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2019-2020年度外研版(三起)三年级上册期末测试英语试卷3A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . How much are they? ( )The coke is 3.50. The coffee and the tea are 5 each. That will be _.A8.50B13.50C122 . _ are the king of the forest. ( )ATigersBMonkeysCFishesDGiraffes找出每组单词中不同类的一项。3 . AtakeBwrongCfeel4 . AshouldBcanCangry5 . AdoctorBsadCpilot6 . AzooBparkCnext7 . AillBtakeChelp8 . 选出不同类的一项:( )AheadBeggChand9 . -How many apples do you have? ( )-I have _.AoneBfourCfive10 . 选出不同类的一项。(_)1.A .heavy B.new C. in(_)2.A. kite B. five C. six(_)3.A .red B. color C. blue(_)4.A .fat B. help C. clean(_)5.A .teachers deskB. storybook C. English book选出每组单词中不同类的一项11 . AhappyBsadCspeak12 . AcatBwhiteCpig13 . AbringBborrowCblue14 . AfoodBrulerCmarker15 . AcookBfarmCforest找出不同类的词。16 . AsweetBsmellCtasteDfeel17 . AbreadBhamburgerCbunDstarter18 . AseldomBplaceCusuallyDalways19 . AknifeBforkCplateDsalad20 . AfishBmeatCfreshDsteak21 . AAugustBOctoberCEnglandDDecember22 . AteaBsourCcokeDcoffee23 . AsunnyBquicklyCwindyDsnowy24 . AcinemaBmarketCshopDdifferent25 . AseasonBcoldChotDcool26 . 选出下面每组中不属于同一类的词(_)1.A. rode B. hadC.washes(_)2.A. salty B. sweetC.pepper(_)3.A. jeans B. socksC.pack(_)4.A. sunny B. cheeseC.cloudy(_)5.A. strong B. smallC.swim27 . Find the different words.选出不同类的单词:(_) 1.A. afternoon B. morning C. good D. night(_) 2.A. mouth B. hand C. eye D. look(_) 3.A. three B. treeC. four D. two(_) 4. A. myB. heC. she D. it二、匹配题28 . 读句子,选择合适的答语。AI want a hot dog.BYes. I want some cola, please.CIts fifteen dollars.DThank you.ESorry, we dont have any.1. Can I have some soup, please? _2. How much is it? _3. What do you want? _4. Here you are. _5. Can I help you? _29 . 从栏中找出与栏相对应的答句。 (_) 1. Your coat is nice.AYes, she can.(_) 2. Whats this?BIm sorry.(_) 3. Lets go to the zoo.CIts a ruler.(_) 4. Can Helen swim?DNice to meet you.(_) 5. Dont smoke here.EIts Friday.(_) 6. What do you like?FNo, they dont.(_) 7. Do they often sing?GIts cloudy.(_) 8. What day is today? H. OK.(_) 9. How is the weather? I. I like cats.(_) 10. This is my mother. J.Thank you.读一读,匹配。AbeefBteaCreadDfeet30 . (_)31 . (_)32 . (_)33 . (_)34 . 1Can you help me,please?2Whos that?3Whats the date today?4Shall we go to the park this afternoon?5Thanks a lotAThats all rightBIts June 1COf courseDThis is LilyEThats a good idea第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、匹配题1、2、3、4、

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