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人教版(PEP)六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(八)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Is this _ dog? ( )ASamsBSamsCSams2 . I can the piano.AplaysBplay.Cplayed3 . _day is it today?( )Its Monday.AwhatBWhoseCWhat4 . -_ are Sam and Amy going to do there? ( )-Study Chinese.AHowBWhenCWhereDWhat5 . 请从A、B、C中选出不同类的单词。(_)1. A. hisB. herC. she(_)2. A. thinB. Chinese book C. maths book(_)3. A. friendB. quietC. friendly(_)4. A. windowB. doorC. tall (_)5. A. inB. onC. book6 . 选出与其他单词不同类的项( )ArightBhurtCmove7 . -Can I have some soup? ( )-Yes, you can. _! Its very hot.AYou are funnyBBe carefulCThank you8 . You can find _ about the weather _this newspaper. ( )Aout, inBout, onCin, at9 . They went there _bus last Sunday. ( )AbyBtook aCtake10 . -_ is my scarf?( )-Its in the box.AWhereBWhatCHow11 . 圈出发音不同的单词。 1. walkwaterfallvestwallet2. yo-yoyogurtwatchyellow3. waterwalkmanwaterfallyes4. cabbage cage orange big12 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1、A、fiveB、timeC、four(_)2、A、lunchB、dinnerC、home(_)3、A、PEB、EnglishC、now(_)4、A、breakfastB、eatC、drink(_)5、A、get upB、go to schoolC、next to13 . Sam hit Bobbys head _. ( )AhardlyBquickChard14 . Where is my_?( )AshirtBshoes15 . ( ) (5)The children _making cakes.AisBareCdoes二、填空题写出下列单词的复数形式。16 . policeman _17 . soldier _18 . child _19 . is _20 . clock _21 . watch _22 . 选词填空。have some What for about1. I _ some noodles.2. I like noodles, what _ you?3. We have _ bread.4._ do you have?I have some bananas.5.What do you have _ breakfast?23 . 用动词的适当形式填空。1. I _ (go) to the cinema last Saturday.2. He_ (is) ill yesterday.3. We _ (have) an Art lesson yesterday.4. -What _ your uncle _(do) yesterday morning?-He _(read) English.5. She _ (clean) our classroom yesterday afternoon.三、阅读回答问题24 . 阅读理解。Steven is my pen pal. There are five people in his family. His father is a PE teacher. His mother is a nurse. He has a sister and a brother. His sister is twenty minutes younger than his brother. They are all middle school students now. They are in the same school. They go to school together every day. They are all good at PE. They are Americans. but they can speak a little Japanese. Because they lived in Japan last year. He said his family would come to China next year. I am very happy. I hope they will come soon.【小题1】How many people are there in Stevens family?_【小题2】How many children are there in his family?_【小题3】Is Stevens sister younger than his brother?_【小题4】Where did they live last year?_【小题5】When are Stevens family going to China?_四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断对错。Last Monday was School Sports Day. It was sunny. There was a two-hundred metre race. There were ten students in the race. My classmates, Jerry, Dick, Lucy and Jane were in the race. They ran fast in the race. Lucy was first. Jerry was second. Jane was fourth. Dick was fifth. My class was the winner in the race. We were so excited.25 . It was sunny last Monday. (_)26 . There were fourteen students in the race. (_)27 . Lucy was second in the race. (_)28 . Dick was fourth. (_)29 . My class was the winner in the race. We were so tired. (_)五、句型转换按要求改写句子。30 . We must listen to the teachers in class.(对画线部分提问)_ in class?31 . My cousin Andy is good at playing basketball.(同义句转换)My cousin Andy _ playing basketball.32 . The lion let the mouse go at last.(改为一般疑问句)_ the lion _ the mouse go at last?33 . She always finishes her homework before dinner.(改为否定句)She _ always _ her homework before dinner.34 . Tom usually brushes his teeth in the morning.(对画线部分提问)_ Tom usually _ his teeth?六、连词成句35 . 连词成句。1. crayons He to some wants buy (.)_2. will room week They the next clean (.) _3. will of What coats you buy kind (?) _4. shes office I in teachers think the (.)_5. say to them Christmas Lets Merry (.)_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、填空题1、2、3、三、阅读回答问题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、句型转换1、六、连词成句1、

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