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龙文教育-您值得信赖的专业化个性化辅导学校 龙文教育学科导学案ggggggggggggangganggang纲 教师: 学生:_ 日期: 2012年_ 月_日时段:_课题 牛津英语8A 期中复习1-4单元教学目标熟记语法知识点并灵活运用学习重点难点单元练习与解析 教学过程重点难点解析 1. Now my parents own a Chinese restaurant现在我的父母拥有一家中国餐馆。 1)own作动词时,意为“拥有,所有”。例:She owns a car but rarely drives it她有一辆车,但很少开。 2)own作形容词或代词时,意为“自己的”,其前必须要有名词所有格或形容词性物主代词。例: This is Jacks own room这是杰克自己的房间。 I saw it with my own eyes这是我亲眼所见。 3)owner名词“主人,物主”。例:The owner of the restaurant is an oversea Chinese.饭店的主人是位海外华人。 2. 1 have a brother called Edwin我有一个名叫埃德温的哥哥。 called Edwin为v-ed分词短语,作定语时通常后置。例: Ive bought a video camera made in Japan我买了一部日本产的摄像机。 called意为“称呼,名叫”,与它意思相同的还有:named, with the name of. 3. He works as an architect他担任建筑师的工作。 as在句中作介词,意为“以身份,作为”。例:He was famous as a singer作为一位歌手他很著名。 architect n建筑师 architecture n建筑学 4. 1 enclose随信附上 随信寄照片、资料等,都可以用这一表达方法。例: My brother enclosed a photo of my niece in his letter.我哥哥随信附上一张我侄女的照片。 5. How many brothers and sisters has he got? 他有多少兄弟姐妹? 动词have/have got意义相同,但have got用法在疑问句和答语中略有不同。 Have you got three lessons every day? Yes, I have. /No, I havent你每天上三节课吗?是的,上三节课。不,没有。(在have got结构中,have为助动词,可构成疑问句和否定句。)Do you have three lessons every day? Yes, I do. /No, I dont你每天上三节课吗?是的,上三节课。不,没有。(have用作行为动词时,需加助动词do构成疑问句和否定句。) 1. at the end 在的末端2. be keen on 热心于做 热衷于3. play chess 下象棋4. twelve years old 5. a boy called Tom 一个名叫Tom 的男孩 a boy named Tom a boy with the name Tom 6. best wishes 最好的祝愿7. by +交通工具 = take +a/an +交通工具 = .in / on +交通工具8. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人别做某事9. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 like doing sth. mind /practice/finish/10. speak /tell /say/talk say 说 述说 speak 说话发言 电话来时用speaking talk 说 谈话 of/about tell 告诉 讲述 Sentence1. make it +adj. for sb. to do sth. it 形式宾语2. sth. +be+ to do 动词不定式做表语3. I hope you will write to me soon . 我希望你尽快给我回信 hope 有可能实现的愿望 wish 不大可能实现的愿望hope to do 希望做某事 wish sb. to do 希望某人做.(2)特殊疑问句结构 1)疑问词一般疑问句:How do people get drinking water? 2)对主语或主语部分提问时,结构是:疑问词谓语部分:Who helps to keep the environment clean? 2不定冠词a/an “a”用在以辅音音素开始的单词前,如:a beautiful girl, a useful book等;而“an”则用于以元音音素开始的单词前,如:an hour, an umbrella, 2. Now all of her family work in her business现在所有她的家人都在她的公司工作。 family表示“家庭”或“家人”,是集合名词,若视为整体,动词用单数,若逐个考虑其个体,则动词用复数。例: My family is very large我家是个大家庭。My family are all very well我的家人都很好。 business n生意businessman n商人(男)businesswoman n商人(女) busy adj忙的busily adv忙地 4. over half a million超过50万 over作介词,意为“超过,多于”,相当于more than。例: He was away over (more than) a month他离开一个多月了。 5. I always go to school in my own car. 我总是坐我自己的车去上学。 in ones car = by car坐小汽车 6. 辨析:enough to,tooto,sothat enough to 和 tooto 构成简单句,sothat 构成复合句;enough to 和 sothat 表示肯定,tooto 和 sothat 表示否定。例:I am not old enough to drive.= I am too young to drive.= I am so young that I cant drive. 我太小了,不能开车。 7. 辨析:attend, take part in, join 三者都有“参加”之意。attend 指参加、出席会议;take part in 多指参加活动;join 指加入组织、团体、党派。例:My father attends a meeting every Thursday afternoon.我爸爸每周四下午要去开会。 Youd better take part in all the activities at school. 你最好参加学校的各项活动。 Do you want to join the League? 你想入团吗? 1 get up 起床 get on 上车 get off 下车 get back 返回 2 Put on (强调动作) take off 脱下 wear (强调状态) in+ 衣服名词/ 颜色 with 眼镜手套之类的 (不可与衣服搭配) 4.work on 从事.的研究 out of work 失业 at work 在工作 a piece of work 一份工作 work out 解决 找到答案 a job 一分工作 5.make phone calls 打电话 telephone sb. call sb. make a phone call to sb. call sb. up 6On the way 在路上 on ones way (to )在.的路上 In the/ones way to 挡在路上 7twice a week 一周两次 once a week three times a week 8. ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 ask sb. not to do 要求某人不要做某事 tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 tell sb. not do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事 9have dinner with sb. 与某人共进晚餐 10. continue doing sth. 继续做某事(该件事情已经做了一部分继续做相同的事情) continue to do sth. 继续做某事(从一件事情到另外一件事情) Sentences 句子1. must be 一定(对现在情况的肯定猜测) cant be 不可能是(对现在情况的否定猜测)2. one of the + 形容词最高级 +可数名词复数 “最.之一” (谓语动词三人称单数)3. before 在之前 the day before yesterday 前天 the day after tomorrow 后天 (1) before 在.前面 在之前 after在.之后 (2) before 从过去某时间的“以前” 那时以前 ago 以现在为基准(现在以前)1 In ancient times,people wrote numbers in many different ways,as these pictures of the number 6 show在古代,人们用各种各样的方法记录数字,就像这些图片所表示的数字6一样。 *in ancient times意为“在古代”。例:Pepole used wood to cook in ancient times古代人们用木柴做饭。 辫析:as,like两者都有“像”的意思,但as是连词后跟从句;like是介词后跟名词或代词,例: Do as I do,照我的样子做。Do it like this照这样做。 2This was a very important invention because it made it easier to write big numbers and calculate 这是一项十分重要的发明,因为它使书写大数目和计算更容易。 because后为原因状语从句。 make it easier to do使做更容易。例:Today telephones make it easier to talk with each other. 当今电话使人们交谈起来更容易。 4 Use your own living computer to solve the problem above用你自己的活电脑来解决上面的问题。 *a living computer一台活电脑。例:The brain is called a living computer大脑被称作活电脑。 辫析:question,problem两者均可表示“问题”o question多指对不懂的事情提出的问题,往往期待他人给予解答,常与answer连用;problem指客观存在的并有待解决的难题,常与solve连用。例: She couldnt answer the question她未能回答这个问题。 We have some problems to solve我们有些问题需要解决。 5 If it is not powerftil enough,you will find the answer on page 59.如果它不够强大,你可以在59页找到答案。 if后为条件状语从句,表示“如果”,主句用一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时。例: Will you come if he comes here? 如果他来,你会来吗? 1. at least 至少 无论如何 反义词组: at most 至多 2. in many different ways 用许多不同的方法 3. in tens 十进位法 4. like lightning 闪电般地 眨眼间 like 像.一样 5. in a flash 转眼间 眨眼之间 Sentences 句子1. because: 表示直接的原因 回答why 的提问 其后加句子 because of 后加 名词 动名词 代词 及 词组( because 和so 不能连用 ,although / though 不可与but 连用 )2. so + adj./ adv. 原级 that 如此.以至于. too + adj./ adv. 原级 to 太.而不能not + adj./ adv. 原级 enough to do 做某事不够. 温馨提示:如果三者转换同义句时: She is too young to move the box . = She is so young that she cant move the box.= She isnt old enough to move the box . ( So that 以便 目的是“为了。”) 3. more + adj. than 2. Whats going on?发生什么事了? 与它意思相同的表达还有:Whats up? /Whats happening? 3. Was my father afraid of that man? 我爸爸害怕那个人吗? 1)be afraid of sb/sth害怕。例:She is afraid of dogs她怕狗。 2) be afraid that恐怕。例:Im afraid that Ive broken your pen恐怕我弄坏了你的钢笔。 4. He quickly dialled 110他迅速拨打110。 dial具体电话号码= phone sb 给打电话。 5. Three young men started talking to us三个年轻人开始跟我们交谈。 *start doing sth开始做。例:Its autumn and leaves start falling秋天到了,树叶开始落下。 辫析:tell,speak,talk,say tell告诉,常见的短语有:tell a lie说谎,tell sb to do sth告诉做;tell sb about sth告诉关于的情况,tell a story讲故事。speak说,后面接语言,如:speak German说德语。talk to/with sb (about sth)与某人谈论(有关事)。say说,后面接内容。例: She said he could speak very good English她说他英语说得很好。 Tell him not to talk about the thing any longer。告诉他不要再谈论这件事了。 6. Please meet the ferry请去迎接渡船。 meet sb 意为“迎接某人”。例: Will you meet her at the station?你到车站去接她吗? 1. deal with 对待 处理 (与how 连用 强调 方法) 涉及 同做生意 do with 对待 处理( 与what 连用 强调对象)2. about /on 在涉及文章,书籍,谈话,演说,报告等有关内容时,两者可通用。about 表示的内容较为普通,不那么正式,on用于较正式的场合 3. write about 写关于.的事情 write back to 回信给 write down 写下 记下 put down write in 用(颜色)写write with 用.(书写工具) 写4. wait for 等候 wait and see 等着瞧 wait up 不睡觉等候 5. shout at 冲嚷嚷(吼叫)6. hold out 伸出 提供 7. run away 逃跑 8. go after 跟踪 9. put down 把放下10. stand around 围着.站立14. heard sb. doing sth. 听见某人正在干某事 heard sb. do sth.听到某人做了某事四、学生对于本次课的评价: 特别满意 满意 一般 差 学生签字:五、教师评定:1、 学生上次作业评价: 非常好 好 一般 需要优化2、 学生本次上课情况评价:非常好 好 一般 需要优化 教师签字: 教学主管审核签字: _ 教务检查签字: _ 龙文教育教务处 主任签字: _7

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