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沪教版2020年中考英语模拟试卷(九)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)1. (10分) Tired of Working in Your Own Country?With over 20 years of experience,we are the leader in the field of teaching foreign languagesWe now have positions open in Osaka,Japan,starting in September / October 2014 for instructors of English,German,Spanish and FrenchWe use the latest technology in small classes of up to 3 studentsAccommodation(住宿) will be ready before you leaveApplicants (申请者) will teach their first language onlyExcellent teacher training programsIf you are young with a university degree and are willing to experience different cultures,apply nowExperience in teaching is an advantage but not particularly required (需要)Knowledge of the Japanese language is not necessary but good English skills and practical computer knowledge are basic requirementsApply with CV(个人履历)and send letters to :NOVA France,Mr Sampy (IHT3/2)34,BdHaussmann,750009 Paris,FranceFax:33148014804Or visit our website : wwwteadypcomThe manager is waiting to meet and talk with successful applicants in Paris in June and July根据材料内容选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(1) Where are the teachers needed to teach?A . In FranceB . In JapanC . In GermanyD . In England(2) What is a must if the applicants want to be accepted?A . Experience of teachingB . Experience of staying abroadC . Knowledge of practical computerD . Knowledge of the Japanese language(3) Which of the following about the applicants working conditions is NOT true?A . They teach in very small classesB . They get well trained for their jobC . They teach their native languagesD . They have to find places to live in(4) What is a possible way of applying for the job?A . Visiting the websiteB . Sending letters to JapanC . Talking with the managerD . Handing in CVin September(5) What do you think the reading is?A . An advertisementB . A reportC . A diaryD . A notice2. (10分) 阅读理解 Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true.Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If its hard for you to communicate with your parents, dont worry about it. Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟).Dont argue (争辩) with your parents. Dont get to your parents when you are angry. Your parents probably wont consider your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you cant express yourself well if you are angry. Go someplace to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to say to your parents. If you dont think you can speak to them at the moment, try writing a letter.Try to reach a compromise (和解). Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other. Michaels mother didnt agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They argued over it. But they finally came to a compromise. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days.Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something. In these situations, it is especially important to show love and respect (尊敬) to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship strong.Talk about your values. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try!(1) According to the passage who have a communication problem? A . parents and other peopleB . only school kids and their parentsC . teachers and their studentsD . parents and children of all ages(2) How many pieces of advice does the writer give us to bridge the generation gap? A . 5.B . 4.C . 3.D . 2.(3) The underlined word bridge in the passage means _. A . 建立B . 消除C . 通过D . 到达(4) If the values of your parents are different from those of yours, youd better _. A . argue with themB . keep away from themC . agree with them all the timeD . tell your parents what you care about(5) The best title for the passage is _. A . How to bridge the generation gapB . How to deal with family problemsC . How to be good parentsD . How to be a good child3. (4分) 根据短文理解,判断正误。Be an OriginalIts said that we human beings are the only creatures who refuse to be what we are. One writer said, “When people are free to do what they want, they usually copy each other.” Yet nobody can be you as well as you can. Every successful person becomes successful because he or she discovered and developed his or her own special abilities. As a guy said, “One of the hardest things about climbing the ladder of success is getting through the crowd of copies at the bottom.”So remember you are a specialist. Youre not made to be all things to all people. Surveys have shown that usually about 20 percent of all the people who know you dont really like you that much. You just cant please all the people all the time! So dont try to have peace at all costs, especially at the cost of your own success. “Dont stay where youre tolerated (忍受), go where youre celebrated!” Be yourself. Be an original (有独创性的人)! You really are one-of-a-kind. Youre the first and last person who will ever be exactly like you.Do you know that over 90 percent of all flowers have no smell at all? Its the ones with a sweet fragrance (香味) and smell that we remember. So dont be afraid to be different, if it means being yourself. We are like rivers, “If we follow the easy path of least resistance, it will make us crooked (弯曲).” So dont follow where the path may lead, go where there is no path and leave your own trail. “Youre born an original, dont die a copy!” Too many people are like the living dead, theyve buried their real talents and abilities.(1) There are a lot of people who are exactly like you according to the writer of the passage.(2) The underlined phrase “one-of-a-kind” means “和大家一样的” in Chinese.4. (10分) (2015八上上城期中) 阅读理解Jeff Corwin is a scientist and author. He does these jobs with one life goal: to help save animals and their habitats. His latest book,100 Heartbeats: The Race to Save Earths Most Endangered Species, is a collection of stories about animals on the edge(边缘) of extinction. Corwin recently talked to TFK kid reporter Sarah Horbacewicz.Reporter: How would you describe your job?Corwin: My job is to travel around, look at animals and tell their stories.Reporter: When did you know this is what you wanted to do?Corwin: I knew that when I was 6 years old. My dad was a police officer, and we lived in the city. I really enjoyed the time when I could go to the quiet countryside. The day that I saw my very first wild snake, I knew thats what I would do for the rest of my life. I didnt know if I would be a teacher or a zookeeper, but I know I would have a life connected with (与有关) nature.Reporter: Why did you write the book?Corwin: Were losing species (物种) very fast. I wanted to show people that while we are in a very serious situation, we are not at the point of no return. If we make big changes, we may have the chance to save what remains.Reporter: Is it true that humans are the reason that many of these animals are in danger?Corwin: Human beings have a powerful effect on every other living thing. The challenge is to make that effect a positive one.