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2019-2020学年教科版(广州)四年级下册期中质量检测英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . _ is your name? ( ) I m Wendi.AAreBWhat2 . I have a _ lesson on Friday. ( )AswimmingBswimingCswim3 . Theyre _ my schoolbag. ( )AinBonCat4 . I like _ bread. ( )AeatingBeatCdrink5 . My brother is interested in _.AreadingBreadCto read6 . - Ben, what Chinese festival do you like best? ( )-_.AMid-Autumn FestivalBChristmas DayCEasterDHalloween7 . blackboard,desks. ( )AMany; aBOne; manyCThree; one8 . You are too . I cant you. ( )Aheavy; to pushBheavy; pushCheavy; pushing9 . Let me _you. ( )AshowsBshowingCshow二、阅读选择10 . 阅读理解Mr. Baker has two children. One is a boy called Peter and the other is a daughter called Rose. Peter is an eleven-year-old boy. He studies at school. Rose is four and stays at home.One evening Mr. and Mrs. Baker managed(管理)their small shop and left their children at home. Peter had some homework to do. At five to nine he brought out his exercise-books. He began to do it in his fathers study. About twenty minutes later his sister came in. she found a piece of paper and began to write something on it.What are you doing there, Rose? asked Peter.Im writing a letter, answered the girl.Oh? To whom?To my friend Jo.How can you? Peter said in surprise(惊讶地). You cant write at all, you know.It doesnt matter, Rose said calmly(平静地). Jo is as old as me. She doesnt read, either!【小题1】Mr. Baker is a _. ( )AshopkeeperBbooksellerCconductorDpoliceman【小题2】Rose stays at home because _. ( )Ashes a girlBher parents are poorCshes illDshes too young【小题3】The word study in the second paragraph means _. ( )A学习B研究C书房D学科【小题4】Roses friend Jo is _ years old. ( )AfourBfiveCsixDseven【小题5】Peter was surprised because _. ( )ARose can write a letterBJo can read a letterCRose said she was writing a letterDRose said Jo couldnt read a letter三、填空题11 . How much cheese _(do)you want ?四、任务型阅读阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。A: Hello, Mike.B: Hello, Liu Tao.A: Do you like balls?B: No, I dont. I like stickers.A: I like stickers too. Do you have any stickers?B: Yes, I do. They are in my schoolbag.A: How many stickers do you have?B: I have fourteen.A: Can I have one?B: Sure, here you are.A: Thank you.12 . Mike likes balls. (_)13 . Mike likes stickers. (_)14 . The stickers are in the desk. (_)15 . Mike has fifteen stickers. (_)16 . Liu Tao would like a sticker. (_)五、选内容补全对话17 . 补全对话AIs that the computer room?B How many students are there in your class?CThank you!DDo you have a library?Mike: Welcome to our school! This is my classroom.John: Its so big! 1._Mike: Forty-five students.John: 2._Mike: No, it isnt. Its teachers office.John: 3._Mike: Yes, we do. Its on the second floor. This way, please.John: 4._六、匹配题18 . 将下列英语单词与中文匹配。(1)he_A她(2)she_B他(3)friend_C再见(4)goodbye _D朋友(5)you_E你,你们七、看图题看图填单词完成句子ABCDE19 . Turn off the_when you leave the room.20 . This is my_room.21 . Look at my_.Its big.22 . My sister likes playing_.23 . I usually play_with my mum.第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、任务型阅读1、五、选内容补全对话1、六、匹配题1、七、看图题1、

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