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Unit16 On the London Eye在伦敦眼上句型与结构词There are two cars in/on/under .Are there any women in front of / near / beside .?There arent any children in the park.There are some children in the classroom.How many boats are there in .?I cant see any children in . but I can see some in .There are two men in the street. They are policemen.课文注释:题目:On the London Eye乘坐几乎所有的交通工具我们都on来表示。图1:Isnt this fun? Isnt.? 需要用“Yes”来回答的疑问句;fun抽象的不可数名词前面不加冠词。图2:the River Thames 河流名称前面要加the;the River Thames 表示名称的首字母要大写泰晤士河是流经伦敦及伦敦河口汇入大海的一条河流。它会有潮汐现象,即使在伦敦市的西边(内陆)也如此;只有在涨潮的时候,船只才能进出伦敦塔桥上游的伦敦池(Pool of London)。图3:Tower Bridge 在地标性建筑的纪念物的名称前不加冠词。 Its open 塔桥(Tower Bridge)的桥身可以分开并抬起,大型般只可以由此驶向上游的伦敦池。 Pass me 与give me和show me作比较一双宾语动词,其间接宾语是me,直接宾语是the binoculars。固定短语。the binoculars 只有复数形式,后接复数动词。图4:Can you see any ships there? 我们用a ship来表示非具体所指的单数名词。问句中的复数用any ships来表示。Any指不确定的数量。I can see one one,代词,指代“one ship”。 Westminster Bridge 在地标性建筑和纪念物的名称前不加冠词。 Some people/cars/buses some用于肯定句中,表示不确定数量的复数名词。 图6:Big Ben 著名的塔钟,与议会大厦毗邻。它的钟声通过英国广播电台BBC传遍世界,因此成为伦敦的象征。其它:否定疑问句1、定义:疑问句的否定结构称为否定疑问句。2、构成:完全式 助动词+主语+not+? 简略式 助动词的否定缩略式+主语+? 例如:(1)一般疑问句:Are you my uncle, Tom? 你是我叔叔汤姆吗? 否定疑问句:Are you not my uncle, Tom? Arent you my uncle, Tom? 难道你不是我叔叔汤姆吗? (2)一般疑问句:Is this great? 很棒吗? 否定疑问句:Is this not great? Isnt this great? 这难道不棒吗?3、回答方式:回答否定疑问句时,如果是肯定的回答要用yes,加肯定句;否定的回答要用no,加否定句。例如:(1)Isnt this interesting? 这难道没有趣吗 Yes, it is. 不,有趣。 No, it isnt. 对,没有趣。(2)Arent you happy? 你难道不高兴吗?Yes, I am. 不,我高兴。No, Im not. 是的,我不高兴。 【注】这类否定疑问句一般表示希望得到肯定答复。不定代词some, any1、定义:不指明代替任何特定名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词。不定代词表示各种程度和各种类型的不定意义。2、用法:some, any作为不定代词,意思是“一些” 、“几个”的时候,用于表示不定数或不定量,可以修饰复数名词。一般说来,some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句。 例如:(1)肯定句:There are some apples on the table. 桌子上有一些苹果。 否定句:There are not any apples on the table. 桌子上没有苹果。 疑问句:Are there any apples on the table? 桌子上有苹果吗?句型讲解陈述句Daisy/Icantbelieve this.We/Theyare/re(all)together on the London Eye.Ican seeTower BridgeTherearesome people on the bridge.一般疑问句Isntthisfun/great/grey?Canyou/shebelieve it?/see Tower Bridge?Arethereany people on the bridge?特殊疑问句Whereare Daisy and Jack?What is grey and silver?What colouris the river?whatcan they see?What timeis it?How many shipsare there?总结答案:Daisy, Jack and Claire are all together on the London Eye. The River Thames is grey and silver. Tower Bridge is open. Claire can see one ship, and some boats. There are some people on Westminster Bridge, and there are some cars and buses on the bridge. It is twelve oclock.