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沪教版八年级下学期第一次月考英语试题C卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)_ girl who will perform at the party tomorrow comes from _ European country.A . The; aB . A; theC . A; anD . The; an2. (2分)The old man was so the good news that he couldnt say a word.A . interested inB . excited aboutC . afraid ofD . worried about3. (2分)She wants to call the police. Is there a near here? A . libraryB . supermarketC . pay phoneD . restaurant4. (2分)My parents for twenty years by the time I was 15.A . marriedB . had marriedC . had been marriedD . had got married5. (2分)My friend Lisa is good at all the subjects at school, _English. A . reallyB . mostlyC . especiallyD . Exactly6. (2分)-_ weather it is! We cant go boating on the Xuanwu Lake.-Dont worry. Lets go to the Science Museum instead.A . What goodB . How goodC . How hadD . What bad7. (2分)If you want to have a meal in the restaurant,you must be well-dressed. A . taking enough moneyB . dressing up as a famous personC . wearing nice clothes8. (2分)His cousin hardly has vegetables these days, _?A . has heB . have theyC . doesnt sheD . does he9. (2分) How much did he _ for his bike? Perhaps 100 _.A . pay; dollarsB . pay; dollarC . spend; dollarsD . spend; dollar10. (2分)-Jenny,will you leave for the USA now?-No. It will be two weeks_I leave here.A . untilB . sinceC . beforeD . when11. (2分)My mother tells me _ at school on time.A . arriveB . arrivesC . to arriveD . arriving12. (2分)_you _your homework yet?Yes, I _it ten minutes ago.A . Did, do, finishedB . Have, done, finishedC . Have, done, have finishedD . will, do, finish13. (2分) Angela, we are _. Would you like some? _. I have to leave now.A . doing homework; Yes, go aheadB . playing cards; Yes, pleaseC . making some dumplings; No thanksD . flying kites; Im afraid not.14. (2分)-Where is Lucy? I cant find her now.-She _ Shanghai on business. She _ back in three days.A . has been to; comesB . has been to; will comeC . has gone to; comesD . has gone to; will come15. (2分) Could you come to our art club tomorrow? .A . Im sorry to hear thatB . Sure, Id love toC . Never mind二、 完形填空 (共1题;共6分)16. (6分)Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. Percy and Pamela Morland are fifteen. From Monday to Friday, they1at half past six every morning. Perey has a shower. Pamela has a bath. They brush their teeth. They have breakfast with their parents. They get ready for school. Have they got their school books?Have they done their homework?When theyve got2, they wait in the sitting room. Lessons start at half past eight. Do Percy and Pamela go to school?Yes, they do-at home!There are two desks and a blackboard in their sitting room. They study at home, and their parents are their 3. Mrs Morland teaches them in the mornings, and she works in a cinema in the evenings. Mr Morland is a doctor. He sees4in the mornings, and he comes home from work in the afternoon. Hes the childrens5teacher. He plays football with them on Mondays, tennis on Tuesdays, more football on Wednesdays, basketball on Thursdays, and he takes them swimming on Fridays. I love going to school at home, says Percy. We have learned a lot6were got a very small class! Pamela loves it, too, but she thinks they work very hard. Mum always gives us lots of homework! she says, I like swimming with Dad best. Hes a great teacher,(1)A . get out B . get up C . get on D . get off (2)A . something B . anything C . nothing D . everything (3)A . friends B . servants C . teachers D . cooks (4)A . teachers B . patients C . policemen D . friends (5)A . sports B . art C . maths D . history (6)A . if B . when C . because D . so that 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)17. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Ocean Chinese RestaurantNoodle HouseN-1:NOO(ties with beef and tomatoTel:77820796N-2:La mian with onions11:00_m一11:00 pm N-3:Chicken noodles soupSmall bowl l0 RMBN-4:Fried noodles with cabbageMedium bowl15 RMBN-5:Fried beef noodlesLarge bowl 18 RMBCBA School RestaurantWelcome to CBA School 12RestaurantTel:77820796Special meal deals for only 25 RMBMeal deal 1:Dumplings in chicken soup,egg fried rice,mapo tofu 25 RMBMeal deal 2:Beef with broccoli,fried la mian,fried dumplings 25RMBMeal deal 3:Cabbage soup,chicken noodles,ice cream 25RMBWelcome to CBA School Restaurant Fast Food RestaurantRice ExpressTel:77820798Try our delicious rice bowls for only l5 RMBYOU have a choice 0fBeef, pork,chicken,and fishAdd a plate of dumplings for l0 RMBOnly l7 RMB for your choice ofgreen tea,lee cream,or orange 3mceFree delivery for orders of 30 RMB and above!