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第 1 页 共 20 页 人教版八校 2020届九年级下学期英语期中测试 I 卷 姓名 班级 成绩 一 单选选择 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中 共 15题 共 30分 1 2 分 It s time to have lunch Bob Oh let me finish my work first Then let s have big lunch A a B C a a D a 2 2 分 There are some apples the tree and some birds are singing the tree A on on B in on C on in D in in 3 2 分 2019八下 广州期中 They are twins but of them does well in English A none B either C both D neither 4 2 分 It s too hot Would you mind the door 第 2 页 共 20 页 please do it now A to open Ok B opening Certainly C to open Good idea D opening Of course not 5 2 分 It s said that people flew to Paris during the Easter week A thousand of B thousands of C two thousands D two thousand of 6 2 分 When you your homework I had finished it before he back A have finished came B have finished was coming C did finish came D did finish was coming 7 2 分 you look after it carefully this coat will keep you warm through many winters A If B Unless C Before D So 第 3 页 共 20 页 8 2 分 Mum I visit the Movie Museum tomorrow I m afraid you can t It is closed on Monday A must B may C should D need 9 2 分 lovely day Let s go for a walk A What B What a C How D How a 10 2 分 2016八下 昭阳期中 He forgot the classroom this morning The teacher got angry with him A cleaning B clean C to clean D cleaned 11 2 分 Be careful of the dog It s Keep away from it A gentle B aggressive C lovely D interesting 第 4 页 共 20 页 12 2 分 2018七上 凉州期中 Please call Mr Wu 238 8977 A of B on C in D at 13 2 分 2017八下 枣阳期中 It s useful for the deaf people to learn sign language Yes it s a major way of for them A suggestion B vacation C production D communication 14 2 分 2019九上 尤溪月考 Do you know there s a test tomorrow I m not sure Maybe you can ask Mr Wang A when B whether C What had 15 2 分 Tom won the first prize again How great he is Who did you talk about A Pardon me B I m sorry C Come on D Forget it 第 5 页 共 20 页 二 完形填空 共 1题 共 10分 16 10 分 2017九上 绵阳月考 完形填空 B Hannah Taylor is a schoolgirl from Canada One day when she was five years old she was walking with her mother in downtown They saw a man 1 out of a rubbish can She asked her mother why he did that and her mother said that the man was homeless and hungry Hannah was very 2 She couldn t understand why some people had to live their lives without houses or enough food Hannah started to think about how she could 3 but of course there is not a lot one five year old can do to solve the problem of homelessness Later when Hannah attended school she saw another homeless person It was a woman 4 an old shopping trolley 购物车 which was full of 5 It seemed that everything the woman owned was in them Hannah 6 to do something She had been talking to her mother about the lives of homeless people 7 they first saw the homeless man Her mother told her that if she did something to change the problem she wouldn t 8 so bad Hannah began to speak out about the homelessness She hoped to 9 her message of hope She started the Ladybug Foundation 基金 and began to raise money Hannah is one of many examples of young people who are making a 10 in the world You can too 1 A standing B eating C crying D waving 2 A proud B nervous 第 6 页 共 20 页 C shy D upset 3 A behave B manage C help D work 4 A pushing B carrying C buying D holding 5 A goods B bottles C foods D bags 6 A needed B decided C served D reminded 第 7 页 共 20 页 7 A since B unless C although D as 8 A sound B get C feel D look 9 A change B leave C keep D spread 10 A choice B crossing C discussion D difference 三 阅读理解 共 3题 共 36分 17 10 分 2018七下 雅安期末 阅读理解 第 8 页 共 20 页 The Wenhua International School You must You mustn t Arrive at school by 7 30 every morning Wear jeans Hand in your homework by 8 00 Eat or drink in the classroom Look clean and tidy Bring MP3 to school Eat or drink in the dining hall Run or shout in the school buildings Stay on the playground at break time Talk loudly in the hallways Stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom Fight 1 What can t you do when you are in the school buildings A Eat or drink B Run or shout C Talk loudly 2 What can t you bring to school A MP3 B Food C Drinks 3 What do you have to do when your teacher comes into the classroom A Hand in your homework B Clean the classroom C Stand up 4 Where can you eat or drink at school A On the playground 第 9 页 共 20 页 B In the dining hall C In the classroom 5 When do you have to get to school every morning A By half past seven B By eight C By thirty past eight 18 10 分 阅读理解 Toby New York New York Toby was Ella Wendel s pet dog Ella was very rich and she loved Toby very much She left Toby 15 million 百万 in 1931 Gigoo Oxfordshire England This was a really rich chicken She was a special kind of chicken with short legs Her owners 主人 kept a number of other chickens too but they left Gigoo about 10 million when they died Grumpy Cat Morristown Arizona Grumpy Cat is an Internet star She is famous for her unhappy look The cat s real name is Tardar Sauce She wrote some books and even acted in a movie Although the cat looks worried maybe she is really happy with her big fortune 财产 Blackie Domey England 第 10 页 共 20 页 Think black cats are unlucky Meet Blackie Though his owner had 14 other cats Blackie lived the longest and got his