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牛津上海版(三起)五年级上册期中质量调研测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . does he feel? ( )He bored.AHow; feelBHow; feelsCWhat; feels2 . _ books do you have? ( )AHow muchBHow manyCWhere3 . The two friends were so pleased to see each other that they forget _( )Aanything elseBsomething elseCnothing elseDeverything else4 . My shoes are too small. Lets go _. ( )AshopBshoppingCto shop5 . -If we cut down too many trees, there will be oxygen.ALessBmoreCmany6 . 找出划线部分发音不同的单词。1( )A. look B. coolC. school D. zoo2( )A. mineB. with C. knife D. behind3( )A. teacherB. greatC. clean D. please4( )A. pearB. hairC. here D. wear5( )A. what B. whichC. white D. whose7 . _ Christmas Eve, children put a _ on the bed. ( )AAt; stockingBOn; sockCOn; stocking8 . Are you Mr ? ( )AdogBrabbitCPig9 . Chen Jie likes _ a bike. ( )ArideBridingCrides二、阅读选择阅读短文,回答问题。March 14 is a bad day for David Beckham. The famous English football player badly hurts his left heel(脚跟)in a game. He shouts in tears, “Its broken, It s broken!”Beckham wants to play for the England national football team in the 2010 World Cup. But his hope was destroyed by the injury. The World Cup will start in three months. Doctors say that Beckham wont get well that fast. But Beckham may still go to South Africa. He may go as an ambassador(大使)for England s 2018 World Cup bid(申办活动).Beckham was born on May 2, 1975 in London. He is 183cm tall. Beckham is a great football star and plays as a Midfielder(中场球员)in his team. He is very handsome, too. Fans from all over the world like him very much.10 . Beckham is a great_. ( )Afilm starBbasketball playerCsingerDfootball player11 . Why cant Beckham play in the coming 2010 World Cup? ( )ABecause he doesnt want to play in it.BBecause his left heel got badly hurt.CBecause he wants to play in another game.DBecause his legs were broken.12 . The 2010 World Cup will be held in_. ( )AAmericaBEnglandCSouth AfricaDBrazil13 . How old is Beckham in the year of 2010? ( )A35years old.B34 years old.C30 years old.D32 years old.14 . Who won the 2014 World Cup championship?(冠军)( )ABrazilBArgentinaCGermanyDItaly三、填空题根据汉语补充句子15 . There are _ (仅有) nineteen crayons.16 . There are twenty children _ (在班级).17 . There are _ (三支) crayons.18 . _ (但是) there are four children.19 . Ten big lions _ (在动物园).四、单词拼写根据汉语提示补全单词。20 . 照片_oto21 . 短的sh_t22 . 读书 r_d23 . 学校sch_124 . 高的ta_25 . 年 y_26 . 年轻的 y_ng27 . 小的 sma_28 . 脸f_c_29 . 头 h_d五、任务型阅读Read and judge.阅读短文,判断句子正误,相符的写T,不符的写FGrandma Li lives in an Old Peoples Home. She is sixty five years old. She likes painting very much. She has painting lessons every Tuesday. She can paint very well. Some students of No.16 Primary School often visit her at weekends. Sometimes they give her presents. Some sing and dance for her. At the Double Ninth festival, the students take Grandma Li to the countryside(郊外). They climb a mountain and eat Double Ninth cakes . Grandma Li has a good time and feels very happy.30 . Grandma Li lives in an Old Peoples Home.(_)31 . Grandma Li is good at painting.(_)32 . Grandma Li has painting lessons twice a week.(_)33 . Some students of No.16 Middle School often visit her at weekends.(_)34 . At the Double Ninth festival, the students take Grandma Li to countryside and eat mooncakes.(_)35 . 读对话,完成表格。Mum: What would you like for dinner, Amy?Amy: Id like some bread, beef and milk.Mum: What about you, Mike?Mike: Id like some beef and noodles.Mum: Would you like some chicken or soup?Amy: Id like some chicken.Mike: Me, too. Name Whats for dinner?Amy1.Mike2.六、句型转换36 . 按要求改写句子。1. I would like to be his penfriend. (改位同义句)I _ be his penfriend.2. Does Nancy have any brothers or sisters? (作否定回答)No, _.3. My e-mail address isliuhaischool.com. (对划线部分提问)_ your e-mail address?4. I am twelve years old. (对划线部分提问)_ are you?5. you, think, I, friends, good, will, be (.) (连词成句)_6. address, him, e-mail, can, I, my, give (?)(连词成句)_七、书面表达37 . 书面表达请根据下面的表格,以“My friends”为题写一篇英语小短文。要求: 1)条理清楚、语句通顺;2)不少于5句话。CanCantSarahdancesing English songsAmyplay the pipaplay the pianoJohnplay footballplay basketball_第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、四、单词拼写1、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、句型转换1、七、书面表达1、

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