.l Glance quickly through the first (or first few) and the last (or last few) paragraphs to identify the general topic of the passage.l Spot key words carrying clues of the passage.l Identify signal words concerning the development of the ideas.2) Practice in Skimming Skill Have students practice the skill with example of Text B(Page 23)a) Skimming the title to predict the main idea From the title “Adjusting to College Life”, we can predict that the author may tell us what we should do to become a qualified college students and to adjust to college life better and quickly.b) Complete Exercises A to C to understand the main ideas of the textA. Read the first two paragraphs and complete the topic sentence expressing themain idea.It can be a time to move away from everything to you.B. Read the subheading and the italicized words of Paras.3-9 to understand theauthors suggestions about adjusting to the new environment. Fill in the followingblanks.l Better plan your use of time. (Para. 4)l Plan your work and sleep schedules. (Para. 5)l Join (Para. 6)l Make (Para. 7)l Try (Para. 8)l Take time (Para. 9) CRead the subheading and the italicized words of Paras. 10-16 to understand the developmental tasks of college students. Fill in the following blanks.l Achieving competence. (Para. 10)l Managing emotions. (Para. 11)l Becoming (Para. 12)l Establishing (Para. 13)l Freeing (Para. 14)l Establishing and clarifying (Para. 15)l Developing (Para. 16)Keys: A: difficult, familiar B: an extracurricular activity, a friend, relaxation methods, for yourself each day C: autonomous, identity, interpersonal relationships, purpose, Integrity6. Home workReview the words and phrases of Text A(with the help of word list 1)Pre-reading text A and do the exercise on page 10 and page 11: Reading ComprehensionReading and Discussing.IV Teaching MethodsCommunicative ApproachLearner-centered TeachingMultimedia ApproachV Black Board Designing(5 minutes)Unit one College Life1. Oral practice-self-introduction/your impression of college life/how should you carry on your college life?2. Listening practice(page 2)3. Background information4. New words and phrases5. Reading skills-skimming6. Home work Conclusion(3 minutes) This time we together explore the topic concerning “college life”. We learned some expressions on how to express our feelings, after which we learned some related information about American Colleges as well as the new words and phrases of Text A. Whats more, we learned the skimming skill and practiced it. Hope you can review all those learned above after class. Homework(2 minutes) Review the words and phrases of Text A(with the help of word list 1)Pre-reading text A and do the exercise on page 10 and page 11: Reading ComprehensionReading and Discussing. After-class Reflection Unit One College Life(Part II)I. Global Reading and Detailed reading of Text A Class Hours: 2hoursII. Teaching Aims and Requirements1. Enhance Ss ability of skimming by globally reading Text A2. Help Ss explore the language points of Text A3. Lead Ss to an avenue to pursue a colorful college lifeIII. Presenting Procedures1. Reading Comprehension (50 minutes)Part DivisionPart ParagraphsMain ideaPart oneParagraphs 1-3Before enrolled at Harvard University, the author has to make a hard decision in choosing between Harvard University and Stanford UniversityPart twoParagraphs 4-12The author describes her busy academic colorful extracurricular life at HarvardPart threeParagraph 13The author concludes that life at Harvard is fantasticGlobal understandinga) Ask students to read the title and predict what the author intends to talk about in the text. (Exercise lA) Read the title of the text and predict the authors life at Harvard University by brainstorming more expressions similar to those below:amazing, dream, hard_fantastic, challenging, fulfilling, unimaginable, disappointing, etc. b) Let students identify the topic sentences, key words and transitional words to figure out the topic of the paragraph(s). (Exercise IB)Paragraph(s)TopicParas.1-3Hard choicestomakebetweenuniversitiesPara.4theauthorseagerness,anxietyandfearaboutlifeatHarvardParas.5-8academicworkatHarvardParas.9-10Outside-classactivitiesParas.11-12Harvardsdiversityandaccessibility c)Ask students to complete the sentence to summarize the gist of thetext. (Exercise IC) The author intends to talk about her life at Harvard