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人教版(PEP)一年级下册Module7单元测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . you next year. ( )ALookBWatchCSee2 . 听音,选出句子中所含有的字母或单词。( )(1)A. BEC B. BDC C. DBC( )(2)A. efi B. ife C. ifg( )(3)A. father B. brother C. mother ( )(4)A. family B. funny C. really( )(5)A. come in B. come on C. welcome( )(6)A. dad B. dog C. duck( )(7)A. mom B. man C. me( )(8)A. grandpa B. grandma C. grandmother( )(9)A. great B. green C. grandpa( )(10)A. she B. he C. we3 . -_ is she? ( )-Shes 12 years old.AHow muchBHow oldCHow many4 . Look at our fruit salad. ( )nice.AIt isBTheyCTheyre5 . They are _-lovers and they love kangaroos and koalas very much. ( )AsportBtreeCanimalDphoto6 . We likeand playing football ,too. ( )AswimBswim toCswimming7 . My coatred. ( )AisBareCdo8 . There are three little _ . ( )AbearsBhorses9 . We like apples. How _ your friends? ( )AaboutBdoCare10 . The panda is behind the cap.( )AB11 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项:( )AbuyingBmakingCeverything12 . Im feeling _ sad.AlittleBsomeCa little13 . Oh no! I can _ see the kite! ( )AhardBhardlyCno14 . -Is it in the bag?-_.是的,它在书包里面。AYes,it is .BYes.it isnt.15 . ( ) Pointhis leg.AtoBatCin16 . What _ your dreams? ( )AisBareCamDwere二、填空题17 . 根据句意,选词填空。lots of and survey arrived there1. They_there at ten oclock.2. The wall is very old_very long.3. There are_people in the park.4. He saw many monkeys_.5. I make a_of the fruit.三、英译汉18 . 翻译Where is the orange cat?_It is under the chair._It is on the table._19 . 写句子。【小题1】它在你的书包里吗?_【小题2】它现在在树上了。_【小题3】我的文具盒在哪里?_【小题4】球在你的桌子上。_【小题5】它在门后面。_四、汉译英20 . 单词翻译在.里面 _ 在.上 _帽子 _警察 _护士 _在.下面_21 . 写句子。1. 小鸟在哪?_2. 它现在在门后面。_3. 海伦在门的旁边。_4. 它不在这里。_5. 它在桌子里。_五、判断题判断下列句子或对话与图片内容是(T)否(F)相符。22 . Look. What are they? They are zebras. (_)23 . She is a teacher. (_)24 . Turn left.(_)25 . I like pears. (_)26 . Her sister has long brown hair.(_)27 . 根据图片,判断单词正(T)误(F):basketball(_)28 . 判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)一致:There is a table over there. (_)29 . Read and write. 读一读,做判断,正确的在括号里写”T,错误的在括号里写”F”。(_) (1)Thats my ruler. (_) (2) Its his bike.(_) (3) This is Uncle Booky.(_) (4) This is her bag.(_) (5) They are crayons. (_) (6) Its an umbrella.30 . 判断下列每组单词是否是同一类1._ wonderful guitar violin2._ quarter half wash3._ Monday Wednesday Saturday4._ September May October5._ cinema museum ugly六、改错31 . 选出错误的一项并改正:Let me helpyour. (_)_A B32 . Read and correct the wrong words:Don t touch the machines, please ! There are dangerous. (_)33 . Read, choose and correct the wrong words: How on your school? My school is very big.(_)_ABC34 . This is a T-shirtto you.(_)改为_A B C七、匹配题35 . 看图选单词。A. playing footballB. see a filmC. by trainD. angryE. police officer【小题1】(_)【小题2】(_)【小题3】(_)【小题4】(_)【小题5】(_)八、连词成句按要求完成句子。36 . helmet, bikes, People, wear, must, a, on, (.) 连词成句_37 . the, Dont, red, go, at, light,(.) 连词成句_38 . Xinhua, How, the, I, to, can, bookstore, get, (? ) 连词成句_39 . You can take the ship to Sanya.改成同义句_40 . 我会连词成句【小题1】Yesterday Sports Day was (.)_【小题2】was he fourth the in race (.)_【小题3】There a was one-hundred-metre race(.)_41 . 连词成句1.can the I English show books you (.)_2.me,teach,kungfu,can,you(?)_3.are, bridge, walking, on, they, a (. )_42 . 连词成句。1. that Is schoolbag your ( ? )_2. my is Where pencil ( ? )_3. isnt This my rubber ( . ) _4. is This you for ( . ) _5. Dont Yang Ling drink(.) _第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、二、填空题1、三、英译汉1、2、四、汉译英1、2、五、判断题1、2、3、4、5、六、改错1、2、3、4、七、匹配题1、八、连词成句1、2、3、4、


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