(1)If you want a large bowl of chicken noodles soup, how much should you pay for it?A . 8 RMB.B . 10RMB.C . 15 RMB.D . 18 RMB.(2)If you have only ten Yuan, where can you eat dumplings?A . Ocean Chinese Restaurant.B . CBA School Restaurant.C . Fast Food Restaurant.D . ABC English Restaurant(3)If you dont want to go to the restaurant, you can call it at _A . 77820798B . 77820797C . 77820799D . 77820796(4)If Mr. Green has dumplings in chicken soup, egg fried rice, mapo tofu, and green tea, ice cream or orange juice, he want _ RMB altogether (总共).A . 20B . 27C . 35D . 42(5)If you want to eat fish, you should go to _A . Ocean Chinese RestaurantB . CBA School RestaurantC . Fast Food RestaurantD . Real American Restaurant18. (8分)阅读理解Summer is just around the corner. It starts on June 21st or 22nd. For most kids, that means more time to play outside and have fun. Follow these tips to make sure you stay safe when you are enjoying the season. Sun safetyMany kids will spend hours playing outside in the summer dun. But be careful. The harmful rays(光线) of the sun can cause damage to your eyes. If you are out in the sun, be sure to wear sunscreen(防晒霜). You should also wear a hat and sunglasses that protect against the harmful rays._Make sure you follow water safety rules. Always swim with an adult watching you. If you dont know how to swim, you can take lessons. Rules about biking and skatingBiking and skating are good ways to exercise. To stay safe, always wear a helmet(头盔). It will protect your head if you fall down.(1)In summer, most kids will .A . spend more time staying at homeB . spend more time playing outsideC . have fun with their teachersD . have fun in their classes(2)What does the underlined word damage mean? A . Harm.B . Light.C . Attention.D . Fire.(3)Which of the following CANNOT stop kids from the harmful rays of the sun? A . Wearing a hat.B . Wearing sunglasses.C . Wearing sunscreen.D . Wearing fewer clothes.(4)Which of the following can be put into the blank? A . Swimming lessonsB . Rules at homeC . Water rulesD . Rules at school19. (6分)阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案。AMaps are pictures of places. You must have seen a map of the world, of your home country and even of your home city. They show us towns, cities, roads, parks, schools, hospitals, and more.There are also many other types( 类型) of maps. Each gives a special kind of information. There are street maps, tourist maps, and even maps of the air and sea.Here is a simple road map.(1)Which is the biggest town on the map? A . Greenton.B . Bluetown.C . Smalltown.D . Bigtow.(2)If you drive from Smalltown to Bluetown, which is the best way to choose? A . M3B . M13.C . M23D . R67(3)What does the writer mainly want to tell us? A . Ways to choose maps.B . Ways to read maps.C . Some types of maps.D . The importance of maps.20. (8分) Many students ask for advice about improving their English. There are three basic questions.The first question is about real English. Li Hao from Hubei wrote, “I enjoy watching English films and listening to real English songs. But it takes a long time. What do you think?”This is a great way to learn English! Talk about the film or song with your friends, and guess the meaning of the new words. Just enjoy yourself!The second question is about speaking. Sam, from Suzhou wrote. “Our school has a foreign teacher. But Im shy and cant speak to her. What should I do?”When I visit China, lots of people in the street say, “Hello! How are you? Where are you from? Do you like China?” These are good questions to start a talk. Many people are shy when they speak English, so before you begin, take a deep breath and smile! Smiling always helps.The third question is about vocabulary. Oliver, from Anhui wrote, “I want to remember all the new words. I write them down, but I forget them quickly. What should I do?”Try to remember eight or ten words a day. Write them on pieces of paper and place them in your bedroom. Say the words when you see them, and change them every day. And when youre shopping, how about counting the English words, or saying the English names for everything you see?