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冀教版九年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷A卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)_is it from your home?1,000meters.A . How longB . How farC . How often2. (2分)Look at the heavy snow! Nobody knows when the plane will and when it will land. A . turn offB . put offC . get offD . take off3. (2分)Is the girl still _ at the end of the story? No. She is dead in the end.A . liveB . aliveC . livelyD . lives4. (2分)_ do you spell it? C-H-I-N-A.A . HowB . WhatC . WhyD . Where5. (2分)Its every policemans dream to keep people and the traffic in good order.A . safeB . healthyC . busyD . famous6. (2分) How did you arrive here? We arrived plane.A . at; take aB . /; byC . at; byD . in; take a7. (2分)Do you mind telling me _? Of course not. Remember Keep Moving.A . how can I lose weightB . where can I lose weightC . how I can lose weightD . where I can lose weight8. (2分)How can I make fewer mistakes in the exams?Try to be careful. _ careful you are, _ mistakes you will make.A . The more ; the fewerB . The more ; the lessC . More; lessD . More; fewer9. (2分) you Miss Read?Yes, My name Sue Read.A . Are,amB . Are,isC . Is,areD . Is,is10. (2分)I have two tickets for TF boys concert. _ you _ he can go with me. A . Either; orB . Neither; norC . Both; and11. (2分)How do you like travelling by air?I dont like it _ it is much faster.A . becauseB . thoughC . untilD . unless12. (2分)- When was your sister born?- She was born _ the morning of July 3rd, 2005.A . inB . onC . atD . to13. (2分)Please this letter Maria in Class 2, Grade 1. A . say; toB . give; toC . spell; toD . buy; for14. (2分)I _and _my head yesterday. A . falled; hittedB . fell; hitC . falls; hitsD . fell; hitted15. (2分)Good evening,Grace!_,Dale!A . Im OKB . Good eveningC . Good afternoon二、 完型填空 (共2题;共25分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。I got very tired after doing all the family shopping in the town. I wanted to have a rest before catching the train. I 1a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to 2at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, 3the newspaper and the chocolate on the table and then went to get a cup of 4.When I came back with the coffee, a boy was sitting in the next seat and he had started to eat my chocolate!Naturally, I was rather uneasy about him, but I didnt want to have any 5. I just read the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me 6. Then he took a second piece. I could hardly believe it and then I ate the last piece.The boy gave me a strange look, then 7up. As he left, he shouted out. Theres something 8with that woman! Everyone 9me, but I didnt want to quarrel with him, I kept quiet. I didnt realize that I had made a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to 10. My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the boys!(1)A . stole B . bought C . sold (2)A . sit B . sleep C . lie (3)A . pushed B . took C . put (4)A . tea B . milk C . coffee (5)A . friend B . trouble C . chocolate (6)A . angrily B . carelessly C . surprisingly (7)A . stood B . gave C . cried (8)A . wrong B . funny C . bad (9)A . looked for B . looked at C . looked after (10)A . pay B . shout C . leave 17. (15分)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 In 1985 two climbers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, left their base camp and started climbing a mountain called Siula Grande.1they arrived at the top, they went down the mountain. Unfortunately, Simpson fell and 2his leg. Quickly, Yates tied a rope to himself and then to his 3. Then Simpson slipped(滑倒). He was hanging in mid-air. Yates didnt know 4was happening below. The rope was pulling Yates down the mountain. He had two choices: hold the rope but then 5of them might die, or cut the rope and survive(幸存)himself. It was a(n) 6decision for Yates but, at the last moment, Yates 7the rope and saved himself. As a result, Simpson fell into a deep crevasse(裂隙).The next day, Yates 8Simpson everywhere. He called Simpsons name but he heard 9. So he thought Simpson was 10. Yates didnt know that Simpson was still alive inside the crevasse. After Simpson realized Yates wasnt coming, he decided to find a way out 11the rope.On a dark night several days later, Yates was sleeping at base camp when he 12someone shouting his name. Finally, after searching and searching he 13Simpson. He was lying on the ground, not moving, but he was still alive.After a few days, the two men 14home and their story became famous. Yates was 15blamed(指责)for cutting the rope. In 1988, Simpson wrote a book about the accident and defended(为辩解)Yates. Simpson believed Yates made the right decision.