owner s money of about 12 5 million in 1988 1 In1931 Ella left her pet A a big house B a new car C a lot of money D a lot of food 2 What can we know about Gigoo A She died in 1988 B She had very long legs C She was the only pet of her owners D She was a chicken living in England 3 Tardar Sauce is famous for her A beautiful hair B unhappy look C special name D interesting books 4 How many cats did Blackie s owner have A 12 B 13 C 14 D 15 第 11 页 共 20 页 5 What do the four pets have in common A They were rich B They were smart C They had famous owners D They came from the same place 19 16 分 Is your TV connected to the Internet What about your chair or your fridge It is possible that they are not But in the future most things in your home may be connected as the so called Internet of things is developing The Internet of things may be coming sooner than you think It is reported that during his speech earlier this year Samsung CEO 首席执行官 BK Yoon spent a lot of time talking about the Internet of things He said that five years from now every Samsung product will be part of the Internet of things whether it s a washing machine or a vacuum cleaner 吸尘器 So how do household 家用 objects that are part of Internet of things work Well think of a usual chair When connected to the Internet the chair warms up when it knows that the user has just walked into the room and is feeling cold An Internet connected camera like a smart home camera could help people feel safer in their homes It can recognize 识别 people s faces and even can see when someone passes by in the dark Then it can send you a message on your smartphone to let you know who s there If the person is someone you don t know it can tell you that too But according to MIT Technology Review whether companies are connecting dog food bowls or security 安全 systems to the Internet there may be problems For example many early connected home devices 装置 don t have much built in security which means they could be hacked 被黑客攻击 In addition it could be difficult to get these devices to work together because they are made by different companies To fight this many companies have joined the Open Interconnect Consortium which had 45 members by late 2014 So picture this you walk in through the front door of your home The temperature changes to make you feel comfortable after a long day at school Your favorite music starts playing for you 第 12 页 共 20 页 Do you think that this would be a good thing It may happen sooner than you think 1 The Samsung CEO s speech is mentioned to prove that A the Internet of things will appear in our daily life sooner B Samsung has produced the Internet of things recently C Samsung products have been part of the Internet of things D he spent a lot of time talking about the Internet of things 2 The Samsung CEO s speech is mentioned to prove that A the Internet of things will appear in our daily life sooner B Samsung has produced the Internet of things recently C Samsung products have been part of the Internet of things D he spent a lot of time talking about the Internet of things 3 We can infer 推断 from paragraphs 3 and 4 that A the chair can know whether the user feels cold or not B a usual chair can warm up when it knows the user comes in C an Internet connected camera can be used to take photos in the house D an Internet connected camera can be connected to the user s smartphone 4 We can infer 推断 from paragraphs 3 and 4 that A the chair can know whether the user feels cold or not 第 13 页 共 20 页 B a usual chair can warm up when it knows the user comes in C an Internet connected camera can be used to take photos in the house D an Internet connected camera can be connected to the user s smartphone 5 According to the passage it is mentioned that the temperature inside is neither too high nor too low your fridge provides the drinks for you the chair warms up if you feel cold your favourite music starts playing your washing machine starts working A B C D 6 According to the passage it is mentioned that the temperature inside is neither too high nor too low your fridge provides the drinks for you the chair warms up if you feel cold your favourite music starts playing your washing machine starts working A 第 14 页 共 20 页 B C D 7 What s the problem about the Internet of things A Companies which produce connected home devices haven t joined together B Connected home devices may not work together and can easily get hacked C Companies have difficulty connecting security system to the Internet D These new devices are produced by different companies 8 What s the problem about the Internet of things A Companies which produce connected home devices haven t joined together B Connected home devices may not work together and can easily get hacked C Companies have difficulty connecting security system to the Internet D These new devices are produced by different companies 四 任务型阅读 共 2题 共 30分 20 5 分 2019九上 顺德月考 请阅读下面有关蔡徐坤的文章 根据所提供的信息 完成信息卡 Cai Xukun has always dreamed of being a singer Now he is getting closer to his dream 第 15 页 共 20 页 On April 6 the 19 year old boy was the most popular on the online reality show Idol Producer 偶像练习生 Cai and another eight young men who were chosen from 100 young people will form a band called Nine Percent To many people