University which isprobably fantastic, challenging, fulfilling, etc.d) Ask students to do Exercise 2 and understand the authors life atHarvard University.Life at Harvard UniversityThe authors expectations and anxiety eager to start the next phase of her life; anxious at the thought of being so far from home; having no idea what to expectThe authors experiencesin academic lifelearning that college isfar from easy, and academics are harder than ever;getting the freedom to study whatever interests her; learning to collaborate in study groups; experiencing a nice change from high school through Harvards reading period The authors experiencesin extracurricular life finding her home and becoming part of the Harvard Community ;Understanding diversity, which is one of the best things Harvard has to offer; learning whats great about Harvard and its surrounding area: everything is so accessible.The authors overall impressions feeling blessed and overwhelmedat Harvard, but still feeling: there is no other place shed rather bee) Ask students to talk about the organization and writing style of the text.Detailed understandinga) Ask students to learn about the cultural background related to the text. b) Ask students to apply the reading skill and do Exercise 2 to understand the details of the text. c) Explain language points. For this step, the teacher can guide students toanalyze some difficult sentences syntactically and rhetorically so as to help them better understand the text. Language Points1)I spent the next few months imaging myself as a Cardinal, and preparing myself to accept their invitation.Para: I pictured myself in my mind as a student at Stanford University during the next few months and i was getting ready for their invitation. 接下来几个月,我一直幻想自己成为斯坦福大学一员的情景,并等待着他们的录取通知书。2)However, when the remaining admissions decisions came out, words cant begin to describe excitement I felt when i learned that I was also accepted to Harward University.Para: However, when I learned that my name was on the officially declared final list of all those who were accepted by Harvard University, my excitement was beyond description.然而,接下来更多的录取通知书接踵而至,当得知自己还被哈佛大学录取后,我内心的激动之情无以言表。3)I had been so set on becoming a Cardinal that I hadnt given serious thought to the possibility of going somewhere else.Para: I had been so determined to become a student of Stanford University that I hadnt even thought of studying at other universities.我曾一心想成为斯坦福“枢机红”的一员,所以并没有认真考虑过选择其它大学。4) In a few short months, if Ive learned anything, its that college is far from easy.(p6)Para: In the past few month, the only thing I learned is that college study at Harward is not easy at all.在过去的短短数月里,如果说学会了什么的话,就是明白了大学学习一点都不轻松。5) Collaboration in study groups is a huge part of surviving Harvards tough academic load.(p7)Para: You need to work together in study groups to fulfill the intense academic requirements.学习小组合作对于哈佛繁重的学习任务起着重要的作用。2. Reading and Discussing(20 minutes) Ask students to work in groups and discuss the questions in Exercise 3. Language in Use(30 minutes)Vocabulary and structurea) Have students do Exercises 4-5 and practice core words and structuresrelated to the text.b) Ask students to practice collocations of verbs with decision, lifeand problem in Text A and do Exercise 6.c) Have students study the vocabulary skill of prefixes of negation anddegree and do Exercise 7.Translationa) Ask students to do Exercise 8. Help students understand the common words and constructions and their Chinese ways of expression. Provide students with further similar examples if necessary.Home work1. Ask students to read text B and finish the exercises2. Ask students to do Exercise 9. Call their attention to the difference between Chinese and English sentence patterns when the subject is a place, time or an event noun. Teaching MethodsLearner-centered TeachingTask-based LearningMultimedia Approach. Blackboard Design(5 minutes) Text A Life at Harvard University11. Words review2. Part Division3. Global understanding4. Detailed understanding5. Language in use and translation6. Homework Conclusion(3 minutes) In this part, we get to know the authors experience at Harvard University, his excitement, nervousness at entering university and passion on carry on his college life. During this process, we learned some reading skills and get t

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