听力:Lucy: Flora and her Dad are here today, but I cant see them.Paul: What about those people with the dogs?Lucy: Hmm.I cant see them very well. No, those dogs arent Floras. Floras dogs are both very big. Thosr dogs are small.Paul: show me. Pass me the binoculars, please.Lucy: Just a minuteNo, I cant see them. . OK. Here you are.Paul: Whos that man with the camera? No, that isnt Floras father. Are you sure they are here today?Lucy: Oh, look, Paul! I can see them! There they are. Can you see that girl on the horse? Thats Flora. Lets go and meet them.答案:Flora is the girl on the horse. Floras father is the man beside her.填词游戏:横栏:1 church 3 River 4 ready 5 people 竖栏:1 camera 2 BridgeUnit17 Smile, please!笑一笑!句型与结构词Can you do Maths? Yes, I can. / No, I cant.Can you drive a car?Yes, I can. Its easy. / No, I cant. Its difficult.Can you play tennis? Yes, I can. Im good at it. / No, I cant. Im useless at it.课文注释:题目:Smile, please 这是摄影师对摄影对象发出的典型指令。图15:smile/watch/look/come/take 这些词都是祈使动词。在can/cant后面它们也是原形。图15:can后面接不带to的不定式(与祈使动词形式相同)can balance,can do,can take等。在疑问句中,can放在主语前面:Can you balance? (与Are you?/Is he? 等用法相同),主语后面接不带to的不定式。否定式cant的构成方式与isnt/arent类似。(我们教给学生cant而不是cannot,cant更常用,而cannot不常用,在某些情况下cannot似乎过于强调否定了。现在不要把它介绍给学生。) 图1:can balance on this ball can在这指能力。 do it/that do是及物动词:它后面总是跟一个宾语,如:it/this/that。 I can try can在这里指“可能性”=“it is possible for me to try”(我有可能试一试)图2:as well 与too可以互换使用,放在动词短语的后面。 图3:on my knees 即“kneeling”(跪着)。我们在所有描述身体部位的短语中都用on: on my/ones head/back/front/hands/feet等等。 Its fun fun是名词补语,its fun的意思是It is enjoyable(有趣的)。图4:good at/useless at + 名词 两个形容词都与at搭配。图4和图5:gymnastica,Maths(Mathematics的缩写)有一类名词以-ics结尾,形式上是复数,但是它们表示某个研究或实践的学科名称的时候,后面总是跟单数动词:Maths is fun.(美式英语中把缩写成Math,而不是Maths。)图5:Never mind! 感叹句=“Theres no need for you to be upset!”(没关系,别沮丧!) Maths,Music 当它们指学术性研究学科时,要把首字母大写。 you can take a photo can在这里指“it is possible for you to take a photo” (你可以拍一张照片)。Take a photo的意思是“operate a camera”(操作一架相机),而不是“be in a picture”(在照片中)【中国人经常把take和have相混淆。Take: Can I take a photo for you?(我给你拍张照片)Have: Can I have a photo of you and me together = Can I have a photo of me with you?(我的朋友会给我们拍照。)】 其它:can 情态动词情态动词的特点是它有一定的词义,和另一动词构成谓语,在各种人称后都用同样的形式。1、can表示能力,意为“会、能” ,可用于各种人称。I can balance on this ball. 我能在这个球上保持平衡。此处can表示主语所具有的能力。can后面加动词原形,否定式为cant,表示主语不具备某种能力。例如:I cant swim. 我不会游泳。2、can表示可能性。I can try. 我可以试试。 此处can不指能力,而是“可以”的意思。3、变一般疑问句直接把can放在主语前面,句尾用问号。肯定回答用can,否定回答用cant。be good at/ be useless at1、be good at表示“擅长.” ,其中at是介词,后面接名词或动名词。He is good at Maths. 他擅长数学。He is good at running. 他擅长跑步。2、be useless at表示“在差劲” ,是be good at的反义词,at是介词,后面接名词或动名词。She is useless at English. 她在英语上差劲。She is useless at jumping. 她在跳高上差劲。