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牛津版八年级下学期英语阅读理解专项训练B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 牛津版2017-2018学年八年级下学期英语阅读理解专项训练 (共4题;共16分)1. (4分)阅读理解 When he was nine years old, an American boy called Milo Cress had a question: How many plastic straws (吸管)do Americans use every day?He quickly learned there wasnt a simple answer. The boy tried to find it out himself. Through lots of research, Cress found out that Americans use about 500 million straws every day. In hopes of cutting down plastic waste, he founded the Be Straw Free project in 2011. Cress started the project in his hometown Burlington. Vermont. He asked a local restaurant to stop offering straws with every drink order. It was a simple change. However, it would save money. And by doing that, the restaurant would cut down on its straw use by 50 percent. For the year that followed, Cress tried to spread his project across the United States. More and more restaurants agreed to join. They stop providing the customer with a straw unless he or she asks for one. Last April, Seattle became the first American city to completely ban plastic straws. After his project became popular, Cress took his findings on the road. He has spoken to tens of thousands of students around the world. He wants to encourage more people to say no to plastic straws. Focusing on straws is one simple step we all could take, Cress says. And it makes me feel that I, as a kid, could make a difference, too.(1)Cress found out that Americans use straws every day. A . about 50 millionB . about 500 millionC . about 10 million(2)Cress founded the Be Straw Free project in order to . A . save moneyB . become popularC . cut down plastic waste(3)Which American city first completely banned plastic straws? A . Burlington.B . New York.C . Seattle.(4)What does the sentence Cress took his findings on the road mean? A . Cress took a walk on the road.B . Cress spread his project around the world.C . Cress was doing his research all the time.(5)According to the last paragraph, Cress thinks . A . he could be famousB . he has made much money through his projectC . he could also do something meaningful although he is a child2. (4分)阅读理解 I graduated from a college recently and moved to Washington by myself. While I was in college, it was really easy to meet new people. But “out in the real world”, I was finding it really hard. I live in a big city, and it seems like everyone around me is busy or already has all the friends they want. I was feeling so discouraged (沮丧的) and I didnt know what to do, so I called my sister for some advice.My sister is five years older than I am, so shes been though all this already. Shes been helping me with my problems all my life. When I explained my problem, she understood completely. She said, “Why dont you try meeting people online?”“Online? Are you kidding? ” I asked, “A friend of mine chatted with a guy online, and when she finally met him face to face, he was nothing like what he said.”My sister laughed, “You dont have to look for dates online,” she said, “But you can find other people like youpeople who have just moved to town and want make some new friends. When I first moved to New York after college, I found a book club and a football team online. I met a lot of people that way. ”“But you dont even like football!” I said. “I know,” she replied, “But that didnt matter. I still had a lot of fun. You played volleyball in college. Why dont you look for a volleyball team to join? Or an art class? ”“Yeah! I saw a website about volunteering the other day,” I said, “I could volunteer for an organization here in Washington. I bet I could meet a lot of really nice people that way. ” “Good idea!” my sister answered excitedly. “Hey, you might even meet the perfect guy.”“OK, now youre starting to sound like Mom,” I said. “Thanks a lot for the advice. Im going online right now. Ill let you know what happens. Will you be home tonight?” “No, but Ill be here all day tomorrow, so give me a call,” my sister replied. “Good luck!”(1)What was the writers problem? A . She was cheated by her friend online.B . She was refused by a volleyball team.C . She couldnt meet people in her new city.D . She felt discouraged in her college.(2)The writers sister _. A . lives in the same city as the writerB . doesnt have any advice for the writerC . had the same problem when she finished collegeD . didnt go to college, but understands the writers problem(3)Does the writers sister like football? A . Yes, she does.B . No, she doesnt.C . A little.D . A lot.(4)The writer is probably going to _. A . become a member of a football teamB . look for dates onlineC . join a book club like her sister didD . volunteer for an organization(5)Whats the best title for this passage? A . Looking for Fun OnlineB . Volunteering in a New CityC . Chatting with Friends OnlineD . Making Friends in a New City3. (4分)阅读理解 One Thursday afternoon, when I was in Grade 9, a new boy came into my classroom. He was short and thin. He walked up to the teacher and told her, very seriously, that he was new. His name was Christian. He sat down, took a look at me, and then looked away. I didnt think he was very nice and I was sure he wasnt the type I would like to become friends with.During that year, I didnt talk to him much, but he smiled at me when our eyes met, always shyly. He never ate lunch with anybody, and he never talked to anybody but me.But one day I joined those unkind kids who were making fun of him. We made fun of him though I thought it was wrong.Havent you got any friends? a kid asked Christian, who had walked past us alone, head down.No, he hasnt got any friends. Hes too stupid and shy, I said. Then Christian looked up at me with the saddest dog eyes I had ever seen. I felt very sorry at that moment.That night, I couldnt sleep because I couldnt get Christians face out of my mind. In the weeks that followed, he never met my eyes in class and never smiled at me. It was really hard for me to decide to write him a note asking him to forgive(原谅)me. But I thought I should.The next day in class, I wrote him a note telling him how sorry I felt. About five minutes later, I turned and saw tears in his eyes.You will never realize what your apology(道歉)has meant to me, Jimmly, he said to me. I hope we can become friends.We had lunch together that noon and we had the best talk I had ever had. Over the years at high school, we were close friends.When I think back, I realize that, if I had not apologized, I would never have known what a lovely person Christian was.Apologies can really change your life, so never miss the chance to tell somebody you are sorry.(1)From the passage, we know Christian was a boy. A . tall and fatB . short and shyC . short and activeD . lovely and fat(2)Jimmly didnt talk to Christian much at first because . A . he didnt think Christian was the type he wanted to become friends withB . Christian wasnt nice to people around him after he came to the new classC . Christian made friends with othersD . Christian had the saddest dog eyes(3)Jimmly felt after he made fun of Christian with other unkind kids. A . happyB . interestedC . sorryD . bored(4)Jimmly asked Christian to forgive him by. A . sending an emailB . wearing a smileC . eating supper togetherD . writing a note4. (4分)阅读理解 Sally Smith is a teacher in a middle school. She goes to school at seven thirty. Her classes are from 8:00 to 8:40. All the students like her Chinese classes a lot.But in March, the students are always sleepy in class. They dont listen to her in class. Sally Smith is not happy about this. How can I make my classes more(更加) interesting? she thinks.Then she has a good idea(主意). She comes to the classroom, and then. she starts to tell her students some interesting riddles(谜语). All the students like the riddles. They are very happy in class. They like Sallys classes again.(1)What subject does Sally Smith teach? A . English.B . Chinese.C . Math.D . Music.(2)The underlined word sleepy means _ in Chinese. A . 滑稽的B . 困倦的C . 悲伤的D . 高兴的(3)Sally Smith is not happy because _. A . her students dont like herB . she doesnt like her studentsC . her students only like riddlesD . her students dont listen to her in class(4)How does Sally Smith make her classes more interesting? A . She tells her students some interesting riddles.B . She asks her students some questions.C . She sings songs in class.D . She shows her students some photos.(5)From the passage, we can know that Sally Smith is a(n) _ teacher. A . oldB . newC . goodD . young第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 牛津版2017-2018学年八年级下学期英语阅读理解专项训练 (共4题;共16分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、

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