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新人教版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(十)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . room ( )A卧室B房间C家2 . _ you get up at six oclock? ( )ADoesBAreCDo3 . There is a hill in the _ of the town. Its East Hill. ( )AeastBwestCsouth4 . 动物园里有几只老虎?( )AHow much tigers are there in the zoo?BHow many tigers are there in the zoo?5 . Who _ to the Easter party next week? ( )AgoBgoesCwill go6 . Lets buy something _eat. ( )AtoBatCon7 . Pork and mutton are_. ( )AfruitsBmeatCVegetablesDrice8 . Does Mr Green live in New York, _?( )AalsoBtoCtoo9 . Where are my pens? ( )_AIts on the desk.BThey are in the study.CIts in the schoolbag.10 . Whats the matter with you, mum? ( )-AI like my key.BI lost my key.CNo matter.选出不同类的单词。11 . AfatherBuncleCnurse12 . AdriveBwriterCteacher13 . AcookBsickCdoctor14 . AfarmerBfactoryCworker15 . AteachBdoctorCdriver16 . We are having English _. ( )AclockBclasssCclass17 . Can I swim now? ( )_.AYes, you canBNo, I cantCYes, I can18 . Youre _ taller than me. ( )A6 cmB6 mC6 mm二、情景交际19 . 下午你见到老师时,应该说:( )AGood afternoon, Miss Li.BGood morning, Miss Li.三、填空题20 . 选词填空(词汇运用)how , by , place , on , for , lets , longhow , by , place , on , for , lets , long(1)_go to Qingdao, Mum and Dad.(2)Beijing is a wonderful _for a holiday.(3)The Browns will stay in a hotel _the sea.(4)-_do we get there?-We get there by bus.(5)How _will you stay in New Zealand?(6)Well stay there_a week.选词填空,完成对话。(注意大小写)how much under where would for21 . -What _you like? -Id like some eggs and tomatoes.22 . - _is my mum, Dad? -She is in the kitchen.23 . Here are two pairs of magic glasses_you.24 . Toms shoes are _the bed.25 . -_are the noodles? -Fifteen yuan, please.四、单词拼写26 . those(对应词)_五、阅读回答问题27 . 读对话回答问题Sam: Will you play with me this weekend?Daming: No, I wont.Sam: Will you phone me?Daming: No, I dont.Sam: Oh!Daming: Ill visit my grandpa. He lives in the countryside. There isnt a phone there.【小题1】Will Daming play with Sam? _【小题2】Will Daming phone Sam?_.【小题3】Who will Daming visit?_.【小题4】Where does Damings grandpa live? _.【小题5】Is there a phone there? _.六、任务型阅读28 . 读短文,判定对错。用T代表正确,F代表错误。A. Whats your name?B. Im Tim.A: What day is it today?B. Its Wednesday.A. What do you have on Wednesdays?B. We have math, English, music and P.E.A. Whos your favourite teacher?B. Miss Liu. She is our music teacher.A. Whats she like?B. Shes young and pretty. Shes very active.A. Whats your favourite food?B. I like noodles and fish. Theyre tasty.A. What do you do on Sundays?B. I often play football and do my homework.A. Thank you. Bye.B. Bye.(1)Tomorrow is Tuesday. ( )(2)Tim likes fish. Its tasty. ( )(3)Miss Liu is Tims music teacher. Shes pretty. ( )(4)Tim has math, music, P.E. and Chinese on Thursdays. ( )(5)Tim often plays football and do his homework on Sundays. ( )七、句型转换按要求完成下列各题。29 . Lingling liked the museum.(改为一般疑问句)_ Lingling _ the museum?30 . We went to the British Museum.(对画线部分提问)_ you _?31 . We visited lots of places at the weekend.(对画线部分提问)_ you _ at the weekend?32 . They went to these places by bus.(对画线部分提问)_ they _ to these places?33 . Did he like the bus ride?(作肯定回答)_, _.八、填内容补全对话根据课文内容补全对话并大声朗读2遍。Zhang Peng: Look! Thats 34 . in this hall.Mike: Yes, it is. 35 . ?Zhang Peng: Maybe36 . .Mike: Wow! Its 37 . .Zhang Peng: Look! 38 . more dinosaurs over there!Mike: Theyre all so39 . .Zhang Peng: Hey, this dinosaur isnt tall! Im40 . .Mike: Oh, yes. 41 . ?Zhang Peng: Im 42 . metres.九、连词成句连词成句。把各题中的单词按正确的顺序排列组成句子,注意标点和字母的大小写形式。43 . atthebedroomlook (.) _44 . do watch when TV you day every(?)_45 . Tuesday lets go next together boating (.)_46 . doesmotherWhatmylike (?)_47 . my friendly is grandma (.)_第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、二、情景交际1、三、填空题1、2、四、单词拼写1、五、阅读回答问题1、六、任务型阅读1、七、句型转换1、八、填内容补全对话1、九、连词成句1、

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