look,look at,see,watch都有“看”的意思,但是“看”法不同: look指集中注意力地看,是有意的,强调“看”的动作,做动词,看静态东西,通常是没有看的目标,是不及物动词,后面不能直接接宾主,做语气词,引起某人的注意,单独用的时候表示提醒对方注意单。例如: Look! Tom is over there.看!汤姆在那儿。 Look at是一个常用词组,“看,注视某人或某物” ,表示看的动作和目的,但不一定能看得见或看得清楚,通常接宾语,其宾语可以是指人的词语,也可以是指物的词语。Look at the blackboard, please.请看黑板。 see强调“看”的结果,意为“看见、看到”。表示视觉器官有意识或无意识地看到物体,强调看见或没看见什么内容,表示看到的结果,常用作及物动词(一般不用进行时态),后面直接跟宾主。例如: How many birds can you see in the tree? 你能看到树上有多少只鸟儿? watch强调“专注地看,观看,注视”,指比较大的注意力观看,有欣赏的意味,常用于看电视、看球赛等。常用作及物动词,有“注视动静”之意,可以直接加宾主,指明是看什么,但不见得看到了什么,多掌握固定搭配。例如: watch TV,watch a film,watch the football matchalso, too, either, as well的区别1、too 和 as well 多用于口语中,语气较轻,通常用于肯定句或疑问句,一般不用于否定句,且通常放在句末。如:I like you too as well. 我也喜欢你。too 有时也紧跟在主语后(注:as well 不这样用),此用法较正式。如:在 Me too, You too 这类简略答语中,通常不用 as well, also。如:A:Im tired. 我累了。B:Me too. 我也是。2、also 比 too 和 as well 正式,一般也不用于否定句,它在句中的位置通常是紧靠动词,即放在行为动词之前,特殊动词之后。有时为了强调也放在句末(但不常见)。如:He also came. / He came also. 他也来了。She is young and beautiful,and also rich. 她年轻漂亮,而且有钱。also 有时用于句首(其后通常有逗号),相当于连词and。如:Also,his mother was dead. 再说,他母亲又过世了。3、either(也)通常只用于否定句,且要放在句末。如:I dont know, either. 我也不知道。He hasnt finished it,either. 他也还没有做完。注:有时在肯定句之后跟一个否定句,可能用 too,also。如:He came, but she didnt also came. 他来了,但她没有也一起来。He went to Washington, but not to New York too.他去了华盛顿,但并不是也去了纽约。take的用法take a photo of sb 是给某人照相,而且就是给他本人照相。take a photo for sb 是为某人照相,相片上不一定有他本人。take a photo拍照片。句型讲解陈述句Ican/cantbalanceon this ball.I/Youcandoit/this/that/MathsIam/mon my knees.You/Theyare(both)/aregood at gymnastics.一般疑问句Canyoudoit/this/that/MathsCanyoubalanceon this ball?/like this?IsVikkigood at Maths?Arethe girlsuseless at Maths?特殊疑问句Whereare Vikki and Flora?Whatcan Lucy and Flora do?Whois good at gymnastics?总结答案:Flora can balance on a ball. Lucy can balance on a ball, too. Vikki cant balance on a big ball like Flora and Lucy. They are both good at gymnastics. Vikki isnt good at it. She is useless. Vikki can do Maths and Music. Lucy is useless at Maths. Vikki can take a photo of Flora and Lucy on her mobile.听力:Q: Real question R: Request1 Can you balance like this?(Q)2 Can you open the door for me, please?(R)3 Can you give me the binoculars, please?(R)4 Can you open the door for me?(R)5 Can you believe that?(Q)6 Can you wait here, please?(R)7 Can you bring me that box?(R)8 Can you see Martin and Flora?(Q)9 Can you tell me your name, please?(R)10 Can you pass me the torch?(R)11 Can you describe the burglar?(Q)12 Can you play football?(Q)13 Can you find his number?(R or Q)14 Can you drive a car?(Q)Unit18 Men can cook, too! 