Cai is lucky to be able to start his dream at such a young age But he had to face many challenges Cai has enjoyed singing and dancing since he was quite young When he was in primary school Cai was chosen to form TFboys At 13 Cai started to appear on shows as well as on TV and in movies However as his career was beginning Cai s parents sent him to the United States to study music When Cai came back to China four years later he started his dream by appearing on another reality show called Super Idol He was a winner on the show and went on to become a member of a group called SWIN But last year Cai decided to end his contract 合约 with the group claiming he had been treated unfairly He became involved in a long lasting lawsuit 官司 Although he faces many difficulties Cai remains positive A man has to experience more before he becomes really powerful he said He sees his win at Idol Producer as a new beginning I ll try to forget the ups and downs of the past he said This is where my dream really starts Information card The dream of Cai Xukun The time when he won the show The age of Cai when he first appeared on shows The name of his group The place where his dream really starts 21 25 分 2016七下 泰州期中 请根据上面材料按要求回答问题 Now and then we all get ill Then we usually go to see a doctor Doctors know a lot about what makes us ill They may give us something to take The medicine 药 often makes us well again But sometimes the doctor s medicine doesn t work A sick person does not get well The pain 疼痛 will not go away This happened to one man He was in hospital but he was not getting well Then he found a new doctor inside himself This new doctor was his own sense of humor He saw funny 第 16 页 共 20 页 films He read funny books And something wonderful happened Laughing took away his pain Then he was able to sleep and rest His own happy feeling helped him to feel well again He said laughing was his best medicine His doctor thought so too Another man was also ill and he had a terrible pain in his back The doctors could not stop it from hurting So the man began to Picture his pain In his head he drew a picture of a dog He imagined 想象 it as a real dog And he made friends with the dog And his pain went away These stories may surprise you But more and more people are getting well in this way So visit the doctor inside your own head and you can stay happy and well 1 If we get ill what will we do Three words 2 Why can t some sick men get well after they see a doctor Five words 3 What made the first sick man get well Five words 4 What made the second sick man get well again Five words 5 Why does the writer ask us to visit the doctor inside our head Seven words 五 词汇 每空一词 共 1题 共 5分 22 5 分 根据句意和首字母或汉语提示 将单词的正确形式写在题中相应的横线上 Do you think playing basketball is very i E me David Is this your watch Do you know your teacher s t number 第 17 页 共 20 页 She eats 健康的 food every day The music 听起来 good 六 根据句意 用所给单词的适当形式填空 共 5题 共 5分 23 1 分 2016七下 淮安期中 She water the flowers the day after tomorrow 24 1 分 2015七上 扬州期末 I like this pair of boots can I try on it 25 1 分 2016九上 个旧期中 The light bull 灯泡 is one of Edison s invent 26 1 分 2016八下 桥东期末 Tony goes to a special school for the able children 27 1 分 This lady was greatly surprise at what had happened to her pet 七 首字母填空 共 1题 共 10分 28 10 分 2017九上 夏津期中 根据首字母和汉语提示 完成下列单词的拼写 使句意明确 语言通 顺 Museums have changed They are no longer places that one should go but to e At a s museum in Canada you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body At the Children s Museum in New York you can play an African drum There are no Do Not Touch s in some other museums in the USA More and more museum directors have realized that people learn beat when they can become part of what they are seeing In many science museums the visitors are encouraged to t listen operate and experiment so as to discover scientific rules for themselves The p is not only to provide fun but also help people feel at home in the world of science If people don t understand science they will be afraid of it and if they are afraid of science they will not make the best use of it One cause of all these c is the increase in wealth and spare time A cause is the growing number of young people Many of them are college students or college graduates They see things in a new and different w The old museums have been changing and the government is e the building of new modern museums In the States and Canada there are more than 6 000 museums almost twice as m as there were 第 18 页 共 20 页 25 years ago 八 书面表达 共 1题 共 5分 29 5 分 英文有句谚语 East wast home s best 某英文报以此为标题 向广大中学生征文 请 根据下面图表信息写一篇短文 介绍你家的情况 内容包括 你家的居室及居住环境 家庭成员及家庭成员之间 的关系 并谈谈如何让你的家更美好 提示 1 短文应包括图表中的全部信息 条理清楚 行文连贯 2 短文中不能出现真实的人名和地名 3 词数不少于 80 开头已给出 不计入总词数 East west home s best 第 19 页 共 20 页 参考答案 一 单选选择 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中 共 15题 共 30分 1 答案 略 2 答案 略 3 答案 略 4 答案 略 5 答案 略 6 答案 略 7 答案 略 8 答案 略 9 答案 略 10 答案 略 11 答案 略 12 答案 略 13 答案 略 14 答案 略 15 答案 略 二 完形填空 共 1题 共 10分 16 答案 略 三 阅读理解 共 3题 共 36分 17 答案 略 18 答案 略 第 20 页 共 20 页 19 答案 略 四 任务型阅读 共 2题 共 30分 20 答案 略 21 答案 略 五 词汇 每空一词 共 1题 共 5分 22 答案 略 六 根据句意 用所给单词的适当形式填空 共 5题 共 5分 23 答案 略 24 答案 略 25 答案 略 26 答案 略 27 答案 略 七 首字母填空 共 1题 共 10分 28 答案 略 八 书面表达 共 1题 共 5分 29 答案 略

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