人教版(PEP)六年级英语下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷新版

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人教版(PEP)六年级英语下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷新版_第1页
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人教版(PEP)六年级下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题选出画线部分发音与其余不同的单词。1 . AyearBflyCyellow2 . AdoctorBcakeCice3 . AbusBcomputerCsummer4 . AiceBalwaysCmusic5 . AmakeBcakeCbag找出下列单词划线部分读音不同的一项。6 . AjumpBjuiceCmuch7 . AgrapeBfatCcat8 . AsomeBourCwonderful9 . AseventeenBelephantCeighteen10 . AlionBfifteenCbig11 . .根据中文意思,选择正确单词,把序号填在括号里:( )(1)足球 A.basketball B.ball C.football D.flower( )(2)桌子 A.window B.table C.door D.room( )(3)女儿 A.daughter B.sister C.brother D.afternoon( )(4)手表 A.what B.watch C.match D.window( )(5)三十 A.thirteen B.fourteen C.thirty D.three( )(6)衬衫 A.skirt B.shirt C.shoe D.blouse( )(7)照片 A.game B.picture C.doll D.photo( )(8)他们的 A.its B.their C.they D.them12 . Your dad is sleeping. Dont_.( )Awake him upBwake up himCwake her up13 . ( ) That storybook is very _. The children are _ in it.Ainteresting; interestBinterest; interestedCinteresting; interestedDinterested; interesting14 . this? Its a pencil.AWhatBWhatsCwhats15 . You should turn the lights when we leave the room .AonBtoCoff16 . Have a _ water, please. ( )AglassBglass ofCof17 . There _ a party in the company tomorrow evening .Awas Bis going to have Cwill have Dis going to be18 . Who is that _? ( )Shes my new teacher.AmanBwoman19 . Listen.the girl _ in the next room .AsingsBis singingCsangDsing20 . Have you got a _?( )Yes, I have.AbusBcarCbike21 . is the dog? ( )Its under the tree.AWhereBWhatCWho22 . Lets _ a song!( )AsingBdance23 . The shop is _ now and it often _ at 8:30 a. m. ( )Aopened; openBopen; opensCopened; opensDopen; opens24 . Mary likes kung fu and singing. ( )AdoingBmakingCdrawing25 . I asked him _ it to the police station.Ato takeBtakeCtookDtaking26 . Hi, I _ Jack.AamBisCare27 . There _ an apple and four oranges in the fridge. ( )AamBisCare28 . They play table tennis last Sunday. ( )AdidntBdontCdoesnt29 . 选出画线单词发音与其它不同的单词:( )AwetBmerryChe30 . I have a new bed. Its _. ( )AdirtyBbigCshort31 . These are our books. Please look after_.AtheirBtheyCitDthem32 . Where _ Tony and Gogo going? ( )_ going to the park.Aare; TheyreBare; WereCis; He is33 . -Where did you come ? ( )-Many places.AfromBforCto34 . The book is very.Imin it.Ainterested, interestedBinteresting, interestedCinterested, interesting35 . They are talking _ . ( )AquietBloudlyCloudy36 . Its very hot. What can we do? ( ) _AWe can go swimming.BWe can play football.CWe can wear a coat.37 . Stand_ ,please. ( )AdownBonCup38 . 当你想知道今天星期几时,你应该怎样问别人?AWhat is this in English?BWhat is the date today?CWhat day is it today?选出下列各组单词中画线部分读音不同的一项。39 . AdeadBmeanCheavyDsweater40 . AChineseBsignCkiteDbin41 . AsunnyBmuseumCrubbishDcut42 . AdearByearCwearDnear43 . ApacketBwasteCplanDplastic二、阅读选择阅读理解。The mice and the catA man lives in a big house. He likes his house,but he hates(讨厌)the mice in it. One day, he buys a big cat from the market to eat the mice. After a few days,the cat kills(杀)many mice. This time, the mice become very worried. They decide to do something to save(挽救) their lives, so all the mice come together to discuss(讨论)it. They have many plans, but none(没有)of them is good and useful.At last, a young mouse stands up and says, “Ill show you what we can do. We can put a bell around the cats neck. Then if the cat comes we can run away because we can hear the bell ring. All the mice agree and say its a good idea. Then an old mouse stands up and asks,“The point(重点)is which of us will tie(系)the bell to the cats neck?” No one says anything because no one dares(敢)to do it.44 . What does the man worry about? ( )AHis house is too big.BHis cat is too big.CThere are many mice in his house.45 . Why do all the mice have a meeting one day? ( )AThey want to live in another house.BThey dont want to be killed by the cat.CThey want to kill the cat in the house.46 . What do the mice think of the young mouses idea? ( )AIts a bad idea.BIts a dangerous(危险的)idea.CIts a good idea.47 . Do the mice dare to tie the bell to the cats neck? ( )AYes, they do.BNo, they dont.CSorry,I dont know.48 . What can we learn from the story? ( )ATo say is one thing, to do is another thing.BThe mice are very clever.CThe cat is clever.