上海新世纪版英语七年级上Unit 1 This is me单元测试C卷

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上海新世纪版英语七年级上Unit 1 This is me单元测试C卷_第1页
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上海新世纪版英语七年级上Unit 1 This is me单元测试C卷_第3页
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上海新世纪版英语七年级上Unit 1 This is me单元测试C卷一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)WelcometoHechi!_.A . Thatsallright.B . Thankyou.C . Itdoesntmatter.D . Certainly.2. (2分)-_ you sing these English songs?-No, we cant.A . AreB . CanC . DoesD . Have3. (2分)Wherethe computer?on the teachers desk.A . is; ItsB . are; They areC . is; ItsD . are; It is4. (2分)The glasses _nice. I like _ very much. A . is; itB . are; themC . is; themD . are; it5. (2分)Tony gets up early in the morning. He likes to make breakfast _ his family. A . atB . onC . forD . from6. (2分) Look! There are dark clouds in the sky. Youd better take your umbrella. _. Thank you.A . With pleasureB . It doesnt matterC . Im afraid notD . Good idea7. (2分)There _ an art exhibition this Sunday. A . will haveB . is going to beC . is going to have8. (2分) Excuse me! Whats her name? _ name is Judy.A . hisB . HisC . herD . Her9. (2分) _? Yes, he can.A . What can Victor doB . Can I join the clubC . What can I doD . Can Victor join the club10. (2分)Its very kindyou_ help the old people in need.A . to, inB . of ,toC . at,for11. (2分)Its 5:00 a. m. I see _ people on the road. A . fewB . a lotC . littleD . a little12. (2分)Look! He _ in the classroom. A . does eye exercisesB . is doing eye exercisesC . does eye exerciseD . is doing eye exercise13. (2分)Are you a new student?Yes, I _A . amB . isC . areD . be14. (2分)I dont know _. It is said that he is from _. A . where he is; GermanB . if he lives here; GermanC . where he was; GermanD . where he comes from; Germany15. (2分)He couldnt the mobile phone because it was very expensive A . hopeB . affordC . learnD . help16. (2分)John his father.He very handsomeA . looks;looksB . looks like; looksC . looks like;looks likeD . looks;looks like17. (2分)As we all know, playing chess is usually one-to-one game. A . a; aB . /; aC . /; anD . the; a18. (2分)David didnt give up _ he had failed in the experiment four times. A . ifB . soC . thoughD . and19. (2分)Do you like chatting with your friends on the telephone or MSN?_. I use QQ.A . NeitherB . EitherC . BothD . None20. (2分)The bus is coming. Oh, no! Its full. Im afraid we cant _. Dont worry, we have twenty minutes left. We can take a taxi.A . get onB . get upC . get outD . get off二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空Good morning, everyone! Im Frank Smith.1is my first name .Smith is my 2name. I am 3student. My favorite (最喜欢的) 4is blue. My telephone number is 456-3967.There are(有) 5numbers in it. This girl is my friend. 6name is Gina. 7is her favorite color. Look! Her cup and jacket are red! Whats her telephone number?8808-5973. Ms. Miller is 9English teacher. We all like(喜欢)her. That is my classroom(教室).10the number, please.T-H-R-E-E. Yes, Im in Class(班级)Three.(1)A . Frank B . Smith C . Frank Smith D . Smith Frank (2)A . English B . school C . last D . midle (3)A . / B . a C . an D . the (4)A . map B . cup C . color D . name (5)A . four B . five C . six D . seven (6)A . My B . Your C . His D . Her (7)A . Blue B . White C . Red D . Yellow (8)A . It B . Its C . They D . Theyre (9)A . her B . your C . our D . his (10)A . Thank B . Spell C . Meet D . Phone 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)22. (6分)阅读理解 Robert was a greedy(贪婪的)man. One day, he lost 30 gold coins. He went to his friend Mikes house and told him how he lost his gold coins. Mike was kind and decided to help him find them.The next day, Mike went to Roberts house and told him he found his 30 gold coins.After counting the gold coins, Robert said, I had 40 gold coins. Ten