(1)A . After B . Before C . Until D . Since (2)A . washed B . hurt C . hated D . showed (3)A . father B . friend C . brother D . son (4)A . how B . why C . when D . what (5)A . all B . none C . both D . neither (6)A . hard B . easy C . good D . bad (7)A . jumped B . followed C . made D . cut (8)A . looked for B . asked for C . cared for D . waited for (9)A . anything B . nothing C . everything D . something (10)A . angry B . happy C . dead D . alive (11)A . about B . with C . for D . of (12)A . saw B . believed C . heard D . dreamed (13)A . visited B . found C . fold D . thanked (14)A . returned B . left C . missed D . forgot (15)A . luckily B . especially C . unimportantly D . unfairly 三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)完成对话 根据对话内容和所给的句子选项,将对话补充完整,使其通顺达意。A: And everyone has a locker (柜子).B: What is it like?C: What does it like?D: Yes, twice a day.E: Because I am studying at a new school.F: Im sure you will enjoy your new school life.Sandy: Hi, Daniel. Why are you so happy?Daniel: _Sandy: At a new school? Great! _Daniel: Its very big and nice. _Sandy: So you dont need to share a locker.with your classmates, right?Daniel: Yes.Sandy: Do you do sports in your new school?Daniel: _We do morning exercises and play ball games in the afternoon.Sandy: _Daniel: Yes, of course. See you later.四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共5题;共55分)19. (10分)阅读下列短文, 从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。DNow we all know that parenting (培养孩子) is a difficult thing. There are many ways we can deal with it, but some are more useful than others:One thing we must remember is that no Mom or Dad is an island unto themselves. Parenting is about social connections and learning, and it means other parents will give us more experience we use to teach our kids.Parenting may become very difficult if you come across problems you may have had when you were a little kid. We must do better than what we experienced when we were young. We should also make sure it never happens to our kids. Kids may have difficulties in studying or making friends. We must be there when they need advice and help.Kids may cry for a number of reasons and you should allow them to show their feelings. It is a very common thing. Even for boys, they should not be forced to hide their true feelings. Tears contain the hormones (荷尔蒙) of stress. They leave the body when we are crying. We must provide kids with proper emotional support (恰当的感情支持) so they can heal their pain.(1)What can we know from the underlined sentence? A . Mom and Dad are not lonely.B . Mom and Dad are together.C . Parents should learn from each other about parenting,D . Parents should only teach their kids in their own ways.(2)What should you do if your kids cry? A . Stop them.B . Give them sweet food. .C . Beat them.D . Let them cry.(3)What will happen when our tears fall down? A . The hormones of stress make our eyes clear.B . The hormones of stress stay in the body.C . The hormones of stress get out of the body.D . The hormones of stress grow.(4)The underlined word heal means _. A . showB . coverC . growD . end(5)Whom is this passage written for? A . Kids.B . Parents.C . Doctors.D . Patients.20. (20分)短文理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。Why is clean water so important to developing countries? A recent report shows that about 80 percent of diseases in developing countries are caused by poor water and low sanitation(卫生)conditions. In those countries, women and girls spend several hours collecting water, but often polluted, far away from their families. The polluted water more or less influences their health. In this case, there is an urgent(迫切的)need for people in developing countries to have access to(有机会或权利使用)clean water to improve their health.Here is a short story about Hadjara Zakari, a 12-year-old girl in Niger. Having access to clean water changed her life. She learned about the importance of hand-washing when the school first received clean water three years ago. That evening, she told her father, You shouldnt eat with me unless you clean your hands. Her father was very angry and shouted at her, Its not up to you to tell me what to do!Stunned(目瞪口呆的),Hadjara sat in silence. But she knew she was right. In protest,Hadjara refused to eat dinner that night. After her father questioned Hadjaras head teacher, he understood the importance of hand-washing and his daughters intentions(目的). The girl really wanted her family to live longer and healthier lives.For people in developing countries, clean water can change many things, especially improve their health. So, from now on, lets avoid wasting water and take action to save water, which is important to people all over the world.