男人也能做饭句型与结构词Whats in the packet? Is it tea? No, it isnt (tea). Its coffee.I cant see any tea. I can. Theres some in the packet.Pass / Give me some milk, please.I cant see a cup in the cupboard. No, there isnt one.I cant see any tea in the cupboard. No, there isnt any.课文注释:题目:Men can cook men 复数可数名词前不加冠词,指“men in general”(泛指男人);can cook cook可以作不及物动词,如此处的用法;也可以作及物动词,如:cook a meal。图15:和“对话练习”的教学要点:本课介绍some和any的用法,i)指不确定数量的不可数名词(some / any rice, some / any water);ii)指复数可数名词(some / any onions, some / any knives, some / any forks, some / any spoons)。图1:Lets / Let us+不带to的不定式 Lets用于提出建议,包括说话人在内。这句话是一个“第一人称复数祈使句”。 cook dinner 提到膳食时通常不加冠词(breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea等等),因为我们提到的是“一般意义”的膳食或场合【表示具体的餐饮时,可以在前面加a / an或the,如A good dinner=a good one of its class.(一顿好晚餐)The dinner is late=This one in particular.(具体指代那顿晚餐)】 some rice / some water=“an indefinite quantity of rice / water”(不确定数量的大米/水)。rice和water通常都是不可数名词。也就是说,它们是单数形式,后面接单数动词。不可数名词指的是“an amount”,“a quantity”(数量),从它们的基本意思来说,没有复数形式。 Some some用于肯定陈述句中。否定陈述句和疑问句中用any。图2:Pass me a knife pass是带双宾语的动词:也就是说,pass后面的第一个名词或代词是动作的“接受者”,第二个名词或代词是动作再次出现时用one来代替。在这种用法中,one前面总要加个限定词:the, a , this, that, which,表示具体是哪一个。图3:chop 及物动词,后面要跟名词或代词作宾语。图4:a spoon 单数可数名词(a spoon, an onion)。 get 及物动词,后面要跟名词或代词作宾语,意思是“obtain”(获得)图5:knives knife的不规则变化的复数形式。 plates,forks,onions,hands 规则变化的复数形式;词尾-s在/t/(plates)和/k/(forks)后读作清音/s/。在/n/(onions,spoons)和/nd/(hands)后面读作浊音/z/。图6:you see 对某事物进行解释时使用的固定短语。Oh, yeah! 表示假装同意,即怀疑。其它:Some与any的区别:1. some和any 既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,some常用在肯定句中,而any则常用在否定和疑问句中。因此 some和any 的用法主要是考虑用在肯定句、疑问句还是否定句中,与名词的可数与否无关。 2. some意为“一些”,可作形容词和代词。它常修饰可数名词复数。如:some books一些书,some boys一些男孩,也可修饰不可数名词,如:some water一些水,some tea一些茶叶,some常用在肯定句中。any意为“任何一些”,它也可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,常用于疑问句和否定句。3. 但在表示建议,反问,请求的疑问句中,或期望得到肯定回答时,多用some而不用any。如: Would you like some coffee? 你要不要来点咖啡? What about some fruit juice? 来点水果汁如何? 4. 当any表示“任何”的意义,起强调作用时,它可以用在肯定句中; Any student can answer this question.任何学生都可以回答这个问题。 must的用法:1)表示主观的义务和必要,主要用于肯定句和疑问句,意思为“必须,得,要”;由must引起的疑问句,肯定回答要用must或haveto,否定回答要用neednt或donthaveto,意思是“不必”;must的否定形式mustnt表示禁止,意思是“不能,不许”。如: I must finish my homework. 我必须完成我的作业MustIfinishthehomeworkrightnow? 我现在必须完成这个作业吗? Yes,youmust./Yes,youhaveto.是的。 (No,youneednt./No,youdonthaveto.不,不必。) 2)表示肯定的猜测,常用于肯定句中,意思为“一定是,必然”。 注意must表示推断或猜测的几种情况: Yoursistermustbeadoctorinthishospital.(现在的猜测) 你姐姐一定是这家医院的医生。 Hemustbereadingnewspapersinthereadingroomnow. (正在进行的猜测) 他此刻一定正在阅览室读报。 haveto/havegotto的用法 1)must表示一种主观的需要,而haveto表示一种客观的需要,意思是“不得不”。如: Ihavetoattendanimportantmeetingthisafternoon. 今天下午我不得不参加一个重要的会议。 2)haveto的否定形式是donthaveto,相当于neednt。如: Theydonthavetobuyacomputeratpresent. 他们目前没有必要买电脑。 3)haveto与havegotto常可以互换。 