人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册Unit 5 What do they do 第1课时 Story time 练习卷

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人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册Unit 5 What do they do 第1课时 Story time 练习卷_第1页
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人教版(PEP)五年级英语上册Unit 5 What do they do 第1课时 Story time 练习卷_第3页
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人教版(PEP)五年级上册Unit 5 What do they do 第1课时 Story time 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . _ you going to dance tomorrow?Yes, we are going to dance in the park.ADoBCanCAre选出画线部分发音与其余不同的单词。2 . AmyBfactoryCfly3 . AwriteBnightCsick4 . AtryByoungCsky5 . AmakeBhaveCfactory6 . AtimeBEnglishCwinter7 . AeatBsweaterCteacher8 . they workers? ( )No,theyre.AAre,farmerBIs,farmerCAre,farmers9 . ( ) (7) Where is my rubber? I cant _it.AhaveBwatchCfind10 . I eat ice cream in summer. ( )AB11 . _ you hungry, Liu Tao? ( ) Yes, _.AAre; I amBIs; I amCAre; I am not二、填空题用所给词的适当形式填空。12 . How many _(teach) are there in your school?13 . Mr Green _(teach) us Maths.14 . My mother is a doctor. She _(help) sick people.15 . What _ Lily _(do)? She is a student.16 . There are many _(work) in the factory.17 . She is a worker. She can _(make) cars.18 . My mother _(cook) nice food for us every day.19 . Lets _(take) the bird to the forest.三、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。I have a good friend. His name is David. He is an English boy. His family is big. There are six people in his family. His father is forty years old. Hes a teacher. He teaches us English. His mother is thirty-six years old. Shes a writer. She often writes some interesting stories at home. His sister is five years old. She is at a kindergarten(幼儿园) . His grandparents is very old. So they just stay at home. They are very happy every day. David and I are in the same class. We study at No.1 Primary school.20 . David has a big family. There are five people in his family. (_)21 . His mother is a teacher. (_)22 . David and I are in the same school. (_)23 . David is a student in a primary school. (_)24 . Davids father teaches us Chinese. (_)四、英汉混合25 . 英汉互译1. Buckingham Palace _ 2. a naughty bird _3. River Thames _4. a nice teacher _5. Tower Bridge _6. Hyde Park _7. 一本关于伦敦的书_8. 许多小船_9. 英国的首都_10. 美丽的房子_五、句型转换26 . 按要求回答句子。1. Id like some noodles, please. (对划线部分提问)_2. Would you like some beef? (英译汉)_3. 给你。(汉译英)_4. Heres your bill.(英译汉)_六、匹配题27 . 从栏中选出I栏句子的答语。I (_) 1. May I go shopping with you?AOh, I see.(_) 2. We must cross the street when the light is green.BGood idea.(_) 3. May I speak to Mary?CCertainly.(_)4. How about reading books?DIm reading a book.(_) 5. What are you doing?ESorry, she is not in.第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、英汉混合1、五、句型转换1、六、匹配题1、

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