of them are missing. You must have taken them. And you should pay me back.No, I didnt take them, said Mike.Robert went to court(法庭)and told the judge(法官)what had taken place between him and his friend.How many gold coins did you find? the judge asked Mike.Thirty, answered Mike.How many gold coins did you lose? the judge asked Robert.Forty, answered Robert.Then those coins are not yours, said the judge, for you lost 40, while your friend found 30.Then the judge told Mike to take the 30 gold coins home.If anybody reports that they have found 40 gold coins, I will send them to you, the judge told Robert.Then Robert said that he didnt tell the truth and that he lost 30 gold coins, but the judge did not listen to him.Always be honest; dishonesty never pays.(1)How many gold coins did Robert lose? A . 30B . 40C . 50D . 60(2)Knowing Robert lost some gold coins, his friend decided to . A . turn to the judge for helpB . lend some gold coins to himC . help him find the gold coinsD . find the gold coins and keep them(3)From the passage we learn that Robert in the end. A . got 40 old coinsB . lost his 30 gold coinsC . got his gold coins backD . gave some gold coins to his friend23. (10分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 This is Monicas day. And she thinks it is interesting and helpful. Lets read it together.Monicas Day6:00-6:10amGet up and get dressed6:00-6:30amBrush teeth and wash face7:00-8:00amWatch news on TV and have breakfast8:30-12:00Have classes12:00-1:00pmLunch time at school1:00-4:30pmHave classes5:00-6:30pmDo homework and have dinner7:00-9:00pmPaint and listen to music9:00pmGo to bed(1)When does Monica have lunch? A . At 11:00B . At 11:30C . At 12:10D . At 13:00(2)Which is the best time for Monica to go to school? A . At 7:20amB . At 6:30amC . At 8:30amD . At 8:05am(3)Monica watches news _ . A . over the videoB . on TVC . in the afternoonD . in the evening(4)Monica have lunch_. A . at schoolB . at a restaurantC . at homeD . We dont know(5)How long does Monica have classes? A . Six hoursB . Eight hours .C . Seven hoursD . Nine hours24. (10分)阅读理解Hello! I am Jack. I am a student in Class Two, Grade Seven. I am thirteen years old now. I have a telephone. My telephone number is seven two three, eight one three.This is my friend. Her name is Cindy. She is my classmate(同学). She is fourteen years old. She has three new books. They are on the desk. She likes to read books very much and she likes to draw, too. Her telephone number is eight five four, two seven eight.(1)How old is Jack? A . 12.B . 13.C . 14.D . 15.(2)Whats Jacks telephone number? A . 323-817.B . 723-813.C . 854-278.D . 584-728.(3)Cindy is Jacks _. A . teacherB . motherC . friendD . sister(4)Cindys books are _. A . in the bagB . on the deskC . near the chairD . under the desk(5)The best title(题目) for the passage(文章) is _. A . My TelephoneB . Cindys BooksC . My Friend and ID . My Classmates25. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。My name is Maria. Im 13. I live in New York City. I often go to school by bike. Riding a bike is good exercise for me. I like watching NBA matches on TV very much. I watch them every week. Its real fun for me. I like pop music a lot, too. My favorite singing star is Michael Jackson. At school, music is my favorite subject. I have a good voice and I play the violin well. I have a dream of being a singer like Madonna.Im Linda. Im 12. I live in Los Angeles. I like playing football and basketball. I play football or basketball every day with my friends after school. I like animals and I also like animal stamps. I have panda stamps from my pen pal. They are very good. On weekends I often go to the mountains to paint pictures. I have painted some very nice pictures. Painting is my life, so Im going to be a painter when I grow up.Im Sophia. My home