人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 3 A healthy diet专项训练:课外拓展阅读

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人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 3 A healthy diet专项训练:课外拓展阅读_第1页
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人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 3 A healthy diet专项训练:课外拓展阅读_第3页
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人教精通版六年级下册Unit 3 A healthy diet专项训练:课外拓展阅读姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、阅读选择阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案。Its Jimmys birthday and he is 9 years old. He gets a lot of presents from his family and one of them is a big drum (鼓). His grandfather buys it for him.Jimmy likes it very much. He plays with it every day and he often makes a terrible noise (令人讨厌的声音). His father works in the day and Jimmy is in bed when he gets home in the evening. So his father doesnt hear the noise.But Mrs Black doesnt like the noise, so one morning she takes a knife and goes to Jimmys room when he hits his drum. She says to him, “Hello! Jimmy. Do you know there is something very nice in your drum? Here is a knife. Please open the drum and lets find it.”1 . What does Jimmy get on his birthday? ( )AHe gets only one present from his family.BHe gets a lot of presents.CHe gets a knife and a drum. DHe gets a drum from Mrs Black.2 . Who gives Jimmy a drum? ( )AHis mother.BHis father.CHis fathers friend.DHis grandfather.3 . When his father gets home in the evening, what does Jimmy do? ( )AHe hits his drum with his grandfather.BHe watches TV with Mrs Black.CHe sleeps in bed. DHe does his homework with his grandfather.4 . Whats the Chinese for “hits” in this passage (文章)? ( )A敲击B拿着C知道D看见5 . Why does Mrs. Black give Jimmy a knife? ( )ABecause she likes Jimmys drum.BBecause she knows there is something in the drum.CBecause she doesnt like the noise. DBecause she wants to know what is in the drum.阅读理解。Len was thirty years old, and he had very long hair. He lived in a big city. Because of his long hair, he did not find any work. One day he met an old friend, and this man said to him, “People in this city dont like long hair. Why dont you go to visit a barber (理发师)? He can cut a lot of it off, and then you can get some work.” At the barbers Len said to the barber, “Please cut most of my hair off.” The barber began. He cut and cut for a long time and then he said to Len, “Were you in the army a few years ago?”“Yes, I was.” Len answered, “Why did you ask that?”“Because I found a cap in your hair.”根据短文内容选择正确答案。6 . Len met _ one day. ( )A. his father B. an old man C. his old friend7 . Len was a _. ( )A. young man B. clean man C. barber8 . The cap was in Lens _. ( )A. hand B. bag C. hair9 . People in the city dont like _. ( )A. straight hair B. long hair C. short hair二、任务型阅读Bettys dream jobBetty is a 13-year-old girl.She is lazy(懒惰的).At school,she doesnt study hard.At home, she never helps her mother with the housework.One day,the lazy girl is lying(躺) on the sofa and watching TV.“What are you going to be when you grow up,Betty?”her mother asks.“Youre so lazy,no job will ever suit(适合) you.”“There is one,”says the girl.“Im going to be Santa Clause(圣诞老人).”“You want to be Santa Clause?”asks her mother surprisedly.“Why?”“Because he only works one day a year,”the girl answers seriously(认真的).根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。10 . Betty is a good student at school. (_)11 . Betty often helps her mother with housework. (_)12 . Bettys mother is worried(担心) about her. (_)13 . Betty is a lazy girl. (_)14 . Betty wants to be a teacher. (_)阅读短文,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。I have a big family.There are six people in my family.My grandpa is older than my grandma,and he is taller than her.My father is taller and stronger than my mother.My brother is heavier than me,but my hair is longer than his.15 . My grandma is younger than my grandpa. (_)16 . My grandma is shorter than my grandpa. (_)17 . My father is taller and stronger than my mother. (_)18 . My brother is thinner than me. (_)19 . My brothers hair is longer than mine. (_)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。I have four friends. They have different(不同的) hobbies. Carla likes collecting picture cards. She has many coulourful and beautiful picture cards. Li Mei likes collecting stamps. She has many stamps from America and England. They are interesting. Bobs hobby is collecting toy cars. He has a big box. Its full of toy cars. Marks hobby is collecting maps. Look! This is Marks bedroom. There are so many maps on the wall!20 . Carlas hobby is collecting maps.(_)21 . Li Mei has stamps from Australia(_)22 . Bob has a box of toy cars. (_)23 . There are many maps in Marks bedroom. (_)第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、阅读选择1、2、二、任务型阅读1、2、3、

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