听力:Lucy: Look at this photo, Dad. Its me in the gym at school.William: Oh, very nice, Lucy! Its a lovely photo of you. Is this your friend, Vikki?Lucy: No, thats not Vikki. Its Flora. Floras captain of gymnastics. Shes very good at sports.William: Yes, I can see that. What about Vikki, then?Lucy: Oh, Vikki cant do these things. That is, she cant do sports. She cant see very well, so shes useless at gymnastics.William: Poor Vikki!Lucy: Not really, Dad. You see, Floras pretty, and shes good at sports, but she isnt clever like Vikki. Vikkis really clever. Shes brilliant at Maths and Science, just brilliant!William: Really?Lucy: Yes, believe me, Dad. And shes good fun, too.William: Is there a photo of Vikki here?Lucy: Im sorry, Dad. There isnt. Vikkis behind the camera, not in front of it.William: Ah, yes, of course! Shes a clever girl!听力答案:1 Flora 2 Vikki 3 Vikki 4 Flora; Vikki 5 Flora 6 Vikki写问题:1 Are there any spoons in this drawer?2 Can you take a photo of us?3 Whose orange juice is this?4 Whats the name of the new English restaurant?5 How many knives are there in the drawer?6 What time is it?7 What colour is the sea here?8 Are you good at sports?9 Where is the tea? 10 Where are the cups?Unit19 You must eat! 你必须吃!句型与结构词Theres a lot of / lots of fish . There are a lot of / lots of peaches .Is there any fish .? Yes, there is, but there isnt any meat.Are there any peaches .? Yes, there are, but there arent any grapes.Buy some bread / peaches, please. Why? There are a lot .Dont buy any bread / peaches. Why not? There arent any .You must eat.课文注释:题目:You must eat must表示不可回避的责任。图15和“对话练习”的教学要点:must后面接不带to的不定式(与祈使句中的动词形式相同)must eat。在疑问句中,must必须放在主语的前面:Must Nina eat something?(与Are you?/Is he? 以及Can I? Can you? 等用法相同)must是助动词,主要动词要放在主语后面。否定式mustnt与isnt / arent的构成形式相同。(否定式mustnt比must not更常用。must not表示非常强烈的禁止,所以通常不太合适。图1:I am, too 不是Im too。如果没有名词、代词或形容词作补语,就不能用缩略式。图2:We can finish now finish可以作及物动词,后面可以跟宾语(如:finish our work),或者也可以作不及物动词,如此处的用法。 Theres some food some food是不可数的(表示数量),所以后面的动词和单数。 图3:I can look, but I cant eat can+动词不定式。 Why not? 这种简短形式代替的是Why can you not eat?。can you和eat是通过上下文的回指来理解的,不必再说一次。 Food is the problem food(不可数) 表示泛指;is 与不可数名词连用的单数动词;the problem 使用定冠词=“the particular problem in this context”(此处上下文中的这个特定问题)。图4:lots of 限定词,后跟复数可数名词(如:good things, peaches)和不可数名词(如:food, luck)。图5:a peach 某类东西中的一个,不管是哪一个。复数是peaches 以-ch结尾的名词变复数时要在后面加-es,读作/pi:tiz/。help yourself yourself,第二人称反身代词。其它:why是疑问副词,表示“为什么”,why not表示“为什么不”一、why not的口语用法1、表示同意或赞成,意为:好的,可以啊,为什么不可以呢A: May I go with you? 我可以和你一起去吗?B: Why not? 可以呀。2、表示劝诱、建议或命令,意为:怎么样,为什么不呢。Why not go there at once? 为什么不马上去呢?3、用来询问愿意(有时表示一种不可理解的心情)意为:为什么不呢?A: Dont touch it. 