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Unit 6 TradePart I Business VocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence.1 Theyve _B_ us a very good price for the consignment. A offered B quoted C presented D supplied2 If you cant _A_ the delivery date, let us know as soon as possible.A meet B make C produce D decide3 We _D_ in distributing high quality wines.A sell B bring out C handle D specialize4 We would appreciate it if we could be B your sole distributor.A pointed out B appointed C acted as D represented5 We have _B_ Julian Montero, the Argentine supplier of the wine we are importing.A contacted with B contacted C linked to D linked 6 Please _C_ a letter of credit to cover the shipment.A make B produce C open D draw7 We look forward to receiving a copy of your letter to your _D_ bank in Argentina as soon as possible.A corresponding B corresponded C responding D correspondent8 Since weve not _B_ you before, wed like to be paid by bankers draftA dealt in B dealt with C dealt at D dealt for9 It creates its own branded products but also makes guitars _B_ distributors specifications.A at B to C in D by10 The two companies have had some initial _D_ by fax and now face-to-face meeting is required.A letters B emails C faxes D correspondence11 We do hope we can reach an agreement _D_ the terms quoted. A for B of C at D on12 In reply, we are _C_ you for 500 cases of Chinese Black Tea at AuD80 per case CIF Sydney. A providing B supplying C offering D granting13 This offer is _B_ to your reply reaching us before the 20th of February. A subjecting B subject C subjected D to subject14 Payment is to be _D_ by irrevocable L/C at sight. A done D conducted C paid D made15 They are _D_ great demand abroad and our stocks are running down quickly. A at B of C for D in16 We are confident that once you have tried our blouses, you will place repeat orders with us _C_ large quantities. A at B for C in D by17 Please note that we do not allow any commission _B_ our blouses. A for B on C about D at 18 The above offer is made _C_ engagement and is subject to our final confirmation. A with B no C without D having19 _A_ we are appreciating the good quality of your black tea, we regret that your price appears to be on the high side. A While B When C However D Therefore20 However, please not that it is only because we hope to obtain your future substantial orders _D_ we accept your requirements. A which B where C what D thatPart II Phrase TranslationDirections: Directions: There are 20 Chinese phrases in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, one point for each phrase.1 国内生产总值 Gross Domestic Product2 国民生产总值 Gross National Product3 人均GDP GDP per capita4 自然资源 nature resources5 新生产业 infant industry6 自由港 free port7 战略产业 strategic industry8 交货期 delivery date 9 保险 insurance10 本地商会 local chamber of commerce11 总值 total value 12 不可撤销信用证 irrevocable L/C13 往来行 correspondent bank 14 清洁提单 clean B/L15 分批装运 part shipment16 成本加保险费运费价 CIF(cost, insurance and freight)17 长期关系 long-term relationship18 利润幅度 profit margin19 银行转帐 bank transfer 20 船上交货价 FOB (free on board)Part III Sentence TranslationDirections: There are 10 sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into Chinese and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.1. Its essential to comply with all regulations if you want the delivery to go through without problems.要想交付货物无误,遵守规章是必不可少的。2. Let us know if you want us to arrange insurance cover for the shipment.若需要我方为货物投保请告知我方。3. Theyve quoted us a very good price for the consignment.他们的这批货物给了我方一个最低报价。4. We have contacts with major retail outlets throughout the country.我们已联系了该国主要的零售商。5. If you are interested in our offer, we could discuss the rate of commission and your terms of payment later.如果你对我方所提供的有兴趣,我们接下来可以谈谈佣金率和你方的支付条件。6. We can supply references from a bank and our local Chamber of Commerce.我们可以提供银行和我方本地商会的文献。7. We would appreciate it if we could be appointed your sole distributor.如果可以被指定为你方的独家经销商,我方将不甚感激。 8. This letter of credit is to be confirmed by your correspondent bank in Argentina.信用证将被你方在阿根廷的往来行确认。9. Please open a letter of credit to cover the shipment in favor of the sellers.请开据信用证包含装船费利于卖方。10. A major US distributor, Ashbury Guitars, has contacted KGC about marketing a range of guitars under its own brand name for the Californian market.Ashbury Guitars是美国主要的经销商,他已经和KGC公司商议在加利福尼亚州市场上经营带有其自己公司品牌名称的吉他Part IV Sentence TranslationDirections: There are five sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, four points for each sentence.1 我们发现信用证金额不足,请把金额增加到5,000美元。We have found the short of the L/C, please added it to $50002 请把信用证修改为允许分批装运和转船。Please receive the L/C and make it partial shipment allowed and transship allowed.3 请在234号信用证的数量前插入“about”Please added “about” before the quantity in your L/C NO.2344 请告知你方银行对信用证作必要修改。Please inform your insuring bank to make necessary amendment to the L/C. 5 考虑到我们长期的业务关系,这笔交易我们接受60天期的信用证。According to our long-term relationship we accept 60days L/C for the deal.Part V Letter TranslationDirections: There is one letter in this part. You are required to translate it into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points.阁下我方第100号销售确认书下的1,000台个人电脑交货日期渐近,但迄今我方仍未收到贵方有关的信用证。请尽速开立信用证,以便我方顺利装运。为免以后改证,请注意信用证条款应与确认书条款一致。我方盼望贵方早日回复。敬上Dear SirThe date of delivering 1000 personal computers in our 100 Sales Confirmation is getting closer, but we have not received your L/C. Please draft a letter of credit as soon as possible, so we can make the shipment on time. To avoid more amendment, please make sure that the clauses of L/C is consistent with those of the Sales Confirmation. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerelyPart VI Business WritingDirections: For this part, you are required to write on the Answer Sheet an English letter in the full correct layout based on the information given below. This part totals 20 points.1. 对方公司名称和地址:Kiddie Korner, Inc. (#202-418 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6B 3A7) 收信人姓名与职务: Mr. Fred Johns Chief Buyer2. 得悉对方昨天传真发来的信函,要求以30天远期信用证付款。3. 告知对方,本公司财务政策规定新客户须以即期信用证支付货款。4. 待双方建立起牢固的贸易关系后,可重新考虑付款条件。5. 我公司一般给贸易折扣10%,对于金额在20,000美元以上的订单另给5%的数量折扣。6. 盼回复。 写信人职务: 市场部经理Shanghai Amp Trading Co., LTD.No.333 Longteng Rd, Shanghai 201620,ChinaTel:+86 021 2669851Fax: 020 7285 6620Email: lane0509163.com4 December 2012Mr. Fred Johns Chief BuyerKiddie Korner, Inc. 202-418 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3A7Canada Ref: Your letter dated 3 December 2012 Dear Mr. JohnsWe have received your faxed letter yesterday requesting for payment by time L/C at 30 days. But our companys financial policy has limited that new customers should pay by L/C at sight. When we have established steady trade relations, we can reconsider the terms of payment. We generally allow 10% trade discount. If your orders exceed US$20,000 we will grant another 5% discount in quantity. We are looking forward to your reply. Yours SincerelyLane ChenLane ChenMarketing ManagerEnc:B/L 2 Invoices cc:Sunny Li8


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