三、完形填空完形填空。The chicken and the duck were friends. They lived on a _. They walked around together. They _near the pool (池塘)together. They talked about many things. They talked about the _. They thought the cat was tricky (狡猾的) and _. Because the cat looked at them a lot. They didnt believe(相信) the cat. We must always keep our eyes _when the cat is around,they both agreed. They talked about the dog. The dog was very friendly. The dog had _energy (精力) . It barked (吠叫) a lot and ran around a lot. They both _the dog. They _the farmer. Thanks to the farmer, they had food to eat. The farmer looked after them. The farmer looked after all the _. He fed (喂养)the cow, the pig, the sheep and the rabbit. They liked the farmer, because he looked after everyone well. He was a _man. The farmer is good,said the chicken. We need the farmer,said the duck.49 . AfarmBschoolCparkDhouse50 . AateBplayedCswamDsaw51 . AdogBpigCtigerDcat52 . AsmallBdangerousCcleverDbusy53 . AredBopenCsmallDbig54 . Aa littleBa fewCa lotDlots of55 . AmissedBfoundClikedDcaught56 . Atalked aboutBput onCplayed withDlooked for57 . ApeopleBanimalsCstudentsDworkers58 . AbusyBrelaxedClazyDnice四、填空题59 . 按要求填空1.we (宾格)_2.dance(名词)_3. these(单数) _4.make a home library(翻译)_5.a maths book(翻译)_6.学习英语(翻译)_7.昨天晚上(翻译)_60 . 选择所给词的适当形式填空。1. Mr. Green can _ ( get/ gets ) to the library on foot.2. Lets _ ( taking/ take) the taxi to the zoo.3. We want _ ( have/ to have)a picnic.4. My uncle always travels to many _ (cities/ citys) by car.5. He should _ (drink/ drinks) some warm water and _( have/ has) a rest.6. These mushrooms are bad _( to/ for) us.7. Turn left at the _ (three/ third) traffic lights.8. Lily likes _ (sing/ singing). She _ (sing/ sings) there every morning.61 . 英汉互译。(1)问路 _(2)只有趣的猴子 _(3)春节 _(4)禁止吸烟 _(5)起床 _(6)look the same _(7)a map of China _(8)half past six _(9)have a chat _(10)blow out _五、汉译英62 . 短语翻译(1)在森林里_(2)又大又壮_(3)一天_(4)路过_(5)唤醒_(6)生气_(7)想要吃这只老鼠_(8)某一天_(9)又小又弱_(10)让某人干某事_汉译英。63 . 出来_64 . 伤心地问道_65 . 就在那个时候_66 . 在网里弄了个大洞_67 . 开心地说_68 . 从那时起_六、填内容补全对话读一读,根据提示和首字母完成短文。There was a strong l69 . in the forest. One day a mouse w70 . b71 . and w72 . the lion up. The lion w73 . to eat that mouse, but he l74 . the mouse go at last. The next day, two men c75 . the lion w76 . a n77 . . He c78 . go out. The mouse s79 . him and h80 . him go out. Then, the lion and the mouse b81 . good friends.82 . 用所给单词的正确形式填空Last Sunday, I 1._ (go) to a shopping center with my mum and dad. We 2._ (see) a small boy on the floor. He 3._ (look) sad. We 4._ (go) to him and 5._ (help) him up. I 6._ (ask) him, “Are you OK?” He 7._ (say),”I cant find my mum.” Dad 8._ (take) him to an office in the shopping center. I 9._ (give) him a sweet. The small boy 10._ (become) happy. I 11._ (be) happy too.七、选内容补全对话补全对话。A. What was it about? B. Do lions eat rabbits? C. How was it? D. Yes, thats right. E. Does he often tell you stories? F. What does he do? G. When did you visit your uncle? A: Do you know who the man is over there? B: Oh, he is my uncle. A: Your uncle? 83 . B: He is a teacher. He teaches in a primary school and is good at telling stories. A: Really? 84 . B: Yes, he does. Last night he told me one.A: 85 . B: ErIt was very interesting. A: 86 . B: It was about a rabbit and a lion.A: A rabbit and a lion? Lions eat rabbits for food, dont they?B: 87 . But the rabbit in the story was very clever and the lion could find no way to eat it.八、连词成句连词成句。88 . us; would; to; you; shopping; with; go; like(?)_89 . were; whales; the; blue; there; many; in; past(.)_90 . have; you; what; did; for; morning; breakfast; this(?)_91 . number; have; phone; you; do; his(?)_92 . about; e-friend; would; like; your; you; know; to; what(?)_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、3、五、汉译英1、2、六、填内容补全对话1、2、七、选内容补全对话1、八、连词成句1、

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