别碰它。B: Why not? 为什么不能?4、表示坚持自己的观点,态度或做法,意为:为什么不呢A: Are you really going to tell them? 你真的要告诉他们吗?B: Yes, why not? 为什么不呢?二、why not后动词用什么形式以及结构形式why not后习惯上只接动词原形,不能接带to不定式或现在分词,不能接句子,也不能用“why dont+动词原形”这样不伦不类的句子。Youre looking tired. Why not take a holiday?注:在一定语境中,有时why not后可省略动词原形A: Lets meet at the station. 我们在车站见面吧。B: Why not at the hotel? 在饭店不行吗?(句中why not可视为省略了动词wait)lots of,some,与any的用法比较1、lots of表示“许多,大量”,修饰可数名词复数和不可数名词。既可以用于肯定句,也可以用于否定句和疑问句。lots of=a lot of2、不定代词some,any的用法some,any均可以用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词,在这一点上和lots of是相同的。但是some一般用于肯定句,any一般用于否定句和疑问句,而lots of可以用于这三种句型。含有第二人称主语的祈使句祈使句表示请求、命令、建议等。句子中通常不用主语,谓语动词一律用原形。句末用感叹或者句号,用降调。例如:Be careful! 小心! Dont make such a noise. 不要这么吵。肯定的祈使句:动词原形+(省略主语)Stand up. 起立。 Be quite, please. 请安静。有时为了加强语气,可以在动词之前加do。用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那在please之前一定要加一个逗号。祈使句中如果有唤语,一定要用逗号“,”隔开,放在句首或句尾。例如:Li Ming, come here.否定的祈使句:Dont+动词原形+Dont swim in the river. 别在河里游泳。 Please dont be noisy. 请不要在声喧哗。总结:答案It is four oclock. Daisy and Nina are both hungry. There is some food on the table over there. Nina can look, but she cant eat. Food is the problem. There is some fish and some salad. There are some hot dishes, too. Nina mustnt eat. She cant eat and be beautiful. Perhaps she can eat a peach or lots of peaches.听力:Whos this in the picture? Oh, yes, its Nina. Can you remember Nina? Shes that beautiful girl in Daisys photographs. Look at her. Shes tall and thin, with long hair. Shes lovely, isnt she? Her hands are long and elegant. And just look at that blouse and skirt! What an expensive outfit!And what an expensive kitchen! Let me see. Yes, theres a new washing-machine in the kitchen. Very nice! And theres a fine cooker, and a fridge. Lucky Nina! What a lovely kitchen!Whats in the cupboard? I can see two bottles of water. There are some jars, too, sugar coffee riceHmm There is some coffee in the coffee jar. But the sugar jar and the rice jar are both empty! There are some plates in the cupboard, and theres a plate on the table and a bowl as well. But theyre empty! I cant believe this!Its a beautiful kitchen, but there isnt any food in it! The fridge is empty! So whats the matter with Nina? She isnt happy, is she? Poor Nina! Shes very sad. Tell me about Nina. Is she ill? Poor Nina! Shes just hungry.答案:1 a)beautiful 2 b)tall 3 c)expensive 4 b)lovely 5 d)empty 6 c)food 7 a)sad 8 c)hungryUnit20 What a surprise! 好一个意外!句型与结构词l What time is it?l Its a quarter past two / half past two / a quarter to three.l What times / Whens your English lesson?l At one oclock. / At a quarter past two. / At half past two. / At a quarter to six.l I / We must hurry.l Come on! Hurry up!