湘少版(三起)英语五年级下册 Unit 6 I'll make a beautiful card 第二课时练习卷

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湘少版(三起)英语五年级下册 Unit 6 I'll make a beautiful card 第二课时练习卷_第1页
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湘少版(三起)英语五年级下册 Unit 6 I'll make a beautiful card 第二课时练习卷_第3页
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湘少版(三起)英语五年级下册 Unit 6 Ill make a beautiful card 第二课时练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . He likes_ kung fu.AdoBdoesCdoing2 . Lets_ a hamburger. ( )AateBeatsCeat3 . _run in the library. ( )Im so sorry.ANotBWouldCDont4 . They are _ kites. ( )AflyBflyingCto fly5 . Ill buy _ a box of chocolates. ( )AsheBherChe6 . Welcome to our !AschoolBhomeworkCstudents.二、单词拼写根据汉语提示补全单词。7 . 玫瑰花r_se8 . 饭店rest_r_t9 . 卡片c_d10 . 巧克力 _ocolate11 . 礼物g_ft三、句型转换12 . 根据要求完成句子。1. there / that / in / box / large / what s ( ? ) ( 连词成句 )_2. We ll invite our teachers to come onto the stage . ( 改为一般疑问句 )_3. There are over three hundred students in the rehearsal . ( 对画线部分提问 )_4. Do you want me to hold the gifts for our teachers ? ( 作肯定回答 )_5. Thank you so much . ( 同义句 )_四、改错改错。13 . Illwriting Happy Mothers Day.(_)_A B C14 . Illbuy some flower.(_) _A B C15 . Letsgoes and get some coloured paper.(_) _A B C16 . Opensit, please. (_) _A B C17 . Thatsan good idea. (_) _A B C第 5 页 共 5 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、二、单词拼写1、三、句型转换1、四、改错1、

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