(1)How many basic questions do the students often ask?A . Two.B . ThreeC . Four.D . Five.(2)What should you do if you are shy to speak English?ABCA . Watch English films.B . Write down the words first.C . Listen to real English songs.D . Take a deep breath and smile before you begin.(3)What is Olivers problem?A . Hes too shy to talk with others.B . Hes not able to count English words.C . He cant remember new words.D . He doesnt know what real English is.(4)Whats the best title of this passage?A . How to learn EnglishB . Talking about English filmsC . Advice about English writingD . The way of beginning an English talk四、 词汇运用 (共3题;共25分)21. (10分)根据短文及中文提示写出单词,每空限一词 It is _(星期一)Today. The weather is good _(但是)cold.Betty and I are in Bettys _(房间) now. Betty is my good _(朋友). She is a _(女孩). Her parents are in _(中国) now. Her father is a _(医生) at a hospital. Her _(母亲) is a nurse in the same hospital. They_(是)from England and there is a _(地图) of England on the wall. 22. (5分)根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。(1)Well live in a new a_ next year.(2)Robots can do s_ jobs and dont get bored.(3)Whats the s_ of the tree?(4)Koalas usually sleep d_ the day.(5)Where will you spend your h_?23. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。 Bob is a middle school student. He likes reading. He often _ (花费) a lot of time reading. Last night, he read stories _ (直到为止) 11 oclock. This morning, he fell _ (睡着的) before class. When the teacher _ (进入) the classroom, he _ (注意到) him. The teacher went _ (朝方向) him, and woke him up. _ (多么) a poor boy! his teacher said. You are so _ (劳累的). You must go home to have a good rest. Bob said sorry to the teacher and _ (承诺;保证) to go to bed earlier. It is _ (重要的) for students to have enough sleep.五、 缺词填空 (共1题;共10分)24. (10分)请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。A 14-year-old Chinese boy SunYixiao was_his way home last Tuesday evening after school. When he was in the lift, it suddenly stopped. Feeling scared at first, the teenager decided to help_out. Sun tried to open the lift door, but he gave up the idea later and leaned against the wall, because he thought the_may fall down suddenly. He then pressed all the buttons in the hope of getting the lift work again,_it didnt work. Sun then pressed the “stop” button to lock the lift to _sure it would not fall. Without a cellphone at hand, Sun tried shouting_to get the attention of people outside, but no one answered as time went by. The young boy didnt give up_.He sent a note through the door with the message and hoped someone would_it up and help him out. After doing all these, the boy knew it might take a_time before someone found him. So he decided to do his homework. Soon after he finished his homework, he was saved at last.On Weibo, many netizens (网民) spoke highly of the boy, because he could keep calm in the face of such_dangerous situation. We should learn from him.六、 书面表达 (共2题;共21分)25. (16分)根据汉语完成句子。(1)我与他们友好相处。I _ _ _ _ them.(2)请选玲玲当班长。Please_ Lingling _ the class monitor.(3)她想加入餐饮俱乐部。She would like _ _ the Food and Drink _.(4)这个小女孩经常帮妈妈做饭。The little girl often _ _ _ _.(5)汤姆擅长唱歌和跳舞。Tom _ _ _ singing and dancing.26. (5分)这是Emma上周在奶奶家的活动记录。请用英语帮她给父母发封60词左右的电子邮件,汇报她一周的生活情况。邮件开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。DayActivities(活动)SundayswimMondaydo homeworkTuesdayplay the pianoWednesdayplay tennisThursdaysearch for information on the InternetFridayclean the bedroomSaturdaygo to the beachDear Dad and Mum,Im OK in my grandmas home. Id like to tell you something about my last week.Emma第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共6分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、四、 词汇运用 (共3题;共25分)21-1、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、五、 缺词填空 (共1题;共10分)24-1、六、 书面表达 (共2题;共21分)25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、

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