课文注释:题目:What a surprise! What a +名词 惯用感叹句,表示吃惊。 图1:Nice to speak to you 在电话里问候某人的惯用语。 How are you? How is Ken? 朋友和熟人之间开始谈话前的惯用语,表示礼貌的询问。图2:图3和图4:at与具体的时刻连用:at a quarter to,at a quarter past,at half past。图3:cant find cant(cannot的缩略式)=“negative possibility”(否定的可能性)=it is not possible for me to find(我不可能找到);find 及物动词,后面要跟名词或代词作宾语。图4:I must go must表示“necessity”(必须)。与can/cant的用法一样,must后面要跟不带to的不定式(与祈使语气动词的形式相同)。 Can I call you? Can暗含的意思是“possibility”(可能性),引申为“social possibility”(交际方面的可能性)=“permission”(允许)。Can I? 是请求做某事时的惯用语。(有人认为,有时用may和might比用can更“准确”,其实不然:may和might只表示对某个社会或心理地位较高的人更为恭顺,因此,使用得相对较少)。 go 不及物动词,后面常常跟地点状语和时间状语:go there,go now。图6:hurry up 没有up也可以单独使用hurry。Up(副词)与一些不及物动词连用表示“completely”(完全):finish up,write up等。 其它:关于时间1、询问时间:询问时间有两种表达方法:Whats the time? 或者What time is it?2、时间的换算 one minute=sixty seconds 一分钟=六十秒 a quarter=fifteen minutes 一刻钟=十五分钟 half an hour=two quarters=thirty minutes 半小时=两刻钟=三十分钟 an hour=two half hours=four quarters=sixty minutes 一小时=两个半小时=四刻钟=六十分钟3、时间的表达(1)整点:one oclock一点钟(2)非整点用past和to来表示。其中past表示“几点过”,to表示“差不到几点。”half past ten 十点三十分(十点半)a quarter past two 两点十五分(两点一刻)a quarter to two 一点四十五分(差一刻钟不到两点)4、在某一个时间点用at (1) What time is your Maths lesson? 你的数学课在几点? Its at a quarter to five. 在四点四十五。 (2) When is your meeting? 你的会议在几点? Its at nine oclock. 在九点整。情态动词的用法:can, could, may, might都可以用于请求许可,但是can最常用。could, may, might表达请求许可时较为委婉,一般只表示对某个社会或心理地位较高的人更为恭顺,使用较少,在回答中不用could,may,might,而用can或must。Could I open the door? 我可以打开门吗? Yes, you can. () No, you cant/ mustnt()感叹句:由what引导的感叹句what修饰名词或名词短语,有以下两种形式:1、What+a(an)+(形容词)+单数可数名词+主语+谓语!如:What an apple this is! What a fine day it is!2、What+(形容词)+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!What kind women they are! What nice music it is!由How引导的感叹句how用来修饰形容词、副词或动词。其结构是:1、How+形容词(副词)+主语+谓语! How clever the girl is! How quickly the boy is writing!2、How+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!How beautiful a girl she is! 她是个多么漂亮的姑娘啊!3、How+主语+谓语!How time flies! 光阴似箭!what与how引导的感叹句,一般情况下可以相互转换,转换后意义不变。如:What an interesting story it is!=How interesting the story is!What a beautiful building it is!=How beautiful the building is!在口语中,感叹句的主语和谓语常常省略。如:总结:It is now a quarter to six. Lucys music lesson is at half past six. Lucy cant find her music book. She must look in her schoolbag. It isnt there. She is sure. Then it is there. What a surprise! It is now six oclock and Lucy is ready.听力:1、A: Isnt this fun! B: Oh, yes, its great fun!2、A: I cant believe this? Can you? B: No, I cant! its a big su

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