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北师大版(三起)三年级上册期末测试英语(B卷)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . We always _ a special meal. ( )AhaveBhasCgot2 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AlongBluckCtall3 . Tomorrow_rainy, Illstayathome.( )AwontBwillCwillbeDis4 . Have _ ice cream. ( )AaBanCone5 . _ that? Its a CA( )BWhatCWhat aboutDWhats6 . ( )Im_ the phone.AatBinCon二、阅读选择阅读理解Mrs Brown: Good morning, Dr Li.Dr Li: Good morning, Mrs Brown. Whats wrong with your son, John?Mrs Brown: He looks ill.Dr Li: Hello, John. How do you feel now?John: I dont feel well, Dr Li.Dr Li: Open your mouth, John. Stick out your tongue (舌头) and say “Ah”.John: AhDr Li: John has got a bad cold, Mrs Brown.Mrs Brown: Can he go to school?Dr Li: No. He must stay in bed and take some medicine.Mrs Brown: Thank you.根据对话内容选择正确的答案。7 . John and his mother came to see the doctor _. ( )Ain the morningBin the afternoonCat night8 . John is _. ( )Aa doctorBDr Lis sonCMrs Browns son9 . Whats wrong with John? ( )He is _.Afeeling wellBillCvery good10 . Can John go to school? ( ) _AYes, he can.BNo, he cant.CWe dont know.11 . Must John stay in bed? ( )ANo, he neednt.BYes, he must.CWe dont know.三、情景交际12 . I often play ping-pong after school. ( )A我经常在学校打乒乓球。B我经常放学后打乒乓球。13 . 当你想告诉别人自己的帽子是红色的,你可以说:_ ( )AWhat colour is my cap?BLook at my cap. Its red.14 . 当你想表达认识对方的高兴心情时,说:ANice to meet your.BIts nice.15 . 你想把你的朋友Amy介绍给你的爸爸认识时,你应说:_( )AThis is Amy.BShes Amy.CHes Amy.16 . 如何询问“你来自哪里?”A、Where are you from?B、How are you?C、Nice to meet you.17 . 他来自英国。( )AHes from the UK.BHes from the USA.四、单词拼写18 . 根据图片填写单词。1. 2. 3. 4._ _ _ _五、改错19 . 改错题。1. Its sun and warm._改为_.2. Mother duck is near the river._改为_.3. There is a egg._改为_.4. She has three baby._改为_.六、看图题20 . 看图写短语1. _ 2. _ 3. _4. _ 5. _ 6. _七、字母题写出所给字母的左邻右舍。21 . b22 . E23 . W24 . q25 . k八、连线题26 . 数一数,连一连。27 . 连线搭配1. Is it a ball? a. Yes.2. Show me an egg. b. Good morning!3. Whats this? c. No, it isnt.4. A ball? d. This is a table.5. Good morning! e. Here it is.九、书面表达28 . Write at least fifty words about the topic “My good friend” (请根据话题“我的好朋友”,写一段不少于50个单词的一段话,要求紧扣主题,语法正确、意思连贯):(注意:短文中不得出现考生的信息)以下问题供参考:1)Who is your good friend?2)Why do you like him/her?3)What do you often do with him/her?_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、阅读选择1、三、情景交际1、2、3、4、5、6、四、单词拼写1、五、改错1、六、看图题1、七、字母题1、八、连线题1、2、九、书面表达1、

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