(1) Jeff Corwin is a(n) _. A . teacherB . authorC . police officerD . zookeeper(2) Jeff Corwins life goal is to _. A . protect the environmentB . do some scientific researchersC . save animals and their habitatsD . let more people know about nature(3) The underlined word “extinction” means “_” in Chinese. A . 灭绝B . 生存C . 冬眠D . 饥饿(4) What does the underlined sentence mean? A . Human beings are now in danger.B . We cant save the endangered species.C . Humans cant deal with serious situations.D . We can make some changes to save the endangered animals.(5) Which of the following is NOT true according to the reading? A . Corwin lived in the city when he was young.B . Corwin has been trying his best to help save animals and their habitats.C . It isnt true that humans can have a positive effect on other living things.D . The first time Corwin saw the wild snake, he knew what to do for the rest of his life.二、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)5. (5分) (2017九上娄底期中) 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项只能用一次。Li Wen is a normal 15-year-old boy who works hard in school and gets good gradesIt is hard to believe that he used to be a “problem child” Li Wen lives in the Sichuan countrysideAs a small child, he seldom caused any problems_His parents moved to the city to look for jobsHe had to live with his grandparentsLi Wen began to cause problems for himself and his familyHe was no longer interested in studying _and he failed his examinationsFinally, his parents made a decision to send him to a boarding schoolThere were so many rules, and he used to keep breaking themOne day,he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school _and she advised his parents to talk with their son in personSo his parents took a 24-hour train ride and a five-hour bus ride to go back to their hometown _To Li Wens surprise, their conversation changed his lifeNow Li Wen has really changed He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class“Its very important for parents to be there for their children,” Li Wen saysA However, things began to changed a few years agoB His teacher was worried about himC His parents were proud of himD They had a long talkE Sometimes he was abent from classes三、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分) 完形填空。It was Sunday yesterday. Bruce went to play football with his friends. Soon he felt 1and took off his coat. On his way home, he forgot to put it on. This morning, he didnt feel 2and couldnt go to school. His mother told him 3and then went out to buy some 4for him. An hour later he didnt want to lie there, 5he stood by the window and looked outside. The weather was fine today. Soon his mother came back and said, “Its6outside. Go to sun yourself 7you take the medicine.”Bruce took the medicine and went out to play alone (独自地) beside a house. 8a salesman(推销员)came up to him and asked, “Did your mother come back, my little friend?”“Yes, sir,” answered the boy.The man began to ring the doorbell(门铃)but9answered. He rang it 10a long time and became angry.“There is no one in the house, You played a joke(玩笑)on me!” said the salesman.“ But thats not my house,” Bruce answered.(1)A . tired B . hot C . cold (2)A . good B . nice C . well (3)A . lie in bed B . to lie in bed C . to stay at home (4)A . medicine B . food C . fruits (5)A . so B . but C . and (6)A . cold B . warm C . rainy (7)A . after B . before C . when (8)A . During this time B . At that time C . Just now (9)A . anyone B . someone C . no one (10)A . with B . at C . for 四、 阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词或括号内的单 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分) (2017成都) 在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。JJack DDavidJ:Christmas used to be my favorite time of year, but right now I feel terrible.D:No wonder, Jack. Its our _Christmas away from home to study here. A _of situation would easily affect peoples feelings.J:What do you _most as Christmas is coming, David?D:Of course, my family. I spent every Christmas with my family before this year.J:Me, too. _In the world is better than being with my family at Christmas time. D: At least, your brother is here with you.J:Thats true. Sometimes he can be boring to me, but now, _I do feel great to have him _on this special day here.D:Maybe hell be here soon. I hope he will like the gift we bought for him.J:Im sure he will. Hes always wanted a _so that he can record every _that moves him deeply here in Beijing, and he can _whats recorded with my family.D:Perfect. In this way, your parents can see peoples happy life in Beijing and understand China better. One more thing, our Chinese classmates are going to hold a Christmas party for us, and they want to spend Christmas with us.J:They are friendly. Im very glad to get their _.I will go to the party with you.五、 单词拼写 (共2题;共2分)8. (1分) I like these _ (对白) of the cartoon movie. 9. (1分) Be quiet, the students are _(上) lessons. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分) (2016八下河南月考) 你的英语非常优秀, 学校请你和七年级的同学做一次英语学习经验交流。请根据下列提示,写一份80词左右的发言稿。提示:1)When did you begin to learn English?2)Why do you like English?3)How do you study English well?4)take part in/join, follow the tape, keep a diary in English, remember words .第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略二、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)5、答案:略三、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)6、答案:略四、 阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词或括号内的单 (共1题;共10分)7、答案:略五、 单词拼写 (共2题;共2分)8、答案:略9、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10、答案:略

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