(1)According to the recent report, poor water and low sanitation conditions can cause . A . traffic problemsB . forest firesC . many illnesses(2)According to the recent report, poor water and low sanitation conditions can cause . A . traffic problemsB . forest firesC . many illnesses(3)The key to improving peoples health in developing countries is in Paragraph 1. A . to get clean waterB . to exercise oftenC . to refuse drugs(4)The key to improving peoples health in developing countries is in Paragraph 1. A . to get clean waterB . to exercise oftenC . to refuse drugs(5)What can we infer(推断)from Paragraph 2? A . Hadjara laughed at her fathers foolishness.B . Hadjara refused to eat dinner that night in order to lose weight.C . Hadjaras father understood his daughters love and care for him later.(6)What can we infer(推断)from Paragraph 2? A . Hadjara laughed at her fathers foolishness.B . Hadjara refused to eat dinner that night in order to lose weight.C . Hadjaras father understood his daughters love and care for him later.(7)The underlined word protest in this passage means . A . 抗议B . 保护C . 节约(8)The underlined word protest in this passage means . A . 抗议B . 保护C . 节约(9)The purpose of the writer is to .A . teach people how to wash handsB . call on people all over the world to save waterC . show developing countries rich in clean water(10)The purpose of the writer is to .A . teach people how to wash handsB . call on people all over the world to save waterC . show developing countries rich in clean water21. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 DALIAN TRAVEL COMPANYDalianSingaporeBest fourday Tour in SingaporeWebsite:wwwDaliantourcom Telephone:0411168557683Date of Departure(出发)August15,2013¥5,220 August16,2013¥5,100August17,2013¥4,860 August18,2013¥5,150*Day 1:Morning:Land at Singapore Changi AirportAfternoon:Take bus tour of the capitalEvening:Have a party in the KTVDay 2:Morning:Visit the Handicraft Center and the National MuseumAfternoon:Take the cable car to Sentosa IslandDay 3:Morning:Take a walking tour of old Singapore,including ChinatownAfternoon:Take a boat trip around the islandDay 4:Daytime:Free for shoppingEvening:Return by air*Have fun at MIRAMBER!Restaurant &Cafe,swimming pool,KTV,Clothing store,Reading room(1)If you want to spend the least money on the tour,when should you start your tour? . A . On August 15B . On August 16C . On August 17D . On August 18(2)What will the travelers in this group do on the second day? . A . Go to ChinatownB . Visit Sentosa IslandC . Travel around by boatD . Have a party in the KTV(3)When the travelers go to old Singapore,they can visit , too A . the Handicraft CenterB . Changi AirportC . ChinatownD . the National Museum(4)When can the travelers shop freely during the tour? . A . On the first dayB . On the second dayC . On the third dayD . On the last day(5)According to the passage,MIRAMBER is probably A . the name of a planeB . the name of an airportC . the name of a companyD . the name of a hotel22. (10分)This is an online discussion group where people can post(发布) comments about a topic.Read the post from the travel forum(论坛).Answers To All Your travelJun,Korea(韩国)Posted,5 days agoQuestion: First trip to the USAFor my new job, I will travel to the United States next month and meet my American boss. This will be my first trip there. Im worried about correct business behavior and manners. My boss invited me to his home for dinner. Do you have any advice?Sue,MiamiPosted,3 days agoRe: First trip to the USAIts a good idea to bring a small gift or something from your country. Dont be surprised if your boss opens the gift right away. In the USA, people often open a gift when they receive it. In Korea, that is not polite, but its common in the USA.Sam,Los AngelesPosted,2 days agoRe: First trip to the USAAmericans use their hands to eat some kinds of food, such as pizza and fried chicken. Watch your American hosts, and do what they do.Kathryn,New YorkPosted,12 hours agoRe: First trip to the USAIn Korea and Japan, its the custom to remove your shoes before entering a house. In the United States, you usually dont take your shoes off. Once I was travelling in Japan and entered a house with my shoes on by mistake. Oops!Lee,KoreaPosted,2 hours agoRe: First trip to the USAMany Americans are very informal(非正式的)at home. One time I went to an American business partners home for dinner, I was surprised that everyone stood and talked in the kitchen while the husband and wife were cooking dinner. Besides, unlike in Korea, everyone took part in the dinner table conversation, even the mans wife and children.Andrew,WashingtonPosted,1 hour agoRe: First trip to the USAI agree with Lee. You probably wont speak about business during dinner, so my advice is to know some topics of conversation. For example, you can talk about travel, food, music, or sports. But youd better not question about age.