is in Washington D. C. I like reading and watching programs about travel and history. I often stay at home reading on weekends. At school, I like French very much and Im good at it. Id like to be a guide. I can go around the world and meet a lot of people. That would be great fun. 2(1)Maria goes to school . A . on footB . by bikeC . by bus(2)Linda wants to be when she grows up. A . a singerB . a guideC . a painter(3)likes animal stamps very much. A . MariaB . SophiaC . Linda(4)Sophia is good at at school. A . FrenchB . historyC . music(5)Which is Not True according to the passage? A . Maria lives in New York City.B . Sophia often reads at home.C . Linda can play the violin well.四、 根据汉语提示、首字母提示、英文释义和句意, 写出合适的单词 (共2题;共2分)26. (1分)The rainforest is. _ (消失) now. 27. (1分)You shouldnt c_ my homework. You should do it alone.五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共28分)28. (1分)Be careful! There _(be) some apple juice on the chair. 29. (1分)Would you like_(visit) Dalian? 30. (1分)There is a crowd of _(boy) playing basketball on the playground. 31. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。Last night l went to a concert of Chinese folk music. One piece especially moved me. It _(play) on the erhu. I felt sad and painful. The piece _(name) Erquan Yingyue was one of _(moving) pieces of music that Ive ever heard. The erhu sounded _sad that I almost cried along with it when I listened. Folk musician Abing _(write) the music. He was born in Wuxi, _August 17, 1893. He could play many musical instruments with his fathers help. By age 17, he was known for _(he) musical skills. Today, Abings Erquan Yingyue is _great piece. Many greatest erhu masters play _praise it. It has become one of Chinas national _(treasure).32. (1分)Would you mind giving me some _ (advice) on how to plant trees? 33. (1分)The cold weather caused the plants _ (die). 34. (1分)I was excited when I got a ticket _ the movie Iron Man. 35. (1分)My father will buy me a new_(电脑)on my birthday.36. (1分)Do you make any _ (friend) here?37. (10分)根据括号里的单词提示,完成短文填空。Mr. Brown is a young and _(success) businessman. He _(live) in the countryside and he often drives his car to his office.One day, while Mr. Brown _(drive) down a street _the loud music on, he saw some children running around. Suddenly, a stone _(fly) to his cars door! He jumped _of the car and shouted to a girl, Thats my new car and it will _(cost) a lot of money to repair it!Im sorry.I didnt know what else _(do). The girl said.With tears in her eyes, the girl pointed to a boy lying on the ground. Its my brother. She said. He fell out of his wheelchair and I _(not lift) him up. Hes too heavy for me. I just wanted to get your attention. After _(hear) her words, Mr. Brown lifted the boy back into the wheelchair.Mr. Brown keeps the dent (凹痕) to remind him not to go through life so fast, or someone will have to throw a stone at you to get your attention!六、 首字母填空。 (共1题;共2分)38. (2分)请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。形容词:h_有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的d_死的;失去生命的;七、 翻译下列句子。 (共1题;共25分)39. (25分)翻译下列句子。(1)你表弟是在八年级吗?(2)我知道如何照顾这只狗。(3)我的哥哥擅长语文和英语。(4)西蒙的叔叔戴眼镜吗?(5)我和我的家人一起住在上海。八、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)40. (5分)生活中,不良习惯常会给我们带来一些麻烦,甚至会影响我们的身心健康。请你以 Say No to Bad Habits为题,写一篇英语短文。70词左右。内容要求:1.讲讲你有哪些不良习惯;2.谈谈它们给你带来了什么麻烦;3.说说今后你有什么打算。Say No to Bad Habits第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)22-1、22-2、22-3、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、四、 根据汉语提示、首字母提示、英文释义和句意, 写出合适的单词 (共2题;共2分)26-1、27-1、五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共28分)28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、六、 首字母填空。 (共1题;共2分)38-1、七、 翻译下列句子。 (共1题;共25分)39-1、39-2、39-3、39-4、39-5、八、 书面表达. (共1题;共5分)40-1、

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