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启明四升五暑期单元达标测试卷(Unit1Unit2)时间:60分钟 满分:100分 出卷人:钱静 2018.7题序一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三总分得分听力部分(30分)1、 选择你所听到的单词(10分)( )1.A.hard B.hand C.have( )2.A.beside B.behind C.between( )3.A.cold B.hot C.hungry( )4.A.thirsty B.afraid C.thirty( )5.A.forest B.fourteen C.for( )6.A.her B.him C.his( )7.A.soup B.soft C.sofa( )8.A.river B.really C.rubber( )9.A.they B.there C.then( )10.A.apple B.eight C.afraid2、 根据所听内容,选出合适的答语(10分)( )1.A.Hes in the forest. B.Yes, she is. C.Shes in the room.( )2.A.No, it isnt. B.Its too hard. C.All right.( )3.A.He finds his cakes. B.He is a boy. C.OK.( )4.A.Yes, there is. B.Yes, they are. C.Yes, they do.( )5.A.No, I am not. B.Yes, I am. C.No, I dont.3、 判断下列句子与所听内容是(T)否(F)相符(5分)( )1.There is no bread in the kitchen.( )2.I like Maths very much. Thats fun.( )3.A:Are there any books in the classroom? B:Yes, there are.( )4.Liu Tao and I cant find our bags.( )5.Come and have a nice ice cream.4、 根据所听内容,补全句子或对话(5分)1.This soup is . That soup is .2.This bed is too . Id like a bed.3.A:Where is my jacket? B:Its the .4.There pens in the pencil box.5.A:What can you see? B:I can see a bike the .笔试部分(70分)五、选出下列各组单词中画线部分读音不相同的一项(6分)( )1.A.cat B.nice C.cold D.cough( )2.A.come B.subject C.coat D.place( )3.A.cake B.make C.lake D.China( )4.A.popular B.not C.some D.soft( )5.A.help B.beside C.behind D.between( )6.A.there B.their C.here D.where六、按要求写词语(4分)61.hard(反义词) 2.peach(复数) 3.can(否定形式) 4.hot(反义词) 5.we(宾格) 6.library(复数) 7.father(名词所有格) 8.nine(序数词) 七、英汉互译(10分)1.in front of the tree 2.just right 3.in Western countries 4.a beautiful house 5.be afraid 6.一张硬床 7.在门旁边 8.在厨房里 9.在秋千上 10.带他参观 八、单项选择(10分)( )1. some orange juice in the glass.A.There is B.There be C.There are( )2.This soup is just . I can have it.A.hot B.cold C.right( )3.Liu tao sits Mike and Yang Ling.A.on B.in C.between( )4. a lovely girl!A.How B.Who C.What( )5.A:There arent chairs. Here are chairs for you. B:Thank you.A.any;some B.some;any C.some;some( )6.A:Are there in the classroom? B:No, there arent.A.some desks B.any desks C.any desk( )7.A:How many are there in you house? B:Only one.A.bathrooms B.a bathroom C.bathroom( )8.There a pair of shoes under the bed.A.is B.are C.am( )9.A:Is there a tall building in your school?B: .A.Yes, there are. B.Yes, it is. C.Yes, there is.( )10.In the UK, “the first floor” means: in China.A.一楼 B.二楼 C.三楼八、从栏中选出栏相对应的答句(10分) ( )1.Look at my new jacket. A.I like PE and English.( )2.Its twelve oclock. B.We have Music and Science.( )3.What subjects do you like? C.OK, Lets go.( )4.Do you like Maths? D.Heres a cake for you.( )5.What lessons do you have this afternoon? E.Yes, I do.( )6.Lets go to school now. F.Nice to see you.( )7.When do you play the guitar? G.I can see some trees.( )8.Im hungry. H.Its time for lunch.( )9.What can you see in the picture? I.How nice!( )10.This is our new teacher, Mr Li. J.At three forty.9、 找出错误选项,并在横线上改正(10分)( )1.Yang Ling s house is on the four floor. A B C( )2.There are any books on the floor. A B C( )3.I have to doing homework now. A B C( )4.We can play football and basketball on the playground. A B C( )5.How many chair are there in the reading room? A B C10、 按要求完成句子(5分)1.There are twenty birds in the tree.(对画线部分提问) birds are there in the tree?2.Those balls are under the bed.(对画线部分提问) those balls?3.Theres some milk in the glass.(改为否定句) There milk in the glass.4.Its a beautiful skirt.(改为感叹句) a beautiful skirt!5.beside, is, there, a, chair, the, table(.)(连词成句) 11、 完形填空(5分)Helen, look 1 this picture, This is a picture 2 a classroom. In the picture you can see chairs 3 desks. On the blackboard, you can see a tree. A map is 4 the door. The room is different(不同) from my classroom. Under the 5 desk, there is a football, so you cant see it. ( )1.A.in B.on C.at( )2.A.on B.of C.in( )3.A.or B.but C.and( )4.behind B.in C.at( )5.teachers B.teachers C.teacher 12、 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(5分)Hello, I am Lily. I have a big and beautiful school. There is a big playground and two swimming pools in our school. There are thirty-two classrooms in our school. There are forty-four desks and chairs in the each classroom. There are six teachers rooms in our school. There are seven teachers in each teachers room.( )1.Lily has a small and beautiful school.( )2.There are two swimming pools in the school.( )3.There are 32 classrooms in the school.( )4.There are 42 desks and chairs in each classroom. ( )5.There are 42 teachers in the Lilys school.13、 书面表达(5分)请你介绍一下你的学校,写一写你的学校有几间电脑室、音乐教室、阅览室等,并介绍它们所在的楼层。

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