(1)Jun posted a question in the forum, because _.A . he got a new jobB . he would meet his bossC . his boss invited him to his home for dinnerD . he wanted to know business behavior and manners in the USA(2)Whats the meaning of the underlined word “remove”?A . 开除B . 移开C . 脱下D . 去掉(3)If you are invited to an American friends home, its NOT polite to_.A . bring a small gift from your countryB . open the gift right awayC . enter the house with your shoes onD . ask a persons age(4)If you go to your American bosss home for dinner, you _.A . shouldnt use your hands to eat fried chickenB . cant stand and talk in the kitchen while the host is cookingC . cant talk with all the family membersD . probably wont speak about business(5)We can know from the online discussion that _.A . different countries have different customsB . Japanese have the similar customs with AmericansC . everyone may take part in the dinner table conversation in KoreaD . only people from Korea and America can answer Juns question23. (5分)阅读下面信息,用恰当的词完成下面的表格,每空一词。Everyone wants to find happiness. But sometimes looking for happiness can be as hard as looking for lost treasure. Just when you think you nearly reach it, something unexpected happens. This may puzzle(使困惑) you a lot. Here are some tips for helping you find happiness.lDont put all your eggs in one basket. If you depend, on one thing or one person to make you happy, it may be impossible. You need to enlarge your circle of friends and activities.lFollow your heart. When we go against our own thoughts, we usually feel sad. Follow your strong feeling and let it guide you toward people and things that will improve your life. Day by day, you will be happier than before.Organize your ideas. Many people push away happiness when they think too much. Dont keep everything in head. Try making a list of the things that seem too big to manage on your own. You may find the list isnt as long as you thought. You can do most of the things by yourself.lLook at your life as a whole. Most of the things that prevent us from feeling happy .are just some little things. Remember life is always going on, and whatever the little thing is, it will end.lRemember your values(价值观). We all have a value system, a way we have decided to go through life, which makes us feel like a good person. The important thing is to remember your values when life becomes hard. Keeping your values strong will help create happiness.Happiness can be hard to feel at times, so dont think there is something wrong with you if you dont feel it. The ways above will help you to feel more of it.Something puzzlingHappiness is sometimes hard to get.Tips forsolving thepuzzlel Make more friends and take part in rmre activities. There may be no _ for you to find happiness if you depend on one thing or one person.l Let your heart guide you toward people and things that will improve your life. In this way, your happiness will _. Write down the things that you seem _to manage on your own. You will be happy to find you can do more things than you thought. Look at your life as a whole. Most unhappy things will end sooner or later. Keep your values strong after youve made a _on how to spend life. Being a good person even when life is hard will help create happinessConclusion You will _get happiness with the help of the five tips.五、 单词拼写 (共5题;共5分)24. (1分)Lily does sports every day in order to keep f_. 25. (1分)How many _(kilo)of rice do you need,sir? 26. (1分)He was one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th_(世纪). 27. (1分)The Hong KongZhuhaiMacao is considered as one of the “seven wonders of the _(现代的) world. 28. (1分)I am_(很少)late for school. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)根据中文和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文,所给英文提示词语仅供选用,请不要写出你的真实校名和姓名。生活中每个人都有过与他人分享的体验,如分享一本有趣的书、一段难忘的经历、一个闪光的想法

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