牛津译林版六年级英语下册Unit 7 Summer holiday plans单元测评卷

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牛津译林版六年级下册Unit 7 Summer holiday plans单元测评卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Whats the matter? ( )My leg _.AhurtsBsoreCis hurts2 . -Will he borrow any books from the library_ ?-No, he wont.Ajust nowBtomorrowCyesterday3 . My teacher will take some _ for us. ( )AphotoBphotoesCphotosDphotos4 . They are _Johns birthday. ( )AcelebrateBto celebrateCcelebrating5 . 看图片,选出与图片对应的单词。(_) 1.A. teacherB. student(_) 2. A. boyB. girl(_) 3.A. girlsB. friends(_) 4.A. sheB. he(_) 5.A. USAB. UK6 . Will you go _ your friends? ( )AandBatCwithDof7 . -Will you go to Beijing by bus?-No, I _.AwillBwontCwould8 . My school changed .AlittleBa little ofCa little9 . Myfather _ illyesterday( )AisBareCwas10 . Miss White is a good teacher. She usually.Ahelps me to EnglishBhelp me learn English Chelps me with my English11 . The children are _ a concert now. ( )AhasBhaveChaving二、完形填空完形填空。Summer holiday is coming. Liu Tao and his classmates Wang Hai, hang Mei are making their holiday _.Lin Tao is a football fan. So he is going to _ his favourite football team play. He is going to wear the team shirt and cheer the _. Its going to be great fun and he hopes that his team will _the best score(分数) and win the match. Wang Hai is going to do something helpful with his family in July. Theres a lot of litter in the park,_ theyre going to collect(收集) it.They hope to do something to make their hometown _. Also they want to be volunteers (志愿者)and _farmers with some farm work. Zhang Mei is going to a summer camp abroad (国外)and will stay with _ Australian family. _ does she plan to do so? Because she wants to improve(提高) her spoken English _.Lin Tao and his classmates are all looking forward to (期待)their summer holiday.12 . AhotelsBplansCtickets13 . AwatchBsmellCfeel14 . AsingersBwritersCplayers15 . AgetBloseCgive16 . AbutBorCso17 . AhappyBcleanCwide18 . AbringBhelpCleave19 . AtheBaCan20 . AWhyBWhenCWhere21 . AquicklyBquietlyCloudly三、填空题根据所给词的适当形式填空。22 . I love_(it) very much.23 . Here_(be) a dog for you.24 . Thank_(you) very much.25 . It _(be) a toy.26 . Here is a card for_(you).四、任务型阅读根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。The National Day is an important festival in China. Its on the first of October. On that day, we sing the national anthem (国歌)! People can have a seven-day holiday. We can go travelling with our family during the holiday. We can also have a rest at home. We can do what we want to do!27 . The National Day is on the first of October. (_)28 . On National Day we sing an English song. (_)29 . We can have a six-day holiday. (_)30 . We can visit Beijing on National Day. (_)31 . National Day means “中秋节” in Chinese. (_)五、英汉混合英汉互译。32 . 跳舞,舞蹈_33 . 有时_34 . 商店_35 . 在中国的所有城镇_36 . Chinatown_37 . You do miss China. _38 . send an email_39 . too late_六、判断题判断下列每组单词的画线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。40 . trunkdrink(_)41 . whosewhere(_)42 . songEnglish(_)43 . pinkbank(_)44 . eating sing(_)七、填内容补全对话首字母短文填空。Kate is an American high school student. One day in September, her English teacher, Mr. Smith, said to the students in his class, “I think you must do lots of i45 . things during the summer holidays. Write about one of them in about 110 words and remember to b46 . it to me next week.” Kate thought about the homework for a l47 . time, but she couldnt think of a48 . good. Thenshe c49 . her friend Mary on the telephone and asked her about the homework. Mary said that she was writing about s50 . in the lake. She learned how to swim this summer holiday.Soon after that, Kate decided (决定)to w51 . about bird watching. During the summer, her father took her to the lake to watch birds in August. It was not so e52 . to write about it in about 110 words, but she tried her best.In English class, Mr. Smith said that Kates s53 . was the most interesting and told her to read it to e54 . . Kate was very happy.八、改错下列佝子中各有一处错误,请选出并改在后面横线上。55 . Heismy sister.(_)_A B C56 . Nice toomeetyou.(_)_A B C57 . Whatis that man? Thats my uncle. (_)_A B C58 . Im onClass Three, Grade Three.(_)_A B C59 . JackisDavid father.(_)_A B C九、匹配题给下列句子选择相对应的句子,将其序号填在题前括号里。A. It was Monday.B. Well go to Canada next week.C. Yes, she will.D. I like Chinese and Maths.E. By taxi.60 . What are your plans? (_)61 . Will she go dancing? (_)62 . How will you get to the airport? (_)63 . What subjects do you like? (_)64 . What day was it yesterday? (_)十、书面表达65 . 书面表达。根据以下提示以“Summer holiday plans”为题,写一写你的暑期计划。暑假期间你准备做以下安排:1读书,因为读书可以更多地了解世界。2做运动3帮父母做家务,为了感恩父母4准备学做菜,因为这是一项生活技能(life skill)_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、英汉混合1、六、判断题1、七、填内容补全对话1、八、改错1、九、匹配题1、十、书面表达1、


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