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人教版(PEP)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(含解析)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . The weather is sometimes_ in the UK. ( )ArainBrainyCrained2 . We _all celebrate your birthday. ( )AareBcanCdo3 . My mum likes _ music on the bed. ( )AlistenBlisteningClistening to4 . My litter brother has two _. ( )AtoothBteethCtoothes5 . 选出不同类的单词:( )AfamousBqueenCclose6 . Ill get _ fruit for you. ( )Thank you!AsomeBanyCa7 . -What _ youusually on Sundays?-I watch TV. But last Sunday I _to the park with my friends.Adid ; do ; doesBdo ; do; wentCdo; do ; want8 . I am Cat. ( )AMissBaCmiss9 . -Can you find your neighbours?- _.AYes, I can.BBye!COK.10 . 选出画线部分读音相同的一项:whose ( )AwhereBwhomCwhat11 . - Is Nancy Jims classmate? ( )- Yes. Jim knows _.Ait very niceBher very wellCthat happilyDher very good二、阅读选择阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确选项。Ben and Jack are good friends. Theyre twelve. They are in the same class. They are in Nanjing Primary School. They have the same hobby. They have the same hobby. They like sport very much. At school, they like having PE lessons. Look, theyre having a PE lesson now. Ben is jumping up and down. He jumps very high. Jack is running. He runs fast. At the weekends, they like swimming and climbing. Sometimes they go to the playground to play basketball. Sport is good for their health(健康), so they are strong(强壮的).12 . How old are Ben and Jack? ( )AThey are eleven.BThey are twelve.CBen is eleven and Jack is twelve.DThey are not twelve.13 . Do they have the same hobby? ( )AYes, they do.BYes, they have different hobbies.CNo, they dont.DThey both like jumping up and down.14 . What do they like doing at school? ( )AThey like climbing.BThey like singing.CThey like swimming.DThey like having PE lessons.15 . What is Jack doing now? ( )AHes jumping.BHes playing basketball.CHes playing football.DHes running.16 . Is sport good for their health? ( )AYes, it is.BI dont think so.CNo, it isnt.DIts bad.三、完形填空完形填空Do you like to_many beautiful colors round you? lf you_, you should _Xiangshan during the_. The weather_ to get cold and most of the_ on tree change color. And the wind blows the leaves_the trees. In summer they are green,_in autumn, they turn red, yellow, orange and brown. Every autumn people come to see the beautiful colors. All the_and stores there are crowded (拥挤) with visitors they come to_the colorful leaves.17 . AsoundBseeCbookDsmell18 . AhaveBdoCareDwants19 . AgoBdoCvisitDgoes20 . AspringBsummerCfallDwinter21 . AbeginningBleavesCcolorsDbegins22 . AflowersBleavesCcolorsDanimals23 . AoutBofCoffDaway24 . AsoBandCbutDor25 . AshopsBbook shopsChotelsDhospitals26 . AlookBlikeCenjoyDlook like四、填空题选词填空。27 . My father is a_(pilot; worker). He works in a factory.28 . My sister is ill. I am_(sad; happy).29 . Its not far. Lets go_(on foot; by plane).30 . _(What; How)are your hobbies?31 . Excuse me. Wheres the post office? I want to buy a _(dictionary; postcard).五、任务型阅读32 . Read and fill with words.(阅读短文,完成海报)-Hi, Lily. Where are you going this weekend?- Im going to go rock climbing in Zhongshan Park.- What time?- 9:00 a.m. on Sunday. Would you like to go with me?-Oh, yeah! How do we go to Zhongshan Park?-By subway.-Where do we meet on Sunday?-At our school gate.- Thats good. Lets make a poster, so more people will come.Rock Climbing Do you want to _in Zhongshan Park? Time:_Meeting Place:_Transportation:_六、汉译英根据提示完成句子(注意句子开头大写)33 . 这是你的书吗?_book?34 . 那不是我的铅笔。That _ pencil.35 . 那是你的新帽子。_is _new cap.36 . 这是我的铅笔袋吗?_this _ pencil case?37 . 我的哥哥在哪里?_ is my _?38 . 你的钢笔在哪里?_is _?39 . 那只鸟在树上。The _ is _the tree.40 . 那是你的新书吗?_ your _?七、英汉混合英汉互译。41 . what size _42 . over there _43 . 多高_44 . 每天_八、句型转换45 . 根据要求完成句子。1. better / feel / I / much ( . ) ( 连词成句 )_2. I cant find my teacher . ( 改为肯定句 )_3. I have some vegetables . ( 改为否定句 )_4. I see a doctor . ( 改为一般疑问句 )_5. Does Tina get well ? ( 做否定回答 )_九、匹配题选择正确的应答语。A. Wow! Its so cute.B. Yes, it is.C. OK.D. It is a bird.E. Four.46 . Dont feed the animals. (_)47 . Look at the monkeys. (_)48 . Is it a cat? (_)49 . How many dogs do you see? (_)50 . What is this? (_)选出相对应的句子。A.Yes, please.B.No. Im Liu Tao.C.Good morning, Helen.D.Its nice.E.Its yellow.F.Thank you.G.Nice to meet you.H.Happy New Year!51 . This CD is for you. (_)52 . What about a cake? (_)53 . What colour is my cap? (_)54 . Good morning, Mike. (_)55 . Are you Wang Bing? (_)56 . Happy New Year! (_)57 . Look at my T-shirt. (_)58 . This is my mother. (_)十、书面表达59 . 书面表达。假如你是Anna,请介绍你的房间,不少于5句话。_第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、任务型阅读1、六、汉译英1、七、英汉混合1、八、句型转换1、九、匹配题1、2、十、书面表达1、

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