外研(新标准)版初中英语七年级上学期Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your mum_ 同步练习B卷

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外研(新标准)版初中英语七年级上学期Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your mum_ 同步练习B卷_第1页
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外研(新标准)版初中英语七年级上学期Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your mum_ 同步练习B卷_第2页
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外研(新标准)版初中英语七年级上学期Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your mum_ 同步练习B卷_第3页
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外研(新标准)版初中英语七年级上学期Module 2 Unit 1 Is this your mum? 同步练习B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) Are Tony and Mary your parents? _.A . They areB . Yes, they areC . No, they notD . They arent2. (2分)These arent _ cards. Theyre_A . ours, theirB . our, theirsC . our, theirD . ours theirs3. (2分)Its very friendly _ him _ me when I am in trouble. A . of;helpB . for;to helpC . of;to helpD . for;helping4. (2分) _ is it from the park to the theatre? Its about half an hour by underground.A . How oftenB . How soonC . How longD . How far5. (2分)Mary is _ vacation now. Could I take a message _ her? Sure, thank you. A . at; withB . of; forC . on; ofD . on; for6. (2分)The _ of Chongqing is really hot, but we still like living here. A . springB . summerC . autumnD . winter7. (2分)Is this your book?_. Its mine.A . Yes, this isB . Yes, it isC . No, this isntD . No, it isnt8. (2分)_fine weather! A . HowB . How aC . WhatD . What a9. (2分)The boy and the girl in the photo my son and daughter. A . beB . amC . areD . is10. (2分)Are these your sisters?_. They are my cousins.A . Yes, they areB . Yes, these areC . No, they arentD . No, these arent二、 填空题 (共10题;共18分)11. (1分)Shanghai is a very big _(城市). 12. (1分)We often use coal to create _ (能量). 13. (1分)What do you want to do this weekend? I p_to visit my grandparents with my parents.14. (1分)New Years Day is a big _ (节日). 15. (1分)What are your _ (parent) jobs? 16. (2分)在未来,小汽车可能会用水或太阳能来发动。 In the future, cars will probably use water or sun energy _them.17. (3分)我们应该锁着门离开家。 We should leave home _.18. (2分)你曾经徒步环游过整个城市吗? 19. (3分)吃俄罗斯饭菜还是吃中国饭菜?由你来定。A Russian or a Chinese meal?_you20. (3分)根据汉语完成句子(1)在你们的街区有社团吗?Is there a _ centre in your _?(2)我的自行车坏了,所以我打算这个人修理。My bike is _, so I ask _ to _ it.(3)艾米经常帮助我的家庭作业。Amy often _ me _ my homework.(4)我的姐姐在这个周末将要去购物。My sister is going to _ _ _ at this weekend.三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空Everyone has a beautiful memory 1school that is hard to forget. Among many things, relationships are the hardest to leave 2. Some schools try to stop students puppy love in different ways. Anything about “love” relationship is not 3. For example, a middle school in Fuan, Fujian Province forbids(禁止) boys and girls to sit together for meals and forbids boys to look at girls for a long time;a middle school in Luohe, Henan Province sets 4that boys and girls should meet in bright places with at least 5 other classmates, and5they meet in private they will be asked to go home with 6for more than a week and even advised to leave school; a middle school in Jinan, Shandong Province 7everyone to send food and gifts to or receive them from the opposite sex(异性). It also forbids students to help the opposite sex with bags and coats and requires a “44cm” distance between boys and girls.Some students are not 8with such rules. “Why should we have strict places for different sexes to eat in? Its not using bathrooms!” Some people 9care about the intelligence development of the students say that they should be more creative with fewer rules. For this, Id like to say that middle school students are going through puberty(青春期). Its normal for them to have some feelings for the opposite sex. Schools should provide correct guidance and education instead of giving simple and cruel rules and asking the students to10(1)A . about B . to C . from (2)A . for B . behind C . with (3)A . forbidden B . stopped C . allowed (4)A . rules B . rulers C . goals (5)A . where B . what C . if (6)A . students B . parents C . teachers (7)A . forbids B . allows C . encourages (8)A . serious B . careful C . satisfied (9)A . which B . whom C . who (10)A . follow B . get C . become 四、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Dear Nancy,I was an outgoing boy. I had a group of good friends. I always did well in class and I was good at sports. Then a new boy called Alan came to our school. First, he got a higher score than me in a test. Then he joined the school soccer team. He is a good soccer player. Some students started to think he was better than me. I am really angry about it. Whats worse, some of my best friends became his friends. What can I do?NickDear Nick,You are a very smart boy. But you cant be the best in the world at everything.This is my advice. You should do your best in everything. But if Alan is better than you at some things, you should congratulate him and be happy for him. When your friends see that you can know your shortcomings, they will respect you and still be your friends.Good luck!Nancy(1)Whats Nicks problem? A . He gets bad grades.B . He has a problem with his teachers.C . He doesnt know how to make friends.D . He wants to be as popular as before.(2)Which sport is Alan good at? A . BasketballB . SoccerC . TennisD . Baseball(3)What is Nancys advice? A . She asks Nick to go to another school.B . She asks Nick to change his mind.C . She asks Nick to help Alan.D . She asks Nick to find new friends.(4)The underlined word congratulate means _ in Chinese. A . 祝贺B . 谴责C . 讨伐D . 关注第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 填空题 (共10题;共18分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、四、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、

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