牛津上海版(试用本)英语五年级上册Module 4 Unit1 练习卷

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牛津上海版(试用本)英语五年级上册Module 4 Unit1 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . The bird is flying the mountains. ( )AonBoverCunder2 . Im making some tea. First, I _ the water. ( )ApourBdrinkCboil3 . What do you usually do _ after you get up in the morning? ( )I brush my teeth.AfirstBfinallyCthen4 . My fatherdrinks coffee.He doesnt like it. ( )AcantBneverCdoesnt5 . Can I _ this nice dress? ( )Of course.AtryBtry inCtry on6 . -Does your uncle live in Shanghai? ( )-_AYes, he do.BNo, he does.CYes, he does7 . Guo Wei works on a rescue plane. He is a_.( )AcoachBpostmanCpilot8 . My mum some saltthe soup. ( )Apours, intoBputs, inCputs,co9 . 选出发音不同的单词(_)1. A. street B. read C. meat D. head(_)2. A. class B. ask C. bag D. father(_)3. A. line B. like C. film D. five(_)4. A. brother B. dog C. not D. pop(_)5. A. truck B. bus C. sugar D. umbrella10 . Would you like some apple juice? ( )ANo, I wouldntBYes, thank you.CYes, please.二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确的答案Ben is American. Now he studies in No. I Middle School. Hes good at studying. Hes got a lot of Chinese friends. Hes very busy from Monday to Friday. He likes Saturday best because he likes to make some coffee at home very much. Sometimes his Chinese friends come to his home and learn how to make coffee. Ben will teach them, First, pour some water into a pot and heat (加热)the water. Next, take the instant (速溶的) coffee and put about one teaspoon of it into your teacup. Then, pour the nearly boiling water into your teacup. Finally, stir(搅拌)your coffee and put some sugar in it. Now you can enjoy the wonderful drink. But his friends still like to drink Bens coffee. They chat with each other and play football together. They are happy.11 . Ben is a. ( )AAmericanBstudentCteacher12 . Hes got manyfriends. ( )AEnglishBAmericanCChinese13 . He likes Saturday best because he canfor his friends at home. ( )Amake some teaBmake some coffeeChave a rest14 . Ben and his friends likes. ( )Aplaying football B. chattingBBoth A and B.15 . , take the instant coffee and put about one teaspoon of it into your teacup. ( )AFirstBThenCNext三、填空题16 . Read and write(用所给单词的适当形式填空,每线词数不限) : 1. The animals _ (be) afraid of tigers. Look, they _ (run) away. 2. - What should I _ (do) first? - You should _ (wash) your hands. 3. Huangpu River _ (run) through Shanghai City. It is our mother river. 4. Little Water Drop _ (want) _ (go) up the sky. 5. _ (not hold) the glass of hot water, boy. Its dangerous. 6. _ (one), pour some water into the cup.17 . 按要求完成下列各题1. heavy(比较级)_ 2. read(过去式)_3. dance(现在分词)_ 4. child (复数)_5. March(英译汉)_ 6. theyre(完全形式)_7. two (序数词)_ 8. this(对应词)_9. wear(同音词)_ 10.wash(第三单人称单数形式)_18 . Read and write(读一读,选出适当的单词完成句子,答案写在横线上,每词限用一次)meets runs Finally lakes long starts east through down up west 1. The Yangtze River is very, very _. First, it _ high in the mountains in the _ of China. 2. Next, Yangtze River runs _ the mountains and _ the beautiful Three Gorges. 3. Then, it _ many other _ and rivers 4. _, it _ into the sea.19 . 选词填空。always never often sometimes1. We have no lessons on Sundays.We _have lessons on Sundays.2. Jenny goes to school by bus on Tuesday.Jenny _ goes to school by bus.3. Li Ming does his homework every day.Li Ming _ does his homework.4. My brother watches TV four times a week.My brother_ watch TV.5. I ride to school on sunny days, but I take a bus to school on rainy days.I _ go to school by bike, but I _ go to school by bus.四、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断句子正误,用T或F表示The Huangpu River is the mother river of Shanghai. It starts in Lake Dianshan, Qingpu. Most of the water in Lake Dianshan comes from Tai Lake. The Huangpu River is about 114 km long. It is an important waterway in Shanghai. It runs through Qingpu, Songjiang. Jinshan, Fengxian, Minhang, Pudong, Xuhui, Huangpu and so on. The Huangpu River meets the Suzhou River in Huangpu and then runs through Yangpu and Baoshan. Then it runs into the Yangtze River and finally it runs into the sea. The Huangpu River is very beautiful and important. Everyone should keep it clean.20 . l.The Huangpu River is the mother river of Shanghai. (_)21 . The Huangpu River starts in Huangpu. (_)22 . The Huangpu River is an important waterway in Shanghai. (_)23 . The Huangpu River meets the Suzhou River first, and then runs into the Yangtze River. (_)24 . Everyone should keep the Huangpu River clean because it is very beautiful and important. (_)五、书面表达25 . 根据题目写话,要求写出制作过程,不少于60个词The drink I like_六、其他26 . 根据要求改写句子。1. dont, the, window, close (.)(连词成句) _2. you, how, are, old (?) (连词成句)_3. the, to, please, teacher, listen, the (.)(连词成句)_4. My brother is in the library (对划线部分提问) _5. This is a nice schoolbag. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、2、3、4、四、任务型阅读1、五、书面表达1、六、其他1、


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