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2019-2020学年人教PEP版六年级下册小升初冲刺训练英语试卷(九)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Last weekend, they enjoyed themselves at the theatre.( )Ahave a partyBenjoyed foodChad a good time2 . They knock the door and cry, Trick or treat! ( )AinBforCat3 . A boy or girl? ( )_AThank you.BYoure right.CA girl.4 . _ hay does a horse eat one day? ( )AHow muchBHow manyCWhat5 . Im going to _ my friend. ( )AlookBseeingCvisit二、填空题6 . She_ (go) to school from Monday to Friday.7 . 根据中文,将短语补充完整1. _ice cream(一个冰激凌)2. some_(一些果汁)3. a _ of tea(一杯茶)4. a _ of coke(一瓶可乐)5. a _ of water(一杯水)6. _ candy (一些糖果)8 . 选择不同类的单词:( )AcountBlookChome三、单词拼写9 . 根据汉字提示,补全下列单词。1. u_ually(通常)2. h_t(帽子)3. f_vourite(最喜爱的) 4. cle_er(聪明的)5. aft_ r(在.之后)6. _atch(观看,观察)7. an_wer (回答)8. kit_hen(厨房)9. lig_t (灯;光 10. so_n (很快;不久)四、阅读回答问题阅读理解。It was Christmas Eve yesterday. It was rainy. Tony was at home. His bedroom was messy. The books were on the bed. The clothes were on the floor. They were dirty. The toys were everywhere. Tonys mother said, “Tidy your room. Santa Claus (圣诞老人)is coming.”It is Christmas Day today. It is sunny. What is Tonys bedroom look like? Look! The books are in the box. The clothes are in the wardrobe(衣柜). They are clean. The toys are in the box. Tonys bedroom is tidy now. Look at the big sock, there is a present in it.10 . 根据短文内容判断句子正误,对的打“ T ”,错的打“ F ”。(1)It was December 24th yesterday. (_)(2)It was rainy yesterday. (_)(3)Tony was at school yesterday. (_)(4)Tonys bedroom was tidy yesterday, but it is messy today. (_)(5)Tonys books were on the desk. (_)11 . 重读文章,根据首字母的提示,完成下列短文。It was C_ Eve on December 24th. The weather was r_. Tonys bedroom was m_. The c_ were on the f_. The toys were e_. Today, his bedroom is t_. The clothes are in the w_and they are _. A p_ is in the big sock.五、任务型阅读12 . 读句子,选出小朋友们喜欢的食物,在相应方格内打“”。1. Im Zoom. I like bread and rice.2. Hello, my names Zip. I like milk and fish.3. Have some water, John. No, thanks. I like juice.4. Have some chicken, Sarah. No, thanks. I like eggs and bread.5. Im Miss White. I like milk and cake.breadcakemilkjuicefishriceeggsZoomZipJohnSarahMiss White六、选内容补全对话13 . 根据提示写出单词。【小题1】_ _ (慢下来)at a yellow light.【小题2】Mike _to the bookstore_ _ .(步行去)【小题3】I go to Beijing_ _.(乘火车)【小题4】We go to Xian _(乘飞机)on holidays.【小题5】_ and _ (停下来等待)at a red light.七、匹配题14 . 选出与下列句子中画线单词或短语同类的一项。AshoesBairportCpassportDnervous(_)1. Are you happy today?(_)2. Youll go past a station.(_)3. Grandma bought new socks for me.(_)4. Please show me your library card.15 . 读句子,选出与句意相符的图片。( ) 1. Look at the green beans. They are so long. ( ) 2. Onions make me cry. ( ) 3. I love to eat carrots. ( ) 4. The potatoes are big. ( ) 5. He likes tomatoes. A B C D E 八、书面表达16 . 写作。你的学校里有什么?请用五句话描述你的学校。_第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、填空题1、2、3、三、单词拼写1、四、阅读回答问题1、五、任务型阅读1、六、选内容补全对话1、七、匹配题1、2、八、书面表达1、


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